60 Minutes

You can't stand getting your ass kicked, can you? I handed it to you on a platter as you continually predicted Hillary would win and Cruz would be the nominee in 2020. No where close. :cool::cool::cool:

Nobody, but all LibTards got their Asses kicked.
Speaking of old-ass Democrats.... How about Bernie Sanders for 2020.
I bet you predicted his victory too.
You feel Bernt, don't ya?


You can't stand getting your ass kicked, can you? I handed it to you on a platter as you continually predicted Hillary would win and Cruz would be the nominee in 2020. No where close. :cool::cool::cool:

Yeah, I'm terrified of a blind squirrel like you.

Virtuall All of the professional analysis was predicting a Hillary win. Trump pulled off a stunning upset. I was part of that. Like you I voted for him, remember?

And I've repeatedly handed you your ass on a silver platter because I've demonstrated how, since Cruz had the same position on abortion as Trump, he could have beaten Hillary. But you just can't stand losing and your irrational hatred of Cruz simply because he is a genuine social conservative causes you to be an unhinged loon.

Nobody, but all LibTards got their Asses kicked.
Speaking of old-ass Democrats.... How about Bernie Sanders for 2020.
I bet you predicted his victory too.
You feel Bernt, don't ya?


You must be whacked out. As I clearly stated, Sanders didn't have a chance, he was the distraction that helped defeat her. Demcratic Socialist Party? Give me a break. You lost to me fair and square and now you can't handle it. :cool:

Yeah, I'm terrified of a blind squirrel like you.

Virtuall All of the professional analysis was predicting a Hillary win. Trump pulled off a stunning upset. I was part of that. Like you I voted for him, remember?

And I've repeatedly handed you your ass on a silver platter because I've demonstrated how, since Cruz had the same position on abortion as Trump, he could have beaten Hillary. But you just can't stand losing and your irrational hatred of Cruz simply because he is a genuine social conservative causes you to be an unhinged loon.

Amen brutha... Cruz was my preferred choice, but ANY REPUBLICAN was better than the OLD TIRED-ASS LIBTARDS

And I predicted it, you didn't. You said she would win and your ass would have to wait for loser, cruzer in 2020.
You may sit now. :cool:

I predicted you are a loser, who lives in his parent's basement, and talks about the benefits of sex-fantasies, while getting ZERO ACTION.

So really... who has won, and who is the REAL LOSER?

And the REAL big difference is... I wanted TRUMP TO WIN, you did NOT.
You are a LibTard.

Carry on.

I predicted you are a loser, who lives in his parent's basement, and talks about the benefits of sex-fantasies, while getting ZERO ACTION.

So really... who has won, and who is the REAL LOSER?

And the REAL big difference is... I wanted TRUMP TO WIN, you did NOT.
You are a LibTard.

Carry on.

The thing that is funnier than your fantasies about me is that you only voted for Trump because your 'boy' didn't win, while I did for other reasons. I vetted him and questioned his motives continuously because I don't believe in rubber-stamping anyone into office and I believe that's a voter's responsibility as opposed to being a sheep like yourself and going the one party route. There was just too much at stake here. Obviously you're imbibing now and I'm getting under your skin because you're starting to YELL! LMFAO ! What a clown! Do you wear a clown suit on the golf course and ride around in a little electric cart like the other upscale (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) golfers do? :rolleyes:

The thing that is funnier than your fantasies about me is that you only voted for Trump because your 'boy' didn't win, while I did for other reasons. I vetted him and questioned his motives continuously because I don't believe in rubber-stamping anyone into office and I believe that's a voter's responsibility as opposed to being a sheep like yourself and going the one party route. There was just too much at stake here. Obviously you're imbibing now and I'm getting under your skin because you're starting to YELL! LMFAO ! What a clown! Do you wear a clown suit on the golf course and ride around in a little electric cart like the other upscale (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) golfers do? :rolleyes:

Oh my.... you are so under my skin, and I'm yelling. I can't believe a moron is getting the best of me.
It must be those purple-faced, googly-eyed, icons. DAMN IT... how do I effectively respond to such clever typing skills? I mean, oh my GOSH, he vets and doesn't rubber-stamp anyone. And can you believe it, he's not even a sheep. WOW!!! Your parents must be so proud. You had better yell at them from your basement lair.

The thing that is funnier than your fantasies about me is that you only voted for Trump because your 'boy' didn't win, while I did for other reasons. I vetted him and questioned his motives continuously because I don't believe in rubber-stamping anyone into office and I believe that's a voter's responsibility as opposed to being a sheep like yourself and going the one party route. There was just too much at stake here. Obviously you're imbibing now and I'm getting under your skin because you're starting to YELL! LMFAO ! What a clown! Do you wear a clown suit on the golf course and ride around in a little electric cart like the other upscale (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) golfers do? :rolleyes:

You don't even know who you're responding to, idiot boy. I will say this though, riding around in a golf cart beats watching porn all day like you do. Bottom line: nobody is a bigger loser than you are.

You don't even know who you're responding to, idiot boy. I will say this though, riding around in a golf cart beats watching porn all day like you do. Bottom line: nobody is a bigger loser than you are.

Seriously, who do you know in the real-world that would create an account and post anything under the name "Vagitarian"? Captain-Cunt would be more accurate.

The name, combined with the low-intellect and emojis.... this must be about a 14-year old C student.

Seriously, who do you know in the real-world that would create an account and post anything under the name "Vagitarian"? Captain-Cunt would be more accurate.

The name, combined with the low-intellect and emojis.... this must be about a 14-year old C student.

I live rent free in your head and don't ever forget it. :cool:

Seriously, who do you know in the real-world that would create an account and post anything under the name "Vagitarian"? Captain-Cunt would be more accurate.

The name, combined with the low-intellect and emojis.... this must be about a 14-year old C student.

You're giving him too much credit. He'd be lucky to get Ds.

His name is proof that the boy ain't too smart.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a total fool. You have absolutely no basis for knowing if I'm lying or not so the only logical approach is to take me at my word and try as best as your limited intellectual capacity will allow to deal with what's been posted.

Why aren't you golfing on your high-end course that you overlook Madam Secretary? Your sense of logic holds water like a sieve. :cool:

PS - I own you now..........
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Thanks for exposing yourself as a total fool. You have absolutely no basis for knowing if I'm lying or not so the only logical approach is to take me at my word and try as best as your limited intellectual capacity will allow to deal with what's been posted.

You know these libtards can't deal with reality, they have to create imaginary worlds and strawmen arguments. They're sad and pathetic.