60 Minutes

Glad you finally feel this way because previously you wanted the new AG to stop legal marijuana dispensaries in states that legalized it. I'm sure you realize that wish flew in direct contradiction with what you just said. Our state wants 1) Legal recreational marijuana, 2) BC funding, 3) free, legal and safe abortion (for those pesky 'oopsies') and numerous other things. We now have a right to die law for the dying and EXCELLENT, affordable (free if you can't afford it) health care for everyone. We have same sex marriage, swimsuits optional beaches and lifestyle sex clubs for those who so desire. We love our state.

Glad you finally feel this way because previously you wanted the new AG to stop legal marijuana dispensaries in states that legalized it. I'm sure you realize that wish flew in direct contradiction with what you just said. Our state wants 1) Legal recreational marijuana, 2) BC funding, 3) free, legal and safe abortion (for those pesky 'oopsies') and numerous other things. We now have a right to die law for the dying and EXCELLENT, affordable (free if you can't afford it) health care for everyone. We have same sex marriage, swimsuits optional beaches and lifestyle sex clubs for those who so desire. We love our state.

Just like a fool to love a state that has the highest poverty rate in the nation.

What you've got is unsustainable socially and financially, but you're stupid enough to think it's great!

Just like a fool to love a state that has the highest poverty rate in the nation.

What you've got is unsustainable socially and financially, but you're stupid enough to think it's great!

Yeah right, been here for years - nothing but great. Tell me all about it as you d-r-o-o-l :)

Are you wearing your Depends Diapers old man ? Yeah, you're a real playboy alright boss ....Only problem is you are frail,limp,senile and LONELY...Keep up the good work of making the forum a joke like you and Cruz bot another bum who don't work !!

The old mans whole life revolves around this board. How sad is that ? Friday and Saturday nights posting is the sign of one truly lonely old man. I guess the world need losers so at least he knows his place in the food chain which is at the bottom !!!!!!!

I'll say it again, because I know you're slow: highest poverty rate in the nation. Moral cesspool. There's no way I would want to live there.

You couldn't afford to live in Cali Cruz Bot. Cost of living and real estate is way beyond your means, Better stick to that double wide and bible verse. Friday night posting at 2am in morning ? Yeah you got a real banging life huh ? You and the old man are the two biggest clueless jerkoffs to ever post on CP Keep up the good work !

The old mans whole life revolves around this board. How sad is that ? Friday and Saturday nights posting is the sign of one truly lonely old man. I guess the world need losers so at least he knows his place in the food chain which is at the bottom !!!!!!!
I'm confused...what state are you two referring to?
Getting a bit convoluted (surprise).

I'll say it again, because I know you're slow: highest poverty rate in the nation. Moral cesspool. There's no way I would want to live there.

I'm sure we have poverty, I'm sure your state has poverty. Easy for you to say since you won't reveal your state. Moral cesspool? Here are the biggest 'lifestyle' spots in the USA. I presume you define moral cesspool' as an area having adults with an adventurous sex life? Anyway, here they are - as a result of my research: California, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New York, Georgia & Florida.

Thank you for not wanting to live here.

The old mans whole life revolves around this board. How sad is that ? Friday and Saturday nights posting is the sign of one truly lonely old man. I guess the world need losers so at least he knows his place in the food chain which is at the bottom !!!!!!!

LOL, says the guy who posted at 1:49 AM on Saturday (post #5107). Yeah, I had a poker game last night, 2 tables, 6 people each, really lonely.

You couldn't afford to live in Cali Cruz Bot. Cost of living and real estate is way beyond your means, Better stick to that double wide and bible verse. Friday night posting at 2am in morning ? Yeah you got a real banging life huh ? You and the old man are the two biggest clueless jerkoffs to ever post on CP Keep up the good work !

Says the guy who woke up, jerked himself off and came straight to the Poli Board. :cool:

You couldn't afford to live in Cali Cruz Bot. Cost of living and real estate is way beyond your means, Better stick to that double wide and bible verse. Friday night posting at 2am in morning ? Yeah you got a real banging life huh ? You and the old man are the two biggest clueless jerkoffs to ever post on CP Keep up the good work !

I could easily afford to live in Cali, but I don't want to.

Now you can dream up all the idiotic, self-serving fantasies you want to but the truth is that I live in a georgeous home on the golf course in a high end development.

I'm smarter than you are, almost certainly more educated and almost certainly more accomplished, so just run along, loser boy. You are in no position to criticize.

Dont' worry about my life. It's full and satisfying.

I could easily afford to live in Cali, but I don't want to.

Now you can dream up all the idiotic, self-serving fantasies you want to but the truth is that I live in a georgeous home on the golf course in a high end development.

I'm smarter than you are, almost certainly more educated and almost certainly more accomplished, so just run along, loser boy. You are in no position to criticize.

Dont' worry about my life. It's full and satisfying.

Ahhh yes, hitting little balls around with a club and making a scorecard. I have friends who do that. I could do it to. I choose to do something else with my balls and my club. To each his own.

I could easily afford to live in Cali, but I don't want to.

Now you can dream up all the idiotic, self-serving fantasies you want to but the truth is that I live in a georgeous home on the golf course in a high end development.

I'm smarter than you are, almost certainly more educated and almost certainly more accomplished, so just run along, loser boy. You are in no position to criticize.

Dont' worry about my life. It's full and satisfying.

These MORONS have to create fantasy-worlds... the one they live in, and the one they want to believe you live in. The reality is, they can't deal with reality. Any subject of substance they fail miserably. They lack knowledge, facts, wisdom and the capacity to form coherent arguments.

In short... they are losers.

I have met liberals of substance and intelligence. We have thoughtful debates, which never end in agreement, but rather an understanding. These MORONS here, are incapable.

These MORONS have to create fantasy-worlds... the one they live in, and the one they want to believe you live in. The reality is, they can't deal with reality. Any subject of substance they fail miserably. They lack knowledge, facts, wisdom and the capacity to form coherent arguments.

In short... they are losers.

I have met liberals of substance and intelligence. We have thoughtful debates, which never end in agreement, but rather an understanding. These MORONS here, are incapable.

Sadly, you are absolutely correct.

Well lookie who thinks their hot shit because they live on a golf course - whoopie! Look at me, look at me! You are one funny boy with zero substance or moral fiber.

Look at me, look at me, I live on a gopher field....... too funny.......

These MORONS have to create fantasy-worlds... the one they live in, and the one they want to believe you live in. The reality is, they can't deal with reality. Any subject of substance they fail miserably. They lack knowledge, facts, wisdom and the capacity to form coherent arguments.

In short... they are losers.

I have met liberals of substance and intelligence. We have thoughtful debates, which never end in agreement, but rather an understanding. These MORONS here, are incapable.
I'm not a moron.
I was tested.

Well lookie who thinks their hot shit because they live on a golf course - whoopie! Look at me, look at me! You are one funny boy with zero substance or moral fiber.

Look at me, look at me, I live on a gopher field....... too funny.......

Yes! Let's all bow to Mr Hot Shit - too funny, an 'upscale golf course' - whoopie do.............they're a dime a dozen in CA.