60 Minutes

Yeah, it really bugs you that I live a great life, buttercup!

You own nothing but extreme stupidity and immorality!

I don't give 2 craps about your lifestyle. Don't begrudge it, not interested in it.

But the other? I own the immorality all right - and I love it. Your so called 'god' didn't make 'lady parts' and 'man parts' not to be played with. Just one of the very natural wonders of nature. Let's see, I don't think 'god' made golf courses, clubs or balls. :cool:

I don't give 2 craps about your lifestyle. Don't begrudge it, not interested in it.

But the other? I own the immorality all right - and I love it. Your so called 'god' didn't make 'lady parts' and 'man parts' not to be played with. Just one of the very natural wonders of nature. Let's see, I don't think 'god' made golf courses, clubs or balls. :cool:
But you didn't vote. Waaah. Too little too late. If only you weren't so lazy

Thanks for checking in P Ho. You misspelled 'strawman'. Have some more Makers Mark. :rolleyes:

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.

It's a very common LibTard tactic.... Also, becoming a self-appointed spellcheck police.

Then again, I am dealing with a juvenile, living rent-free in his parent's basement.

I don't give 2 craps about your lifestyle. Don't begrudge it, not interested in it.

But the other? I own the immorality all right - and I love it. Your so called 'god' didn't make 'lady parts' and 'man parts' not to be played with. Just one of the very natural wonders of nature. Let's see, I don't think 'god' made golf courses, clubs or balls. :cool:

"The natural wonders of nature". Oh boy, the profundities of the juvenile mind.

What is obvious here, is that you do plenty of playing with your own man parts.... yes balls too.

What a complete turd you are... wanting so badly to be controversial, wanting to matter.
It is typical 13-17 year-old behavior.

"The natural wonders of nature". Oh boy, the profundities of the juvenile mind.

What is obvious here, is that you do plenty of playing with your own man parts.... yes balls too.

What a complete turd you are... wanting so badly to be controversial, wanting to matter.
It is typical 13-17 year-old behavior.

Enjoying bursting your bubble each and every day. :cool:

I don't give 2 craps about your lifestyle. Don't begrudge it, not interested in it.

But the other? I own the immorality all right - and I love it. Your so called 'god' didn't make 'lady parts' and 'man parts' not to be played with. Just one of the very natural wonders of nature. Let's see, I don't think 'god' made golf courses, clubs or balls. :cool:

You own the stupidity as well.

And you're obsessed with my lifestyle. If you weren't you wouldn't be making meaningless and stupid statements about golf and golf courses.

Or are you just being hypocritical again? Are you the only one who can speak positively about where they live and the lifestyle they enjoy? You're constantly babbling about your wonderful situation but I guess nobody else is allowed to. Is that how it works, idiot hypocrite?

Why don't you two MOES get a room and get it over with ? Two lonely steers or what ?

Funny - ain't gonna happen though. If there's anyone he wants a room with it's Lyin' Ted and I couldn't resist stopping by to burst his bubble on his Supreme Court fantasy... :cool:

Here's what Trump said about that idea: "There's a whole question of uniting and there's a whole question as to temperament," Trump told the Daily Mail. "He's a smart guy, but there's also a temperament issue."

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Funny - ain't gonna happen though. If there's anyone he wants a room with it's Lyin' Ted and I couldn't resist stopping by to burst his bubble on his Supreme Court fantasy... :cool:

Here's what Trump said about that idea: "There's a whole question of uniting and there's a whole question as to temperament," Trump told the Daily Mail. "He's a smart guy, but there's also a temperament issue."


Idiot boy, that's Libs fantasy, not mine. I've discounted it every time. I have always wanted Cruz as president.

Once again, you can't make a case without lies and I catch you and bust you every time.

Idiot boy, that's Libs fantasy, not mine. I've discounted it every time. I have always wanted Cruz as president.

Once again, you can't make a case without lies and I catch you and bust you every time.
I would LOVE to get a room with Vag and his Woman, with me and mine, for an afternoon of debauchery. He knows how adorable I find his lady.

I would LOVE to get a room with Vag and his Woman, with me and mine, for an afternoon of debauchery. He knows how adorable I find his lady.

You misunderstand, the only fantasy I was referring to was Cruz on the Suprreme Court. (Vag's terminology, not mine) Vag was projecting that on to me when I have always said I would prefer Cruz as prrsident.

You misunderstand, the only fantasy I was referring to was Cruz on the Suprreme Court. (Vag's terminology, not mine) Vag was projecting that on to me when I have always said I would prefer Cruz as prrsident.

Speaking of deep, Supreme only has 1 'r' and the other word is spelled p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t.

Spelling and typing are 2 skills usually learned early in life in order to communicate effectively.

Why don't you come back when you learn them?
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