60 Minutes

Everyone has their own insecurities, regardless of how you look or how people perceive you, but sometimes people give their insecurities too much power. Defining beauty is simply a matter of opinion. For me, real beauty has very little to do with the structure of someone's face or body.

Everyone has their own insecurities, regardless of how you look or how people perceive you, but sometimes people give their insecurities too much power. Defining beauty is simply a matter of opinion. For me, real beauty has very little to do with the structure of someone's face or body.

So says the fat, ugly, deaf, dumb and blind man.

There are some UNIVERSAL TRUTHS you must accept... one being, that Halle Berry is undeniably, physically BEAUTIFUL. No opinion.... JUST FACT!

Oh boy, Loosie is not going to like this.
2015 Cable Network Ranker: FNC No. 2 for the Year

No "like" or "dislike" at all.
Just shows how many of the sloths that sit in front of the boob tube all day and rant and cheer, actually bother to respond to such snap shot surveys.
Let's see the numbers from viewers with high school educations.
Viewers who are not married to their cousin.
Trump is "popular" as well.

No "like" or "dislike" at all.
Just shows how many of the sloths that sit in front of the boob tube all day and rant and cheer, actually bother to respond to such snap shot surveys.
Let's see the numbers from viewers with high school educations.
Viewers who are not married to their cousin.
Trump is "popular" as well.

No... it just shows how few morons there are left that subscribe to the idea that leftist, socialism is the right and proper path for the future of our society.

Just because you are part of the majority on this pathetic site, you are part of a dying minority.

Oh how it warms thy heart.

No... it just shows how few morons there are left that subscribe to the idea that leftist, socialism is the right and proper path for the future of our society.

Just because you are part of the majority on this pathetic site, you are part of a dying minority.

Oh how it warms thy heart.

Ahhh...I hear it now.
The predictable sound of knuckles dragging along the ground.!

I thought you libtard, socialist morons wanted less guns in the hands of Americans?!? Why does your messiah keep doing things that result in increased gun ownership?

Obama 'best gun salesman' on Earth: Stock Picker

It's not his fault if the sheep keep licking their own balls!
The fools get riled up and simply panic.
Society is only now glimpsing (and all the more often as well) the amazing numbers of ignorant xenophobes and social misfits that come out of the wood work at times such as these.

It's not his fault if the sheep keep licking their own balls!
The fools get riled up and simply panic.
Society is only now glimpsing (and all the more often as well) the amazing numbers of ignorant xenophobes and social misfits that come out of the wood work at times such as these.

It's never his fault. He gets full credit for anything good and blame for nothing bad.
Heads I win, tails you lose.

Keep driving up those gun sales Obammy!

It's never his fault. He gets full credit for anything good and blame for nothing bad.
Heads I win, tails you lose.

Keep driving up those gun sales Obammy!
Besides a basic and reasonable background check, we should also restrict gun ownership by AHoles, morons, and the just plain dumb and ignorant.
Easy to determine who those folks are...just takes a few minutes.
Thank you for applying.

Besides a basic and reasonable background check, we should also restrict gun ownership by AHoles, morons, and the just plain dumb and ignorant.
Easy to determine who those folks are...just takes a few minutes.
Thank you for applying.

I wonder if this libtard moron would pass your "reasonable" background check?

Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.
- Hitllary Clinton