60 Minutes

Well lookie who thinks their hot shit because they live on a golf course - whoopie! Look at me, look at me! You are one funny boy with zero substance or moral fiber.

Look at me, look at me, I live on a gopher field....... too funny.......

Sorry, but I exposed you as a fool so don't try to be cute. You can't handle the truth.

Sadly, you are absolutely correct.
What's to "understand"?
Trump is an ignorant narcissist who will very likely prove dangerous and damaging to America, in both the short and long term.
Whenever a group votes for, or affirms, a demagogue or a loud fool for office, it doesn't turn out well in history.
All you "oppressed" white folk, and "angry" idiots now have what you think you have voted for.
Tick Tock

What's to "understand"?
Trump is an ignorant narcissist who will very likely prove dangerous and damaging to America, in both the short and long term.
Whenever a group votes for, or affirms, a demagogue or a loud fool for office, it doesn't turn out well in history.
All you "oppressed" white folk, and "angry" idiots now have what you think you have voted for.
Tick Tock

America's long nightmare which was the Obama years is mercifully about to come to a close.

It's time to make America great again with Trump.

P.S. Blacks have done extremely poorly under this black president. They will fare much better under Trump. Watch and see! All those white folks are going to help you out!

America's long nightmare which was the Obama years is mercifully about to come to a close.

It's time to make America great again with Trump.

P.S. Blacks have done extremely poorly under this black president. They will fare much better under Trump. Watch and see! All those white folks are going to help you out!

You need to start clearing your posts with Libs and I again, just sayin'. :cool:

America's long nightmare which was the Obama years is mercifully about to come to a close.

It's time to make America great again with Trump.

P.S. Blacks have done extremely poorly under this black president. They will fare much better under Trump. Watch and see! All those white folks are going to help you out!
True Dat

As usual, you make no sense. But you do need to start clearing your posts with Libs first. He could save you from making such a fool of yourself.

We agree at times and we agree to disagree at times. There is no way I will restrict his posts. Sorry I can't say the same for you.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Warning: Don't mess with me today. I'm not in the mood.

America's long nightmare which was the Obama years is mercifully about to come to a close.

It's time to make America great again with Trump.

P.S. Blacks have done extremely poorly under this black president. They will fare much better under Trump. Watch and see! All those white folks are going to help you out!

Black folks is gonna love gettin' off welfare, and working again.
Watch welfare drop and employment explode.

There is nothing more dangerous to a libtard than an educated, working, Republican black.
It represents THE END for the party of LIBTARDS!

White, black, green folks alike can all get off the plantation, known as government welfare!

It will be great! Free people, working for the pursuit of their own HAPPINESS!!!
It will be very different from the dream of the shared liberal misery.

We agree at times and we agree to disagree at times. There is no way I will restrict his posts. Sorry I can't say the same for you.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Warning: Don't mess with me today. I'm not in the mood.

LOL! I can kick you as hard as I want in the seat of the pants and all you'll do is say, Sir, may I have another!

You can't even restrict your own foolishness. You certainly won't be restricting me.

LOL! I can kick you as hard as I want in the seat of the pants and all you'll do is say, Sir, may I have another!

You can't even restrict your own foolishness. You certainly won't be restricting me.

You're the fool. Cruz in 2020? LFMAO! Trump is already raising campaign money for 2020. The stock market is at an all time high. The wall is now half fence, Hillary will not be prosecuted (he has better things to do). Like I said, he's the only one who could beat her and is now merging his former, NY liberal ideas with his conservative side. As soon as he drops the abortion pushback, he will be fine.

Cruz can go back to being hated in the Senate.

You're the fool. Cruz in 2020? LFMAO! Trump is already raising campaign money for 2020. The stock market is at an all time high. The wall is now half fence, Hillary will not be prosecuted (he has better things to do). Like I said, he's the only one who could beat her and is now merging his former, NY liberal ideas with his conservative side. As soon as he drops the abortion pushback, he will be fine.

Cruz can go back to being hated in the Senate.

Thanks for demonstrating your incredible stupidity yet again. His abortion pushback is what got him elected, idiot boy.

Look, it's in Trump's hands. If he does what he should and wants to serve 2 terms then he can. But if he messes up and backs away from too many of his conservative commitments, then he opens the door for Cruz to challenge him in 2020. My guess at present is that Trump will serve 2 terms and then Cruz will likely succeed him. There are a lot of sound reasons to believe this will be the case.

Thanks for demonstrating your incredible stupidity yet again. His abortion pushback is what got him elected, idiot boy.

Look, it's in Trump's hands. If he does what he should and wants to serve 2 terms then he can. But if he messes up and backs away from too many of his conservative commitments, then he opens the door for Cruz to challenge him in 2020. My guess at present is that Trump will serve 2 terms and then Cruz will likely succeed him. There are a lot of sound reasons to believe this will be the case.
Trump has already libbed on the wall, climate change, locking up Hillary............ get the picture? Cruz will never be president.... never....

Thanks for demonstrating your incredible stupidity yet again. His abortion pushback is what got him elected, idiot boy.

Look, it's in Trump's hands. If he does what he should and wants to serve 2 terms then he can. But if he messes up and backs away from too many of his conservative commitments, then he opens the door for Cruz to challenge him in 2020. My guess at present is that Trump will serve 2 terms and then Cruz will likely succeed him. There are a lot of sound reasons to believe this will be the case.

Agreed.... The conservative, Republican bench is deep, and young too!
Libs are old, tired-ass, 1960's, socialist re-treads.
It's about time for some them to start dying off.... Chuck Schumer, I'm looking your way.

Trump has already libbed on the wall, climate change, locking up Hillary............ get the picture? Cruz will never be president.... never....

Only a fool would say that a senator from the biggest red state in the union, who is a Hispanic and who would run in virtually the same campaign promises as the president elect will never be president.

Not to mention that he finished a strong second in this cycle's primary race.

Vag, the idiot boy of CP.

Only a fool would say that a senator from the biggest red state in the union, who is a Hispanic and who would run in virtually the same campaign promises as the president elect will never be president.

Not to mention that he finished a strong second in this cycle's primary race.

Vag, the idiot boy of CP.

Yeah, Vag the idiot who correctly predicted Trump over Cruz. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

A blind squirrel lucky pick doesn't make you anything but the political ignoramus and general idiot that you are. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You can't stand getting your ass kicked, can you? I handed it to you on a platter as you continually predicted Hillary would win and Cruz would be the nominee in 2020. No where close. :cool::cool::cool: