60 Minutes

Here you go Stupid Fuck.... We can go tit-for-tat all day with this subject.

Police continue to investigate after a Chicago man was viciously beaten as bystanders filmed the assault and screamed “he voted Trump,” according to local reports.

David Wilcox, 49, said a minor car accident escalated into violence on Wednesday morning, the Chicago Tribune reported.

According to Wilcox, a black sedan scraped the side of his car, so he pulled over and asked if the driver had insurance.

"I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s*** out of me," Wilcox told the Tribune.

Video of the incident shows several people gather around Wilcox and repeatedly hit and kick him, as people on the sidewalk scream “Beat his a**,” and “he voted Trump.”
Does this surprise you? Of course people on both sides will be violent. Once a country his so horribly divided both sides will likely turn violent. This campaign was fomented on violence and hatred. It is the order of the day. Good luck to all.

Ever heard of the USSR and Red China? Atheistic regimes have murdered by the millions. Something that Christian nations don't do.

This is a dumb argument thread.
What about any of the various Balkan wars?
History aside, we need to be concerned with the the current animosity and xenophobia of the new administration.
They are setting America up for a period of racism, violence and ultimately disappointment at unkeepable promises.
What's that backlash going to look like when folks who voted out of anger etc realize they have been smoked?
Lots of credit to the last congress for stalling and thwarting any bills or regs directed towards people of lesser means.
Now it's just USA USA bullshit being chanted.....that will quiet down and the real words will be heard....not a pretty sight :-(
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Does this surprise you? Of course people on both sides will be violent. Once a country his so horribly divided both sides will likely turn violent. This campaign was fomented on violence and hatred. It is the order of the day. Good luck to all.
Agree. This is the outcome when an imbecile, supported by a team of nuts, wannabes, and alt-right advocates, tells the crowd whatever he things it wants to hear! Both sides go into a rage.
Lots of folks who voted for this regime are going to eventually realize they will lose lots more than they think they will get.

This is a dumb argument thread.
What about any of the various Balkan wars?
History aside, we need to be concerned with the the current animosity and xenophobia of the new administration.
They are setting America up for a period of racism, violence and ultimately disappointment at unkeepable promises.
What's that backlash going to look like when folks who voted out of anger etc realize they have been smoked?
Lots of credit to the last congress for stalling and thwarting any bills or regs directed towards people of lesser means.
Now it's just USA USA bullshit being chanted.....that will quiet down and the real words will be heard....not a pretty sight :-(

I'll give DT credit for one thing: When he sees an opportunity to make money, he jumps right in. All his buildings used mob concrete and Chinese steel, he will do nothing for the rust belt and he has mob ties. Ivanka's clothing line is manufactured ENTIRELY in China. Do as I say not as I do. HE has manufactured a much bigger reality show and is going to be one of the richest men in the world. Scary times ahead.... it will take awhile for the average Joe to get it.

I'll give DT credit for one thing: When he sees an opportunity to make money, he jumps right in. All his buildings used mob concrete and Chinese steel, he will do nothing for the rust belt and he has mob ties. Ivanka's clothing line is manufactured ENTIRELY in China. Do as I say not as I do. HE has manufactured a much bigger reality show and is going to be one of the richest men in the world. Scary times ahead.... it will take awhile for the average Joe to get it.
Definitely concur. He's really brazen in his "creativeness".
But that's really dangerous from the point of view of social well being, international conflict, and the image of the U.S. around the world.
America has had it's "challenges" (some self inflicted) in the past centuries for sure!
But this one is more insidious.
I'm just sitting back waiting for that wake up call from the half of the US that thinks they have just struck a blow for their own well being...that's the saddest part.
They will surely LOSE more than they have been told they will gain by this huckster.
God bless America.....someone needs to !!!

I'll give DT credit for one thing: When he sees an opportunity to make money, he jumps right in. All his buildings used mob concrete and Chinese steel, he will do nothing for the rust belt and he has mob ties. Ivanka's clothing line is manufactured ENTIRELY in China. Do as I say not as I do. HE has manufactured a much bigger reality show and is going to be one of the richest men in the world. Scary times ahead.... it will take awhile for the average Joe to get it.
Eventually the "average Joe" WILL get it!
Just not as he/she expected.
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First repeal Wall Street regulations then privatization of social security. What could go wrong?

Good on paper... but could be disastrous.... what if individuals or their investment counselors make poor investment choices.... then what will they do? I have lost track of how many banks have been fined for bad behavior since the 2008 meltdown. Imagine if they were deregulated.

First repeal Wall Street regulations then privatization of social security. What could go wrong?

Good on paper... but could be disastrous.... what if individuals or their investment counselors make poor investment choices.... then what will they do? I have lost track of how many banks have been fined for bad behavior since the 2008 meltdown. Imagine if they were deregulated.

Also one of the regulations they want to appeal prevents investment counselors from putting your money into (for example) mutual funds they get kickbacks from. In other words, they want to 'rig the system again'. Not the election - the investment industry. So the person who has faithfully paid their Soc Sec for years can get screwed with a capital F. Thanks Donald.

First repeal Wall Street regulations then privatization of social security. What could go wrong?

Good on paper... but could be disastrous.... what if individuals or their investment counselors make poor investment choices.... then what will they do? I have lost track of how many banks have been fined for bad behavior since the 2008 meltdown. Imagine if they were deregulated.

See, what you morons don't understand, are these regulations have caused many of our problems. And, like all true-blue libtards, what's their answer... More regulations. Do you libtards believe there is no problem that doesn't involve a government solution? This is small-minded, simpleton thinking.

See, what you morons don't understand, are these regulations have caused many of our problems. And, like all true-blue libtards, what's their answer... More regulations. Do you libtards believe there is no problem that doesn't involve a government solution? This is small-minded, simpleton thinking.

See, what you morons don't understand, are these regulations have caused many of our problems. And, like all true-blue libtards, what's their answer... More regulations. Do you libtards believe there is no problem that doesn't involve a government solution? This is small-minded, simpleton thinking.

So just let the Bernie Madooffs run wild? Sure dude, you're quite the American, aren't you? Let's take America back - back where? Back to the days of open warfare on the consumer.........

The regulations have caused the long history of banking, brokerage, real estate, and consumer fraud and abuse??
WTF are you smoking?
Should we get rid of those pesky FDA and FAA and EPA and FCC and FTC and SEC agencies while we are trying to make America "great" again?
Look at our own industry...we've seen what they are capable of when let loose!!!
They just may not have exercised their "innovation" on our own families yet :-(
And let's not use that old babble about paying for research (that cost is often offset by federal funded academic research and acquisitions of smaller entities...and is dwarfed by the declared cost of "marketing").
Not even counting the "other" nefarious misc. "costs" we see every day!!!
You can't be that stupid or cruel?

So just let the Bernie Madooffs run wild? Sure dude, you're quite the American, aren't you? Let's take America back - back where? Back to the days of open warfare on the consumer.........

Ok, try to understand.... Ponzi schemes have been prosecuted since the 1920's. No additional regulation is needed. But, here's the REAL PROBLEM, who is going to regulate and prosecute the criminals that run the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history.... called social security?

Definitely concur. He's really brazen in his "creativeness".
But that's really dangerous from the point of view of social well being, international conflict, and the image of the U.S. around the world.
America has had it's "challenges" (some self inflicted) in the past centuries for sure!
But this one is more insidious.
I'm just sitting back waiting for that wake up call from the half of the US that thinks they have just struck a blow for their own well being...that's the saddest part.
They will surely LOSE more than they have been told they will gain by this huckster.
God bless America.....someone needs to !!!

I am really jealous of your child-like devotion to government. I wish I could live so blindly to reality.

So you're for open season on American investors and retirees? Like maybe you think
Ok, try to understand.... Ponzi schemes have been prosecuted since the 1920's. No additional regulation is needed. But, here's the REAL PROBLEM, who is going to regulate and prosecute the criminals that run the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history.... called social security?

Are you shitting us? Crime has been around that long? Dude, it's way more sophisticated so you may think your snarky snippets sound cute but they're mired in stupidity. :rolleyes:

Agree. This is the outcome when an imbecile, supported by a team of nuts, wannabes, and alt-right advocates, tells the crowd whatever he things it wants to hear! Both sides go into a rage.
Lots of folks who voted for this regime are going to eventually realize they will lose lots more than they think they will get.

You couldn't be more wrong, but I'm sure that's a regular occurrence with you.

I'll give DT credit for one thing: When he sees an opportunity to make money, he jumps right in. All his buildings used mob concrete and Chinese steel, he will do nothing for the rust belt and he has mob ties. Ivanka's clothing line is manufactured ENTIRELY in China. Do as I say not as I do. HE has manufactured a much bigger reality show and is going to be one of the richest men in the world. Scary times ahead.... it will take awhile for the average Joe to get it.

So says the below average schmoe!

Definitely concur. He's really brazen in his "creativeness".
But that's really dangerous from the point of view of social well being, international conflict, and the image of the U.S. around the world.
America has had it's "challenges" (some self inflicted) in the past centuries for sure!
But this one is more insidious.
I'm just sitting back waiting for that wake up call from the half of the US that thinks they have just struck a blow for their own well being...that's the saddest part.
They will surely LOSE more than they have been told they will gain by this huckster.
God bless America.....someone needs to !!!

God has blessed America. Hillary will never be president.