60 Minutes

If I'm Jewish and I own a catering business, should government force me to serve you Pork?

What does Seperation of Church and state have to do with the way I personally and freely exercise my religion?

I love debating ignorant people... You just throw out terms and have ZERO clue where it comes from or what is meant by it.

your logic-fail-debate-tactics are nothing to love unless they are the best you can muster.

since when does the government not "force" business owners to not sell certain products?

last time i checked, it is still illegal to deal marijuana.

your logic-fail-debate-tactics are nothing to love unless they are the best you can muster.

since when does the government not "force" business owners to not sell certain products?

last time i checked, it is still illegal to deal marijuana.

Smoking marijuana is not the same as traditional biblical practices and the free exercise of. Why do you oppose the civil rights of religious people?

Smoking marijuana is not the same as traditional biblical practices and the free exercise of. Why do you oppose the civil rights of religious people?
"Religious people" should not oppose the civil rights of other people who do not care about your particular religion.
Religion is personal..keep it that way.
Meanwhile pray that global warming does not deliver the apocalypse that is possible!
Scientists 1:1
Deliver us from fools.

How will a citizen firing his weapon be recognized as a good guy?
Would that be part of training required to carry concealed? What about those already permitted-will they be required to take a refresher course?
Cops shoot unarmed people for making furtive moves now. Reach for your wallet and your dead.

The problem is assault weapons. What is a guard with a 6 shot revolver going to do against 1 or 2 individuals with AK-47's? When the police receive a call of an active shooter with that kind of firepower they wait for the SWAT team to arrive with similar firepower and body armor. Yes I agree that handguns are defensive weapons that can be used for self protection but assault weapons are only meant for killing the most amount of people as possible. As for the NRA, they have gone from an organization that taught hunting and gun safety to the most highly political lobbyists for gun manufacturers. They care more about the gun companies than their membership. Sadly like many other things nowadays, it's all about the money.

You are CLEARLY a moron... But, my dear moron, they said, "The right to be the hypocrite he is. It is YOU LIBTARDS that are "FORCING your personal standards and behaviors" upon us. Bottom line, you hate freedom and individual freedom.

Do you seem to think about future ANYTHING? I can see no point to anything you state at all.

Merry Christmas or should I say Happy Holidays you atheist heathen?

You are free to become whatever you want to buy. That's the blessing and the pursuit of happiness, then you would know that high taxes and redistribution of wealth is not about intentional homicide rates. What's next, the musings of Jack Handey?

Look no further than medicare, medicaid and The V.A. And then think, 'Aw, who cares' And then I will be corrected by who or what?

Since "Fleecing" bothers you so much, this must REALLY BOTHER YOU.

Just slap a no-guns-allowed sticker wherever you want to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are paying for hundreds of billions in profits to pharma, then what are you afraid of?

Let the libtards begin their typical character assassination. It could have been taught.

You are free to become whatever you want to buy. That's the blessing and the pursuit of happiness, then you would know that high taxes and redistribution of wealth is not about intentional homicide rates. What's next, the musings of Jack Handey?

Look no further than medicare, medicaid and The V.A. And then think, 'Aw, who cares' And then I will be corrected by who or what?

Since "Fleecing" bothers you so much, this must REALLY BOTHER YOU.

Just slap a no-guns-allowed sticker wherever you want to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are paying for hundreds of billions in profits to pharma, then what are you afraid of?

Let the libtards begin their typical character assassination. It could have been taught.

Agitation getting a bit concerning!
Leave him alone for a while, until the frenzy subsides.
Hopeless "argument" under the circumstances.

As you watch the world crumble, try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades, business has got virtually everything it wanted, and its doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it.

"Political correctness" is a meme invented by yahoos who seek immunity from criticism for their dipwad ideas.

Most of Trump's ideas would be unworkable even if they were desirable, but to point that out is to be a perpetrator of "political correctness." Utter BS.

One day left! If you want to meet Michael the Foxtard bimbo in the flesh, his enormous flesh, and some of his fellow Teabag traveler bimbos, there is an upcoming NJ Teabag meeting Tues, Dec 15 in Teaneck NJ:


But a little warning- the men are quite a bit "weird" - they often talk to you about Trump for president with little flecks of spittle flying out of the corners of their mouths while they stare at your breasts, avoiding eye contact. So stand back a little and claim your personal space. Also many of them are licensed to carry handguns, so be polite.

The few Teabag women who attend are quite something also. More on that later. See you there!

Practice religion in your home or in some sort of church.
Don't practice it on me.
Especially if you wish to operate your business in the public domain.

You quit forcing your secularism on us and we will leave you alone. Deal?

Last time I checked, there was no civil right or constitutionally protected freedom to redefine the institution of marriage and then demand that we all recognize this complete farse.

I think human self-hatred may be the great untold story of the millennium. It's the common thread linking deep ecology and animal rights, the love and money we lavish on pets, the uneasy longing for extraterrestrials to be meddling with us.

You quit forcing your secularism on us and we will leave you alone. Deal?

Last time I checked, there was no civil right or constitutionally protected freedom to redefine the institution of marriage and then demand that we all recognize this complete farse.

Quite the opposite my sick disoriented colleague...
Quite the opposite!

And by the way, "marriage" is a civil definition.
Or at best a somewhat more recent "religious ceremony".
You really are a demented little turd, aren't you?
Or is all of this nonsensical lecturing merely an attention seeking ploy??
Must be lonely in your head?

You've covered Global Warming, Gun Control, "Religious Freedom", "Patriotism" in general, Age Bias,...what's next?
Funding for PBS?
Abolish the EPA?
Abolish the IRS?
Your stupidity and lack of world view is astonishing.
That's why I think you are just being a dopey provocateur.
A dopey narcissistic provocateur.
And just to set you off....I think we should be a bit more liberal (small L) in our consideration of Syrian refugees...especially children, elderly and families.
And finally...
fuck you.

You quit forcing your secularism on us and we will leave you alone. Deal?

Last time I checked, there was no civil right or constitutionally protected freedom to redefine the institution of marriage and then demand that we all recognize this complete farse.

I've tried to be compassionate.
But you are just too far gone :-((((((((((((((((((((((((
Unlike some of my colleagues, I recognize your mental illness, and want to help you along this tough path.
Tell me what has happened to make you so very very angry??
Really.....there are 1-800 confidential numbers you can call.....
Check the Googles.
There are people that can help you.
You just need to reach out and let someone know that you are struggling.
This upcoming election is going to really disorientate and destroy your sense of reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fear for you.
We want to help..

I've tried to be compassionate.
But you are just too far gone :-((((((((((((((((((((((((
Unlike some of my colleagues, I recognize your mental illness, and want to help you along this tough path.
Tell me what has happened to make you so very very angry??
Really.....there are 1-800 confidential numbers you can call.....
Check the Googles.
There are people that can help you.
You just need to reach out and let someone know that you are struggling.
This upcoming election is going to really disorientate and destroy your sense of reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fear for you.
We want to help..

Stop coddling this NUT!
He's just trying to attract attention.
He's a sick FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've tried to be compassionate.
But you are just too far gone :-((((((((((((((((((((((((
Unlike some of my colleagues, I recognize your mental illness, and want to help you along this tough path.
Tell me what has happened to make you so very very angry??
Really.....there are 1-800 confidential numbers you can call.....
Check the Googles.
There are people that can help you.
You just need to reach out and let someone know that you are struggling.
This upcoming election is going to really disorientate and destroy your sense of reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fear for you.
We want to help..

actually a trump victory would bring to fruition the fantasy he fetishizes as fate.