60 Minutes

Unless of course "State's Rights" are trying to uphold traditional marriage, then, you invite big-Daddy federal government to step-in and they get to redefine what marriage is.

Such conflicted, unprincipled turds you are.

Sometimes we need a ""big-Daddy" to be available to prevent bullies and idealogues (religious and political) from forcing their world view onto others who may have no interest in it.

In any bureaucracy, mistakes happen. Just too bad.
Far far better than operating a public gun bazaar for every miscreant, knuckle dragger, criminal, terrorist wannabe, gang banger, and the mentally disturbed.
Yeah, it's a real burden to be told to "hang on for a day or 3 more, we've got to check things out"!!
"Wanna shoot up something this afternoon"???? "Maybe we can get you a loaner".

NONE of your nonsense bureaucratic suggestions would prevent any gun-shooting tragedies.

There are plenty of gun laws and restrictions... They have done a fantastic job of restricting the law-abiding. Your laws have ZERO effect on the nut-jobs.

Sometimes we need a ""big-Daddy" to be available to prevent bullies and idealogues (religious and political) from forcing their world view onto others who may have no interest in it.

No bigger bully exists than Big-Daddy government.... Especially a government that is willing to tramble the CIVIL RIGHTS of religious freedom.

It is YOU LIBTARDS that are "FORCING" your worldviews on us... We don't accept your destruction of American values and traditions.

Unless of course "State's Rights" are trying to uphold traditional marriage, then, you invite big-Daddy federal government to step-in and they get to redefine what marriage is.

Such conflicted, unprincipled turds you are.

We need a "big-Daddy", sometimes, to keep bullies and ideological AHoles (political, social and religious) from forcing their personal standards and behaviors upon others. "Freedom" doesn't mean groups in society are free to do what they want to others. Lots of "libertarians" and shit-kickers complain about the government until they want or need something.!!

We need a "big-Daddy", sometimes, to keep bullies and ideological AHoles (political, social and religious) from forcing their personal standards and behaviors upon others. "Freedom" doesn't mean groups in society are free to do what they want to others. Lots of "libertarians" and shit-kickers complain about the government until they want or need something.!!

Government absolutely has a role in America... But it must stick to it's legitimate, Constitutional responsibilities.

When government functions outside of it's legitimate capacity, the result is you get no bigger bully than Big-Daddy government.... Especially when government trambles the CIVIL RIGHTS of individuals and their religious freedom.

It is YOU LIBTARDS that are "FORCING your personal standards and behaviors" upon us. We don't accept your destruction of American values and traditions.

Sometimes we need a ""big-Daddy" to be available to prevent bullies and idealogues (religious and political) from forcing their world view onto others who may have no interest in it.

Hopefully The Federal Government will serve one of it's legitimate roles, which is to uphold The Constitution... The Law of the Land.
In particular, and relevant to what we are discussing... The Second Amendment.

Government absolutely has a role in America... But it must stick to it's legitimate, Constitutional responsibilities.

When government functions outside of it's legitimate capacity, the result is you get no bigger bully than Big-Daddy government.... Especially when government trambles the CIVIL RIGHTS of individuals and their religious freedom.

It is YOU LIBTARDS that are "FORCING your personal standards and behaviors" upon us. We don't accept your destruction of American values and traditions.

And exactly what "religious freedoms" are we suggesting are being "trampled"?
"Keep Christ in Christmas" ?...sure..I'm OK with that...just not in otherwise generally public, commercial trade, or governmental places etc..
People have tremendous rights in this country to practice all sorts of religions...main line as well as quirky.
They DO NOT have the right to impose those "religions" on others in the public market place, or in governmental administrative matters.
Keep "religion" in the heart and the home, where it belongs. It has no place proselytizing or impacting other citizens in those venues.
Some might refer to that as a "false religion".

And exactly what "religious freedoms" are we suggesting are being "trampled"?
"Keep Christ in Christmas" ?...sure..I'm OK with that...just not in otherwise generally public, commercial trade, or governmental places etc..
People have tremendous rights in this country to practice all sorts of religions...main line as well as quirky.
They DO NOT have the right to impose those "religions" on others in the public market place, or in governmental administrative matters.
Keep "religion" in the heart and the home, where it belongs. It has no place proselytizing or impacting other citizens in those venues.
Some might refer to that as a "false religion".

Educating morons is seemingly an endless job... Oh well.
If I am a private business owner, say the owner of a catering business.
And I have strong religious beliefs against same-sex marriage.
And, a same-sex couple attempts to hire me to cater their same-sex wedding reception.
Do I, have the right to say "no" based on my religious beliefs?
Or, should "big daddy" government FORCE me to cater their reception?

Educating morons is seemingly an endless job... Oh well.
If I am a private business owner, say the owner of a catering business.
And I have strong religious beliefs against same-sex marriage.
And, a same-sex couple attempts to hire me to cater their same-sex wedding reception.
Do I, have the right to say "no" based on my religious beliefs?
Or, should "big daddy" government FORCE me to cater their reception?

Easy answer: NO!!!!
You are operating a public business and you cannot discriminate on any of several important criteria.
Don't want to serve some customers?? Don't open a public business. Start a club!!
Cater for them and have a jolly time !!!
Maybe even have a secret handshake...or start another religion for you and your compatriots... so then at least you can still dip into the "freedom of religion" tax exemption boondoggle.
You really cannot be this stupid, can you??

Easy answer: NO!!!!
You are operating a public business and you cannot discriminate on any of several important criteria.
Don't want to serve some customers?? Don't open a public business. Start a club!!
Cater for them and have a jolly time !!!
Maybe even have a secret handshake...or start another religion for you and your compatriots... so then at least you can still dip into the "freedom of religion" tax exemption boondoggle.
You really cannot be this stupid, can you??

This is not about denying service to gays for everyday business, but serving them for the purposes of a same-sex wedding.
So, you think government has the right to "FORCE" people to go against their personal religious beliefs?

Like I said before, you obviously favor government trampling the religious civil rights of individuals.

You really cannot be this stupid, can you??

Yes Michael can!

Just a few days left! If you want to meet Michael in the flesh, his enormous flesh, and some of his fellow Teabag travelers, there is an upcoming NJ Teabag meeting Dec 15 in Teaneck NJ:


But a little warning- the men are quite a bit "weird" - they often talk to you about Trump for president with little flecks of spittle flying out of the corners of their mouths while they stare at your breasts, avoiding eye contact. So stand back a little and claim your personal space. Also many of them are licensed to carry handguns, so be polite.

The few Teabag women who attend are quite something also. More on that later. See you there!

I don't think it's too hippie to want to clean up the planet so you don't wind up dying of some kind of cancer when you're 45 years old. It enrages me that these big cancer-research organizations can't be bothered to man the front lines of environmental protest.

I don't think it's too hippie to want to clean up the planet so you don't wind up dying of some kind of cancer when you're 45 years old. It enrages me that these big cancer-research organizations can't be bothered to man the front lines of environmental protest.

Yeah, let's live like it's 1299, when the Earth was clean and nobody died of cancer.
And... The average life-expectancy was 36.


Yes Michael can!

Just a few days left! If you want to meet Michael in the flesh, his enormous flesh, and some of his fellow Teabag travelers, there is an upcoming NJ Teabag meeting Dec 15 in Teaneck NJ:


But a little warning- the men are quite a bit "weird" - they often talk to you about Trump for president with little flecks of spittle flying out of the corners of their mouths while they stare at your breasts, avoiding eye contact. So stand back a little and claim your personal space. Also many of them are licensed to carry handguns, so be polite.

The few Teabag women who attend are quite something also. More on that later. See you there!

Hey everyone... Look who's back! It's Loosie... The dumbest, libtard on the Internet.

"The guns were bought out of state. Therefore we need universal federal laws."

Yes Michael can!

Just a few days left! If you want to meet Michael in the flesh, his enormous flesh, and some of his fellow Teabag travelers, there is an upcoming NJ Teabag meeting Dec 15 in Teaneck NJ:


But a little warning- the men are quite a bit "weird" - they often talk to you about Trump for president with little flecks of spittle flying out of the corners of their mouths while they stare at your breasts, avoiding eye contact. So stand back a little and claim your personal space. Also many of them are licensed to carry handguns, so be polite.

The few Teabag women who attend are quite something also. More on that later. See you there!

Can Loosie be so stupid as to believe: "The guns were bought out of state. Therefore we need universal federal laws."