60 Minutes

First repeal Wall Street regulations then privatization of social security. What could go wrong?

Good on paper... but could be disastrous.... what if individuals or their investment counselors make poor investment choices.... then what will they do? I have lost track of how many banks have been fined for bad behavior since the 2008 meltdown. Imagine if they were deregulated.

Calm down and quit wetting yourself. I'll take the market over the government any day. Anybody with good sense would.

What you don't understand is that the outcome with government can be disastrous too. that never crossed your mind did it?

Also one of the regulations they want to appeal prevents investment counselors from putting your money into (for example) mutual funds they get kickbacks from. In other words, they want to 'rig the system again'. Not the election - the investment industry. So the person who has faithfully paid their Soc Sec for years can get screwed with a capital F. Thanks Donald.

Idiot boy, the government screws people all the time, but your too stupid to think about that.

Idiot boy, the government screws people all the time, but your too stupid to think about that.

You're a name caller with no substance to post. What time did you start drinking tonight and what? Whisky? Or Vodka.......:rolleyes:. You're nasty when you drink - but - you know that, right? :cool:

You should call AA. :)

You're a name caller with no substance to post. What time did you start drinking tonight and what? Whisky? Or Vodka.......:rolleyes:. You're nasty when you drink - but - you know that, right? :cool:

You should call AA. :)

Apricot water and some Cola. Yeah, I've been hitting the hard stuff tonight.

As usual all you have are idiotic lies and distraction. You lose again.

Apricot water and some Cola. Yeah, I've been hitting the hard stuff tonight.

As usual all you have are idiotic lies and distraction. You lose again.

Libtards are not very well thought out people. They have blind devotion to their cult. They are so uninformed that they can't even defend their whacky positions.
It's just government, government... how do we get more government? We love government. Government will regulate our lives and our society to create Utopia.

Here's the worst part... Government FORCES you into their Ponzi-Schemes.
These DRONES totally neglect the history of all-powerful, centralized government. They honestly believe government is benevolent.
You really are a NUT!!
Pretty obvious with all the anger, unsubstantiated conspiracy beliefs and just plain ignorance in general.
Enjoy the next 4 years.

Libtards are not very well thought out people. They have blind devotion to their cult. They are so uninformed that they can't even defend their whacky positions.
It's just government, government... how do we get more government? We love government. Government will regulate our lives and our society to create Utopia.
Definitely a NUTTER

Libtards are not very well thought out people. They have blind devotion to their cult. They are so uninformed that they can't even defend their whacky positions.
It's just government, government... how do we get more government? We love government. Government will regulate our lives and our society to create Utopia.

You couldn't be more correct.

You couldn't be more correct.

Thanks dude. We will continue to rely on facts, logic, wisdom and history, while these libtards cling to blind faith in their cult.

Divided government, with limited powers, spread throughout the states and local authorities will help to ensure our future, individual liberty.

God Bless America!

Are you wearing your Depends Diapers old man ? Yeah, you're a real playboy alright boss ....Only problem is you are frail,limp,senile and LONELY...Keep up the good work of making the forum a joke like you and Cruz bot another bum who don't work !!

Thanks dude. We will continue to rely on facts, logic, wisdom and history, while these libtards cling to blind faith in their cult.

Divided government, with limited powers, spread throughout the states and local authorities will help to ensure our future, individual liberty.

God Bless America!
God thinks you are an idiot.

Thanks dude. We will continue to rely on facts, logic, wisdom and history, while these libtards cling to blind faith in their cult.

Divided government, with limited powers, spread throughout the states and local authorities will help to ensure our future, individual liberty.

God Bless America!

Sieg Heil
Welcome to the Brave New World

Sieg Heil
Welcome to the Brave New World

Glad you finally feel this way because previously you wanted the new AG to stop legal marijuana dispensaries in states that legalized it. I'm sure you realize that wish flew in direct contradiction with what you just said. Our state wants 1) Legal recreational marijuana, 2) BC funding, 3) free, legal and safe abortion (for those pesky 'oopsies') and numerous other things. We now have a right to die law for the dying and EXCELLENT, affordable (free if you can't afford it) health care for everyone. We have same sex marriage, swimsuits optional beaches and lifestyle sex clubs for those who so desire. We love our state.
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Glad you finally feel this way because previously you want the new AG to stop legal marijuana dispensaries in stares that have legalized it. I'm sure you realize that wish flies in direct contradiction with what you just said. Our state wants 1) Legal recreational marijuana, 2) BC funding, 3) free, legal and safe abortion (for those pesky 'oopsies') and numerous other things. We now have a right to die law for the dying and EXCELLENT, affordable (free if you can't afford it) health care for everyone. We have same sex marriage, swimsuits optional beaches and lifestyle sex clubs for those who so desire.
Just stay in a nice straight line during the march.
Sieg Heil!