60 Minutes

Quite the opposite my sick disoriented colleague...
Quite the opposite!

And by the way, "marriage" is a civil definition.
Or at best a somewhat more recent "religious ceremony".
You really are a demented little turd, aren't you?
Or is all of this nonsensical lecturing merely an attention seeking ploy??
Must be lonely in your head?

You've covered Global Warming, Gun Control, "Religious Freedom", "Patriotism" in general, Age Bias,...what's next?
Funding for PBS?
Abolish the EPA?
Abolish the IRS?
Your stupidity and lack of world view is astonishing.
That's why I think you are just being a dopey provocateur.
A dopey narcissistic provocateur.
And just to set you off....I think we should be a bit more liberal (small L) in our consideration of Syrian refugees...especially children, elderly and families.
And finally...
fuck you.

Marriage has meant ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. Redefining the term and expecting everyone to acknowledge this farse is absurd.

Can you please at least acknowledge that men and women are inherently different, and as such their relationships are different? Man/Woman relationships are not the same as same-sex relationships, so why would pretend they are the same by giving them the same word and institution to describe them? This is just common-sense.

Marriage has meant ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. Redefining the term and expecting everyone to acknowledge this farse is absurd.

Can you please at least acknowledge that men and women are inherently different, and as such their relationships are different? Man/Woman relationships are not the same as same-sex relationships, so why would pretend they are the same by giving them the same word and institution to describe them? This is just common-sense.

You are an idiot.....everyone knows that.
Rant on...

Oh the fantasy of the Libtard world.... Deny reality in an effort to redefine it.


Now say otherwise, you fucking moron, and direct me to some fact-based source.

Now, use the force of government to jam it down everyone's throat and make us all pretend that same-sex marriage is exactly the same as traditional marriage.

Then, if you don't accept that farse, you are not allowed to work or open a business in America.

You people are fucking sick and twisted totalitarians.

You people are FAR WORSE than anything you have ever accused your enemies of.

Marriage has meant ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. Redefining the term and expecting everyone to acknowledge this farse is absurd.

Can you please at least acknowledge that men and women are inherently different, and as such their relationships are different? Man/Woman relationships are not the same as same-sex relationships, so why would pretend they are the same by giving them the same word and institution to describe them? This is just common-sense.

Michael, you bimbo, grow up. The world evolves, leaving you behind in your prehistoric fantasy about ancient Jews who did magic tricks. What a demented turd.

Michael, you bimbo, grow up. The world evolves, leaving you behind in your prehistoric fantasy about ancient Jews who did magic tricks. What a demented turd.

It is enlightening to know what a libtard considers to be "evolved" and a matter of "growing up".

Deny reality, ignore history and create a Bizaro-World that the majority of Americans would never choose or vote for... Then force everyone to live in it and comply COMPLETELY.

It's pathetic.

Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

Washington was not particularly smart. People exploit religion for power. You then have morals that mean nothing other than "do what powerful religious people feel is right or suffer the consequences". Hence Daesh and the Republican party in the US.

Michael - Fascism: an ideology associated with Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy.

It is a loaded word. We fought long and hard in WWII to prevent it from becoming the dominant political system in Europe and possibly the world.

Fascism did not arise overnight. It proceeded by steps until the Fascists believed they were powerful enough to disregard all democratic institutions
and seize total power.

The Republican Party has spent the greater part of the last 35 years laying the groundwork for Fascism in the US. They have created their own news outlets, and used those outlets to "teach" their listeners to trust no other sources of news.

They repeatedly lie, no matter the evidence. Since their listeners don't trust any source of news but the approved source, the truth about their lies is ignored by their true believers.

They have "uncovered" demons and villains who "threaten" "our" way of life: Blacks, gays, liberals, immigrants, communists, Muslims, Democrats.

They have restricted the voting rights of those who oppose them.

Can they seize power here in the US? I'd like to say: "No! We're too smart for that. It can't happen here."

But in my heart of hearts, I know that we are no smarter than others who have succumbed. And we are becoming less and less educated. History is being forgotten.

Fascism can come to the US. If it does, it will come with a different name, wearing sheep's clothing. But underneath, it will be the same wolf, eager to devour our democracy.

Michael - Fascism: an ideology associated with Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy.

It is a loaded word. We fought long and hard in WWII to prevent it from becoming the dominant political system in Europe and possibly the world.

Fascism did not arise overnight. It proceeded by steps until the Fascists believed they were powerful enough to disregard all democratic institutions
and seize total power.

The Republican Party has spent the greater part of the last 35 years laying the groundwork for Fascism in the US. They have created their own news outlets, and used those outlets to "teach" their listeners to trust no other sources of news.

They repeatedly lie, no matter the evidence. Since their listeners don't trust any source of news but the approved source, the truth about their lies is ignored by their true believers.

They have "uncovered" demons and villains who "threaten" "our" way of life: Blacks, gays, liberals, immigrants, communists, Muslims, Democrats.

They have restricted the voting rights of those who oppose them.

Can they seize power here in the US? I'd like to say: "No! We're too smart for that. It can't happen here."

But in my heart of hearts, I know that we are no smarter than others who have succumbed. And we are becoming less and less educated. History is being forgotten.

Fascism can come to the US. If it does, it will come with a different name, wearing sheep's clothing. But underneath, it will be the same wolf, eager to devour our democracy.

You are hilarious.... Libtards have had a monopoly on news and their liberal bias FOREVER.
Now you want to complain because of competing news sources.
I have NEVER, not once, EVER cited Fox as a source for anything, yet you obsess over it.
So, you keep your "approved" sources, and I will continue to focus on FACTS, LOGIC AND REASON.

You are hilarious.... Libtards have had a monopoly on news and their liberal bias FOREVER.
Now you want to complain because of competing news sources.
I have NEVER, not once, EVER cited Fox as a source for anything, yet you obsess over it.
So, you keep your "approved" sources, and I will continue to focus on FACTS, LOGIC AND REASON.
What about "Religion" ??
Any updates ?