Hospital Sales versus PC pain reps


With the new established products division, it looks like the only products that currently have products are hospital (Zyv/Tyg) and Primary Care Pain reps (TSR & PHR) with Lyrica and Celebrex.
It doesn't seem like a good fit to me.I understand the drugs lose patent but it just seems like too many reps. AM I competing with those reps now?


With the new established products division, it looks like the only products that currently have products are hospital (Zyv/Tyg) and Primary Care Pain reps (TSR & PHR) with Lyrica and Celebrex.
It doesn't seem like a good fit to me.I understand the drugs lose patent but it just seems like too many reps. AM I competing with those reps now?

Never seen a Lyrica or Celebrex rep in the hospital and they wouldn't know where to find it beyond pointing up.

Never seen a Lyrica or Celebrex rep in the hospital and they wouldn't know where to find it beyond pointing up.

I sell Lyrica/Celebrex/Flector and used to call on hospitals with a prior pharma company. What's so hard about it? Shmooze the head pharmacists and you're in. Or just hang out at the coffee shop/Starbucks and buy your docs a cup of coffee. Easy job. Even a dolt like me kicked ass in hospitals. Just about any rep in Pfizer can do any sales job in this company quite competently.

So, my little prick, heaven is up, not a hospital. You couldn't even get your shitty put-down correct. I hope I get to compete against your lame ass.

I sell Lyrica/Celebrex/Flector and used to call on hospitals with a prior pharma company. What's so hard about it? Shmooze the head pharmacists and you're in. Or just hang out at the coffee shop/Starbucks and buy your docs a cup of coffee. Easy job. Even a dolt like me kicked ass in hospitals. Just about any rep in Pfizer can do any sales job in this company quite competently.

So, my little prick, heaven is up, not a hospital. You couldn't even get your shitty put-down correct. I hope I get to compete against your lame ass.

Keywords: "and used to"

You proved my point. Thanks PP!

I sell Lyrica/Celebrex/Flector and used to call on hospitals with a prior pharma company. What's so hard about it? Shmooze the head pharmacists and you're in. Or just hang out at the coffee shop/Starbucks and buy your docs a cup of coffee. Easy job. Even a dolt like me kicked ass in hospitals. Just about any rep in Pfizer can do any sales job in this company quite competently.

So, my little prick, heaven is up, not a hospital. You couldn't even get your shitty put-down correct. I hope I get to compete against your lame ass.


I sell Lyrica/Celebrex/Flector and used to call on hospitals with a prior pharma company. What's so hard about it? Shmooze the head pharmacists and you're in. Or just hang out at the coffee shop/Starbucks and buy your docs a cup of coffee. Easy job. Even a dolt like me kicked ass in hospitals. Just about any rep in Pfizer can do any sales job in this company quite competently.

So, my little prick, heaven is up, not a hospital. You couldn't even get your shitty put-down correct. I hope I get to compete against your lame ass.

Shut up you pompous moron! You wouldn't know how to work a hospital if it bit you in the ass. What if the pharmacy director wouldn't meet with you? What if the hospital was closed access? What if you couldn't talk to doctors bc your product wasn't on formulary? I sold Celebrex in the hospital setting too. After vioxx went under, you could be a 5-yr old and sell Celebrex in the hospital. Why don't you try and sell IV antibiotics in the hospital? I'd laugh my ass off watching you cry in your car before each call.

Shut up you pompous moron! You wouldn't know how to work a hospital if it bit you in the ass. What if the pharmacy director wouldn't meet with you? What if the hospital was closed access? What if you couldn't talk to doctors bc your product wasn't on formulary? I sold Celebrex in the hospital setting too. After vioxx went under, you could be a 5-yr old and sell Celebrex in the hospital. Why don't you try and sell IV antibiotics in the hospital? I'd laugh my ass off watching you cry in your car before each call.

You clearly show what you do not know. After Vioxx, Celebrex was a difficult sell due to the broad brushing of the class of drugs. I question your ability to really work a hospital

You clearly show what you do not know. After Vioxx, Celebrex was a difficult sell due to the broad brushing of the class of drugs. I question your ability to really work a hospital

I wish someone would address the original concern. I sat real pretty this year thinking IS is toast but I have Cbx & Lyr. so now we are lumped together. Getting nervous.

So why aren't you in hospitals sales and why did you run back into primary care shared call check-in-the-box call frequency over full number accountability? Can't hack it.

Damn you turds are an angry bitter lot. No I was promoted to a different specialty at the prior company. Hospitals were a beginning position back then. I also was actually number 1in country selling an IV antibiotic zosyn. Then Pfizer bought us out and I'm still in a specialty position.

Yeah shit has changed and nothing is easy anymore, but it's a job and it's easier than many others out there. Hospital sales takes no more skills and savvy than any other gig here.

Damn you turds are an angry bitter lot. No I was promoted to a different specialty at the prior company. Hospitals were a beginning position back then. I also was actually number 1in country selling an IV antibiotic zosyn. Then Pfizer bought us out and I'm still in a specialty position.

Yeah shit has changed and nothing is easy anymore, but it's a job and it's easier than many others out there. Hospital sales takes no more skills and savvy than any other gig here.

I used to think that as well, but hospital sales does take more skills. The environment is not the same as it used to be. Much different than the Zosyn days. If you are not currently in hospital sales, you really have no idea...

I used to think that as well, but hospital sales does take more skills. The environment is not the same as it used to be. Much different than the Zosyn days. If you are not currently in hospital sales, you really have no idea...

Finally a mature response. I agree that hospital sales has changed alot but to say, like the 2nd poster said, that a lyrica rep couldn't do it was preposterous.

I'll talk to some of my hospital rep friends and get the scoop on the changes and new skills needed. Could you elaborate, also?

Damn you turds are an angry bitter lot. No I was promoted to a different specialty at the prior company. Hospitals were a beginning position back then. I also was actually number 1in country selling an IV antibiotic zosyn. Then Pfizer bought us out and I'm still in a specialty position.

Yeah shit has changed and nothing is easy anymore, but it's a job and it's easier than many others out there. Hospital sales takes no more skills and savvy than any other gig here.

Sold Zosyn, and hospital position was the most specialty job at Wyeth, in fact in any pharma company. Hospital reps. have to find their prescribers, no little list to go by and sample drop. They have to work committee's for drug formulary positions, key influencers, and pharmacy level. Its not easy gig, and most don't want the position, esp. in todays hospital environment. Post is a total liar, and the Wyeth hospital position was not entry level. No moron would believe this so why make yourself look stupid. Or can't you help yourself.

Finally a mature response. I agree that hospital sales has changed alot but to say, like the 2nd poster said, that a lyrica rep couldn't do it was preposterous.

I'll talk to some of my hospital rep friends and get the scoop on the changes and new skills needed. Could you elaborate, also?

Then why are the PC Eliquis reps. calling the IS reps. to ask them every little thing about the hospital setting. Either lazy, or don't know what they are doing. Take your pick.

Hey all you hospital sales dips hits. I have sold in both and I can tell you, there is no difference. Most IS reps think their doesn't stink. I tell you all from experience in both, there is no diff. Get off your pedestals. Until you have worked in both, shut up and learn to work with PCP reps. There are a lot of PCP reps IS reps could learn from. The fact that IS reps put themselves above any other rep, tells me we need to unload them ASAP. See the forest and not the tree. Amazing.

Hey all you hospital sales dips hits. I have sold in both and I can tell you, there is no difference. Most IS reps think their doesn't stink. I tell you all from experience in both, there is no diff. Get off your pedestals. Until you have worked in both, shut up and learn to work with PCP reps. There are a lot of PCP reps IS reps could learn from. The fact that IS reps put themselves above any other rep, tells me we need to unload them ASAP. See the forest and not the tree. Amazing.

Then why are IS positions considered a promotion? They don't sample, there's no accountability, they are just trusted to go out there and sell. I'd like to be a hospital rep just to get the experience.

Then why are the PC Eliquis reps. calling the IS reps. to ask them every little thing about the hospital setting. Either lazy, or don't know what they are doing. Take your pick.

Maybe they want to coordinate call cycles. They wouldn't make it past the volunteer greeters for the first month....the crazy gray haired gatekeepers!

IS positions are not a promotion if you are moving from SHR to IS. They have the same level and pay grades as any SHR in Primary Care. PHR's do have lower pay grades.

Not true- IS is higher pay grade. And Primary Care got rid of the SHR "promotion" a couple years ago. Not to mention that IS and Primary Care are two separate divisions. You are comparing apples to oranges.

Sold Zosyn, and hospital position was the most specialty job at Wyeth, in fact in any pharma company. Hospital reps. have to find their prescribers, no little list to go by and sample drop. They have to work committee's for drug formulary positions, key influencers, and pharmacy level. Its not easy gig, and most don't want the position, esp. in todays hospital environment. Post is a total liar, and the Wyeth hospital position was not entry level. No moron would believe this so why make yourself look stupid. Or can't you help yourself.

Really? If you knew your shit you would know the lederle primary care salesforce at WYETH sold zosyn and protonix po and IV in the community hospitals as well as altace and protonix in the field at the same time. They then decided to hire a new division of specialty hospital reps to take over those community hospitals. This was around 2003. It took another rep's whole job to do what we did half the time and were very successful. We pcp reps got protonix on exclusive formulary in almost all of those hospitals and we had zosyn in all and turned it into a blockbuster. That's when they decided to pull it from us in all of their uninfinite wisdom.

So shut the fuck up if you don't know your ass from your head on any subject, punk.

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