
Wasnt that long ago that Fred and the talking heads were saying what a great place this is to build a career. If you have to learned by now, trust management as much as you trust a strange angry pitbull and make sure you put yourself over company.

This is from another post and I couldn't agree more!

Apparently my manager has more time than he knows what to do with. He has sent back my expense report 4 different times. Is it really that hard to tell me all the stuff that is wrong once? If I pulled that crap, he'd be all over me.

Apparently my manager has more time than he knows what to do with. He has sent back my expense report 4 different times. Is it really that hard to tell me all the stuff that is wrong once? If I pulled that crap, he'd be all over me.

Sounds like a typical JNJ manager trying to justify his do you ever survive day to day without him?....LOL

LOL! It's really difficult but somehow I manage to find a way. I really need him riding with me more frequently to tell me all the ways he would be running my territory and what a better job he would be doing with it. I'm well over 100%.....