60 Minutes

The "experts" still BELIEVE in man-made global warming.

It's difficult to change belief systems, especially when very little of it is based on facts, logic and reason. Perhaps someday, you Neanderthals will evolve and embrace modernity.

So apparently passing laws making an abortion more difficult to obtain will reduce abortion. But passing gun laws will not reduce gun violence.

It would be easier for a bullet to fit through the eye of a needle than for the NRA to admit the simple truth that assault-type weapons are bought for only one reason: to kill a lot of people in a few seconds. They are not needed for self-protection unless you plan to slaughter a few dozen people. Then you will need them to hold off the police.

It's Donald Trump's Morning In America.

There's a reason Budweiser and Coors are best-selling beers in America....and it has nothing to do with the beer.

Those beers sell not because they taste good, but because television advertising told Americans for decades that they taste good, even though they don't.

Budweiser, marketed as "The King Of Beers", became the beer of America's peasants.

Who understands marketing political swill better than the Republican Party ?

The GOP has been marketing Whites R Us supremacy, misanthropy and ill will toward others since the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were passed in 1964 and 1965.

And who understands branding better than Donald Trump ?

And the beauty of being a Republican Presidential contender is that you're not constricted by reason, fact, logic, history or nuance -- you can say anything and get away with it because the most important attributes of the GOP primary voter are fear, anger, confusion and a decades long record of being taken for a ride to the poor house via right-wing flag-waving and 0.1% cheerleading.

Mr. Trump's carefully crafted TV campaign of berating Mexicans, Muslims and 'Making America Great Again' is perfect for America's marketed masses who consider cheap, bad beer to be Dom Perignon.

So apparently passing laws making an abortion more difficult to obtain will reduce abortion. But passing gun laws will not reduce gun violence.

You tell me... Which of the 100's of already existing gun laws have reduced gun violence?
You dumb fucks act like no gun laws and restrictions exist.
Which magic new restriction of guns is going to prevent the next terrorist act? Please enlighten us all.

It's Donald Trump's Morning In America.

There's a reason Budweiser and Coors are best-selling beers in America....and it has nothing to do with the beer.

Those beers sell not because they taste good, but because television advertising told Americans for decades that they taste good, even though they don't.

Budweiser, marketed as "The King Of Beers", became the beer of America's peasants.

Who understands marketing political swill better than the Republican Party ?

The GOP has been marketing Whites R Us supremacy, misanthropy and ill will toward others since the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were passed in 1964 and 1965.

And who understands branding better than Donald Trump ?

And the beauty of being a Republican Presidential contender is that you're not constricted by reason, fact, logic, history or nuance -- you can say anything and get away with it because the most important attributes of the GOP primary voter are fear, anger, confusion and a decades long record of being taken for a ride to the poor house via right-wing flag-waving and 0.1% cheerleading.

Mr. Trump's carefully crafted TV campaign of berating Mexicans, Muslims and 'Making America Great Again' is perfect for America's marketed masses who consider cheap, bad beer to be Dom Perignon.

Trump is in the game to make American Empire go out with a bang !

It's Donald Trump's Morning In America.

There's a reason Budweiser and Coors are best-selling beers in America....and it has nothing to do with the beer.

Those beers sell not because they taste good, but because television advertising told Americans for decades that they taste good, even though they don't.

Budweiser, marketed as "The King Of Beers", became the beer of America's peasants.

Who understands marketing political swill better than the Republican Party ?

The GOP has been marketing Whites R Us supremacy, misanthropy and ill will toward others since the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were passed in 1964 and 1965.

And who understands branding better than Donald Trump ?

And the beauty of being a Republican Presidential contender is that you're not constricted by reason, fact, logic, history or nuance -- you can say anything and get away with it because the most important attributes of the GOP primary voter are fear, anger, confusion and a decades long record of being taken for a ride to the poor house via right-wing flag-waving and 0.1% cheerleading.

Mr. Trump's carefully crafted TV campaign of berating Mexicans, Muslims and 'Making America Great Again' is perfect for America's marketed masses who consider cheap, bad beer to be Dom Perignon.

Meaningless blather, especially when you consider that you and morons like you, would vote for Obama a third time... if you could.

Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA
BURNING fossil fuels and cutting down trees causes global COOLING, a shock new NASA study has found.
Michael is back??
Silent for an agonizing while...
I heard that he had killed himself when he realized how ignorant he was!
Whew...that was a close call.

I like to do chill things on dates. I think it would be fun to go to the zoo. I know it's really weird and random, but I love animals. It'd be like a day of doing silly things, while enjoying nature.

Michael is back??
Silent for an agonizing while...
I heard that he had killed himself when he realized how ignorant he was!
Whew...that was a close call.

The self-hating, science-denying, moron is BACK!!!
Loosie.... I heard you hand your hands full lately, not to mention your mouth.
You have been embarrassed in every conceivable way, yet you come back for more.
I guess that's what happens, once you drink the Kool Aid known as liberal, statism.
Keep it up.... your lunatic ways are numbered, and the countdown begins!

The self-hating, science-denying, moron is BACK!!!
Loosie.... I heard you hand your hands full lately, not to mention your mouth.
You have been embarrassed in every conceivable way, yet you come back for more.
I guess that's what happens, once you drink the Kool Aid known as liberal, statism.
Keep it up.... your lunatic ways are numbered, and the countdown begins!
You can count backwards?