Plastic Plague 60 minutes

The LA beaches are nasty. Filled with chemicals and plastics. Radiation from Japan. Homelsss everywhere too. I saw a lady pull down her pants and urine on the street. Sprayed urine everywhere. Then there's the traffic and smog. And the taxes and overpriced real estate lol!

Don't forget the gangs and tattoos. Oh and all the illegals. SoCal. No thanks!

The LA beaches are nasty. Filled with chemicals and plastics. Radiation from Japan. Homelsss everywhere too. I saw a lady pull down her pants and urine on the street. Sprayed urine everywhere. Then there's the traffic and smog. And the taxes and overpriced real estate lol!

Don't forget the gangs and tattoos. Oh and all the illegals. SoCal. No thanks!

There's plenty in your state too but of course you won't tell us which state that is because you're terrified of us reporting. You're correct about one thing - LA sucks. There are some lovely beach towns though and I happen to live in one. :cool:

There's plenty in your state too but of course you won't tell us which state that is because you're terrified of us reporting. You're correct about one thing - LA sucks. There are some lovely beach towns though and I happen to live in one. :cool:

Different person, idiot boy. Don’t make assumptions.

No there’s not plenty in my state. And thanks for the admission that I’ve really gotten under your skin by not allowing you to distract from the dysfunction and insanity in Cali! :D

And throw away lines condemning the major cities in Cali doesn’t cut it either.

Here’s the sad truth for you. Deal with it! Cali is generally last in the things you don’t want to be last in and generally first in things you don’t want to be first in such as poverty generation. Oh yeah, have you heard that your pathetic state is LAST in education??????:D:D:D

You spend tons on education, knuckle under to the teacher’s union and yet you're last???? Hahahahahahaha! :p

Different person, idiot boy. Don’t make assumptions.

No there’s not plenty in my state. And thanks for the admission that I’ve really gotten under your skin by not allowing you to distract from the dysfunction and insanity in Cali! :D

And throw away lines condemning the major cities in Cali doesn’t cut it either.

Here’s the sad truth for you. Deal with it! Cali is generally last in the things you don’t want to be last in and generally first in things you don’t want to be first in such as poverty generation. Oh yeah, have you heard that your pathetic state is LAST in education??????:D:D:D

You spend tons on education, knuckle under to the teacher’s union and yet you're last???? Hahahahahahaha! :p

Beats the shit outta Texas in several metrics :cool: