Safe vs. Doomed Divisions?

It’s not about teams it’s about people. Hopefully managers will get to choose. Team 2 in our region had the laziest, cheating person I’ve ever known. Never works and none of us can figure out how. Oh, must be that she complained of harassment by a manager. If I lose my job and she stays….
Managers choosing is a bad idea. Too subjective and too much favoritism. In my district, the manager favors the laziest ones who suck up. It should be objective criteria.

Managers choosing is a bad idea. Too subjective and too much favoritism. In my district, the manager favors the laziest ones who suck up. It should be objective criteria.

How is objective criteria possible on team 1 when we are not ranked anymore? Pfizer’s criteria on our “performance “ is almost completely subjective at this point. I don’t think it matters honestly, we will be wiped out as a division but will be told we can post for any jobs that are applicable if we wish.

Thank you as someone on team 1! I agree, we have some amazing talent in my district and I don’t want to see any of them lose their jobs. Unfortunately, I do believe the easiest and least litigious route is to completely eliminate us. I am appreciative of people who view us as people and value who we are versus those who say bye bye team 1; to those people I hope karma occurs in your lives.
The company has been very clear that Team 1 will be dealt with at a separate time. This leads me to believe it’s everyone on the team

It will fly. Almost everyone, as a result of the pandemic, has learned not to rely too much on the hands-on approach. Yes, there are plenty of old timers hanging on but in 2-5 years, they will be outnumbered by a younger, more tech agile group of doctors. Plus, there will be a doctor shortage requiring enablement of technology to reach more patients.

The model has changed forever.

It will fly. Almost everyone, as a result of the pandemic, has learned not to rely too much on the hands-on approach. Yes, there are plenty of old timers hanging on but in 2-5 years, they will be outnumbered by a younger, more tech agile group of doctors. Plus, there will be a doctor shortage requiring enablement of technology to reach more patients.

The model has changed forever.

This may be a dumb question but can someone explain to me what Bold Move 1 and 2 were as we are now working on Bold Move #3….

Great Question! No idea! I’m T1, applied for another opportunity, the timing works out. They’re stringing us along until FDA makes final call on T-MAB! Writing is on the wall with T2 trained on PSRs this week! Not to mention the call out on National call that T1 is part of ops planning!

Managers choosing is a bad idea. Too subjective and too much favoritism. In my district, the manager favors the laziest ones who suck up. It should be objective criteria.

omg my manager is an absolute sweetheart but favors the two laziest reps on the team. One girl basically tells you she’s not doing anything and laughs, the other is so far up her ass she sees through his eyes

The company has been very clear that Team 1 will be dealt with at a separate time. This leads me to believe it’s everyone on the team

Tmab. Tweek my ass bitch. Al Boulanger gave so much to the Biden campaign, he’s hoping his bribe will allow us to sell tmab . With all these boosters, pfizer will secure its financial future as long as we keep producing bogus data as to why we need a booster.

Xeljanz needs to go worse than Biden.
Our leadership is more incompetent than Biden, and decisions make Biden turning over Afgan to the Taliban look mild.

Ax the entire division

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