60 Minutes

Speaking of deep, Supreme only has 1 'r' and the other word is spelled p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t.

Spelling and typing are 2 skills usually learned early in life in order to communicate effectively.

Why don't you come back when you learn them?

You really are a pathetic little fellow. You'll do anything to avoid dealing with substance because it's so painfully apparent that it's beyond you. So you focus on obvious typos.

It makes you a loser and an especially pathetic loser.

You really are a pathetic little fellow. You'll do anything to avoid dealing with substance because it's so painfully apparent that it's beyond you. So you focus on obvious typos.

It makes you a loser and an especially pathetic loser.

Hey Mr Troll,
You're really having a hard time of it, aren't you?
Hope you feel better soon,
Christmas is just around the corner....

I can assure you that I feel great! I mean what's so hard about exposing you as a fool? It's laughably easy!

Meanwhile, I've received zero PMs from RPs who objected to one of my posts. And then I see your multiple anonymous troll posts decrying my wisdom. At least when P Ho was around he had the stones to PM me and complain if he didn't like something. We'd usually discuss it and come to a resolution. ILA did the same. Get a grip, dude. You got egg all over your face. :cool:

Meanwhile, I've received zero PMs from RPs who objected to one of my posts. And then I see your multiple anonymous troll posts decrying my wisdom. At least when P Ho was around he had the stones to PM me and complain if he didn't like something. We'd usually discuss it and come to a resolution. ILA did the same. Get a grip, dude. You got egg all over your face. :cool:

None of your babble means anything except that you're desperate because as usual, I've made a fool of you. I thought the point of this board was to post comments for others to see, not pm RPs and conduct private conversations.

The bottom line is that you can't adequately defend what you believe and when I come along and expose your foolishness using facts and logic, you don't like it at all. Too bad. Don't make foolish posts and you have nothing to fear.

As it is you're not only a loser, but now you're a whining loser.

None of your babble means anything except that you're desperate because as usual, I've made a fool of you. I thought the point of this board was to post comments for others to see, not pm RPs and conduct private conversations.

The bottom line is that you can't adequately defend what you believe and when I come along and expose your foolishness using facts and logic, you don't like it at all. Too bad. Don't make foolish posts and you have nothing to fear.

As it is you're not only a loser, but now you're a whining loser.
Both of you guys now appear to be Losers...Big Time!!

None of your babble means anything except that you're desperate because as usual, I've made a fool of you. I thought the point of this board was to post comments for others to see, not pm RPs and conduct private conversations.

The bottom line is that you can't adequately defend what you believe and when I come along and expose your foolishness using facts and logic, you don't like it at all. Too bad. Don't make foolish posts and you have nothing to fear.

As it is you're not only a loser, but now you're a whining loser.

The 'point of the board' is different things to different people. Some just want to get things off their chest, some want to discuss things, some bet on football, some talk about sex, sometimes friends are made, sometimes people even 'hook up' on a blog site. It's all fair and since there is a mechanism for private messaging, that tends to support the idea of private conversations among members.

There is no need to 'defend' what I believe here and there is nothing for me to fear. I hate to break this to you but no one takes you seriously. Oh I take that back, maybe one or two echos do but that's it. BFD.

The 'point of the board' is different things to different people. Some just want to get things off their chest, some want to discuss things, some bet on football, some talk about sex, sometimes friends are made, sometimes people even 'hook up' on a blog site. It's all fair and since there is a mechanism for private messaging, that tends to support the idea of private conversations among members.

There is no need to 'defend' what I believe here and there is nothing for me to fear. I hate to break this to you but no one takes you seriously. Oh I take that back, maybe one or two echos do but that's it. BFD.

More of your typical blather. Here's the bottom line, idiot boy.
Serious people take me seriously. That obviously means you aren't a serious person.

As far as numbers, I have the same number of supporters you do. Only yours are idiot echoes.

More of your typical blather. Here's the bottom line, idiot boy.
Serious people take me seriously. That obviously means you aren't a serious person.

As far as numbers, I have the same number of supporters you do. Only yours are idiot echoes.

Supporters? What's your fantasy about 'supporters'? How many people do you think read this? Enough to sway an election? If that's what you think, you're dreaming. This board falls in the 'blowing off steam' category - anyone can do it, it feels good afterward, sometimes you get an interesting and reasonable discussion, sometimes an unreasonable one and sometimes nothing. In the grand scheme of things it means nothing, nada, zip.

Where have the imbeciles gone?

Ask poster #5189. He has this 'fantasy' that he's an 'important person' in the election process - with 'supporters' and everything. Not necessarily imbecilic but definitely narcissistic. This is a blog for opinions - that's it. :cool:

Ask poster #5189. He has this 'fantasy' that he's an 'important person' in the election process - with 'supporters' and everything. Not necessarily imbecilic but definitely narcissistic. This is a blog for opinions - that's it. :cool:

A group of local Wisconsin Republican officials who signed on to a fake slate of electors in the 2020 presidential election — Bob Spindell, Andrew Hitt, Kelly Ruh, Carol Brunner, Scott Grabins, Bill Feehan, Kathy Kiernan, Darryl Carlson, Pam Travis, and Mary Buestrin — are named in a suit that seeks to block them from submitting fake elector papers in the future, to stop them from ever serving as electors, and to fine each of them up to $200,000.00.

Two of Wisconsin’s presidential electors filed a sweeping lawsuit Tuesday seeking to fine 10 Republicans who posed as members of the Electoral College after Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden.