60 Minutes

Michael, it worked in Australia, for example, you moron Foxtard bimbo.
See you Tuesday at the Teabag meeting! Sweaty balls and all! **HUGS**

Loosie... You can lick my sweaty balls any time at all. You seem to be obsessed with Tea Party Meetings.

Now... Tell us about how the guns were purchased out of state.
Tell us about which "common-sense" libtard gun-control measure has ever or will ever prevent what happened in California.


Gun confiscation is not happening in the United States any time soon. But let’s suppose it did. How would it work? Australia’s program netted, at the low end, 650,000 guns, and at the high end, a million. That was approximately a fifth to a third of Australian firearms. There are about as many guns in America as there are people: 310 million of both in 2009. A fifth to a third would be between 60 and 105 million guns. To achieve in America what was done in Australia, in other words, the government would have to confiscate as many as 105 million firearms. And an American mandatory gun-confiscation program — in addition to being unconstitutional — would be extraordinarily coercive, and perhaps even violent. There is no other way around it: The mandatory confiscation of the American citizenry’s guns would involve tens of thousands of heavily armed federal agents going door-to-door to demand of millions of Americans that they surrender their guns. That. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. If the president and gun-control activists want to keep saying “Australia” in response to every shooting in America, they should at least be honest about what exactly they are proposing.

It's funny because of us tax payers that government intervention and regulation is welcomed ONLY by those who take. Another moron who does not begin to encompass the totality of America’s commitment of resources to aid the poor.

Some things to ponder, my narrow-minded comrade. Go lookup the definition of "Arms"....

The early church reformers and followers of Christ have taken seriously the message of the Garden of Eden to the level of The US Revolution was not perfect and is TOTALLY irrelevant to this point. Just like slave owners who forced slaves to work less.

Seriously, this is the problem you LIBTARD MORON.

This is not about denying service to gays for everyday business, but serving them for the purposes of a same-sex wedding.
So, you think government has the right to "FORCE" people to go against their personal religious beliefs?

Like I said before, you obviously favor government trampling the religious civil rights of individuals.
I have no interest whatsoever in anyone's "religious beliefs".
And they should keep those beliefs to themselves.
If you operate a public business you must serve the public...all the public.
Again.....then don't have a "business", have a club!!
Yes, if you are in violation of law.
We pray that your stupidity will lessen with time.....but I still would make you a cake regardless of my personal thoughts on stupidity.
(My religion hates stupidity).

I have no interest whatsoever in anyone's "religious beliefs".
And they should keep those beliefs to themselves.
If you operate a public business you must serve the public...all the public.
Again.....then don't have a "business", have a club!!
Yes, if you are in violation of law.
We pray that your stupidity will lessen with time.....but I still would make you a cake regardless of my personal thoughts on stupidity.
(My religion hates stupidity).

So, how would your anti-religious, pro-government force position handle a conscientious objector?

Let me introduce you to America which protects The Free Exercise of Religion.

The United States Constitution addresses the issue of religion in two places: in the First Amendment, and the Article VI prohibition on religious tests as a condition for holding public office. The First Amendment prohibits the federal government from making a law "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". This provision was later expanded to state and local governments, through the Incorporation of the Fourteenth

I have no interest whatsoever in anyone's "religious beliefs".
And they should keep those beliefs to themselves.
If you operate a public business you must serve the public...all the public.
Again.....then don't have a "business", have a club!!
Yes, if you are in violation of law.
We pray that your stupidity will lessen with time.....but I still would make you a cake regardless of my personal thoughts on stupidity.
(My religion hates stupidity).

You have TOTAL interest in people's "religious beliefs". You want government to FORCE people to stop their FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION in favor your secular worldview.

Free exercise of religion doesn't mean they have to lock themselves in their closets and remove themselves from society. It means "FREE EXERCISE".... Earth to moron, it's protected in The First Amendment.

So, it is you and morons like you, who are in Violation of the law of the land.

You have TOTAL interest in people's "religious beliefs". You want government to FORCE people to stop their FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION in favor your secular worldview.

Free exercise of religion doesn't mean they have to lock themselves in their closets and remove themselves from society. It means "FREE EXERCISE".... Earth to moron, it's protected in The First Amendment.

So, it is you and morons like you, who are in Violation of the law of the land.

You have TOTAL interest in people's "religious beliefs". You want government to FORCE people to stop their FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION in favor your secular worldview.

Yes...behave yourselves!!!! It's the 21st Century, not the Inquisition OR the Sharia rules!!!

Free exercise of religion doesn't mean they have to lock themselves in their closets and remove themselves from society. It means "FREE EXERCISE".... Earth to moron, it's protected in The First Amendment.

Exercise all you wish...it's good for the mind and spirit. Just don't force others in the public sector to exercise with you..
Don't be proselytizing by means of public commerce...it's illegal and always will be (Thank God).

So, it is you and morons like you, who are in Violation of the law of the land.

Separation of Church and State...very important by the way.
You really are a mess, aren't you?

You have TOTAL interest in people's "religious beliefs". You want government to FORCE people to stop their FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION in favor your secular worldview.

Yes...behave yourselves!!!! It's the 21st Century, not the Inquisition OR the Sharia rules!!!

Free exercise of religion doesn't mean they have to lock themselves in their closets and remove themselves from society. It means "FREE EXERCISE".... Earth to moron, it's protected in The First Amendment.

Exercise all you wish...it's good for the mind and spirit. Just don't force others in the public sector to exercise with you..
Don't be proselytizing by means of public commerce...it's illegal and always will be (Thank God).

So, it is you and morons like you, who are in Violation of the law of the land.

Separation of Church and State...very important by the way.
You really are a mess, aren't you?

If I'm Jewish and I own a catering business, should government force me to serve you Pork?

What does Seperation of Church and state have to do with the way I personally and freely exercise my religion?

I love debating ignorant people... You just throw out terms and have ZERO clue where it comes from or what is meant by it.

If I'm Jewish and I own a catering business, should government force me to serve you Pork?

What does Seperation of Church and state have to do with the way I personally and freely exercise my religion?

I love debating ignorant people... You just throw out terms and have ZERO clue where it comes from or what is meant by it.

My my my...you do get agitated!!
Sadly funny.

Pork from a Jewish store? NO, not at all. But if it's on the menu...then absolutely yes. If you try to select and deselect customers who can buy it, then you are in violation of law.!
Exercise your "religion" wherever you wish.. privately.
The Constitution was actually intended to add "freedom from religion" as well as freedom to practice individual religions.
We all know that your "debates" are just a tragic call for attention.
Your mania and odd misdirected anger grows tiresome.
Who hurt you?

Almost as soon as I went vegan, people started telling me that my skin looked great, and that I appeared younger, slimmer, and healthier. I'm convinced that of all the changes I've made to my lifestyle, it's the adoption of a vegan diet that has been best for me - physically, mentally, and certainly spiritually.

Almost as soon as I went vegan, people started telling me that my skin looked great, and that I appeared younger, slimmer, and healthier. I'm convinced that of all the changes I've made to my lifestyle, it's the adoption of a vegan diet that has been best for me - physically, mentally, and certainly spiritually.

Me too!!
Especially the asparagus.

My my my...you do get agitated!!
Sadly funny.

Pork from a Jewish store? NO, not at all. But if it's on the menu...then absolutely yes. If you try to select and deselect customers who can buy it, then you are in violation of law.!
Exercise your "religion" wherever you wish.. privately.
The Constitution was actually intended to add "freedom from religion" as well as freedom to practice individual religions.
We all know that your "debates" are just a tragic call for attention.
Your mania and odd misdirected anger grows tiresome.
Who hurt you?

Where exactly was The Constitution "intended" to include "freedom from religion"?
“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof "

Your NEW secular religion which promotes institutions that have NEVER existed in American History nor until recently, Human History, has replaced TRADITIONAL RELIGION... And now you are forcing EVERYONE TO COMPLY. You hate religious freedom and the First Amendment, which is EXPLICITLY designed to PROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.

You secular freaks seek out religious people and their businesses and try to destroy them and force your secular beliefs upon them. COMPLY OR GO OUT OF BUSINESS. Once again, you libtards have bastardized The Constitution.


"prohibiting the free exercise thereof "

How is FORCING a private business, who for religious reasons oppose catering a gay wedding reception, not "prohibiting the free exercise thereof"???????


You love government forcing your views on everyone, don't you? You secular libtards are the most INTOLERANT FUCKS IN AMERICA. EVERYONE is suppose to respect your views and be tolerant of every freak under the sun, but you intolerant fucks refuse to do the same for NORMAL FOLKS.


"prohibiting the free exercise thereof "

How is FORCING a private business, who for religious reasons oppose catering a gay wedding reception, not "prohibiting the free exercise thereof"???????


You love government forcing your views on everyone, don't you? You secular libtards are the most INTOLERANT FUCKS IN AMERICA. EVERYONE is suppose to respect your views and be tolerant of every freak under the sun, but you intolerant fucks refuse to do the same for NORMAL FOLKS.


Get some rest.

Get some rest.

Face it, you are in favor of all-powerful, centralized, totalitarian government, forcing compliance with your secular religion and PROHIBITING "The free exercise" of one's own religion. You libs are THE MOST INTOLERANT OF ALL. Gay couples could go anywhere for their same-sex ceremony, but they seek-out the religious, so they can either force them against their own conscience to comply or be put out of business. America was not founded on this type of religious hostility.

The wrath of God is a way of saying that I have been living in a way that is contrary to the love that is God. Anyone who begins to live and grow away from God, who lives away from what is good, is turning his life toward wrath.

Michael, you Foxtard bimbo, I am getting tired of hearing that if gun laws are enacted, criminals will not obey them. By this reasoning there should be no laws at all about anything because criminals will not obey them.

Gun confiscation is not happening in the United States any time soon. But let’s suppose it did. How would it work? Australia’s program netted, at the low end, 650,000 guns, and at the high end, a million. That was approximately a fifth to a third of Australian firearms. There are about as many guns in America as there are people: 310 million of both in 2009. A fifth to a third would be between 60 and 105 million guns. To achieve in America what was done in Australia, in other words, the government would have to confiscate as many as 105 million firearms. And an American mandatory gun-confiscation program — in addition to being unconstitutional — would be extraordinarily coercive, and perhaps even violent. There is no other way around it: The mandatory confiscation of the American citizenry’s guns would involve tens of thousands of heavily armed federal agents going door-to-door to demand of millions of Americans that they surrender their guns. That. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. If the president and gun-control activists want to keep saying “Australia” in response to every shooting in America, they should at least be honest about what exactly they are proposing.

they could open a website where you can sign up to trade in your gun for ca$h.

400,000 Americans have been killed by firearms since 9/11. Absolutely no one can claim to be a responsible gun owner if they are not engaged in trying to reduce the slaughter. Gun owners and enthusiasts have an ethical obligation to try to find a solution, and if a proposal is tried and doesn't work, they have an obligation to keep trying until they something that does. Anything less than a best effort commitment on their part is immoral. Too bad, if the shoe fits...wear it.