Iroko Project

From what I observed today, the managers are going w people who don't have experience to keep their costs down. That's not a good sign when launching your 1st products in the US given knowledge and relationships can help them minimize the process.

I think they are going with the no experience reps - during my interview one guy only asked questions about my previous salaries and bonus. I have tons of experience w NSAIDs and pain. I indicated my salary requirements were $68K. Not worth it for me to make a move to something brand new and unproven. No offer for me.

PS I thought the interview process was weird - a holding room with people being called out one by one - weird...

Many very experienced reps that were laid off were called as well as younger reps trying to get into the industry, like in Tulsa. Managers have been contacting the people they are hiring this week.
Hope that helps

Had interview in NJ today, had lot of sales experience sold NSAIDs, worked for start up companies, proven track record thought I was perfect fit, salary range only mid 60's. Was not chosen for position, not sure what they are looking for. Not to disappointed was not exactly my dream job, will be a difficult sell, so called improved version of cox-2's that never had a compliance problem to begin with. With Obama care and push for generics not going to be a fun battle.