60 Minutes

Which of your "sensible" solutions would have prevented anything that happened in California?

Answer: NONE.

Thanks for playing Libtard.


Michael, you are fatfuck Foxtard. We already went over this. The guns were bought out of state. Therefore we need universal federal laws. You are dim. And demented. **HUGS** to Karen and the cats!

Michael, you are fatfuck Foxtard. We already went over this. The guns were bought out of state. Therefore we need universal federal laws. You are dim. And demented. **HUGS** to Karen and the cats!

OOPS.... Nothing more to say, but that you are WRONG again, Loosie.

The interrogation of Marquez was delayed by 72 hours after he checked himself into a mental health facility on Friday, two days after Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people at a county officials’ holiday party at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif. In addition to the weapons allegedly purchased by Marquez, Farook and Malik used two handguns that Farook had purchased around the same time Marquez bought his guns, police said. All four weapons were bought legally in California.


Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn't have any innocent bystanders.

Actually, to be more historically correct, I believe the Constitution's framers more likely envisioned "freedom" to own Muskets!
So I have no problem with that....Muskets for all !!!!!
And, Oh Yes...you've gotta have "Balls".
Just keep your powder dry..always want to be ready to fight a revolution, or go bag a critter for dinner.
Surprised the "freedom loving" patriots out there don't want to get back to those old "strict interpretation" roots. ??

Actually, to be more historically correct, I believe the Constitution's framers more likely envisioned "freedom" to own Muskets!
So I have no problem with that....Muskets for all !!!!!
And, Oh Yes...you've gotta have "Balls".
Just keep your powder dry..always want to be ready to fight a revolution, or go bag a critter for dinner.
Surprised the "freedom loving" patriots out there don't want to get back to those old "strict interpretation" roots. ??

If The Founders intended The Second Amendment to mean "Muskets" ONLY, they would have said MUSKETS. But, my dear moron, they said, "The right to bear ARMS".

Go lookup the definition of "Arms".... and be enlightened.

In your world, free-speech protection and The First Amendment should only protect some guy shouting at The Town Square.

You Libtards have NO CLUE and NO REGARD for The Constitution, so PLEASE STOP PRETENDING.

It's embarrassing!

If The Founders intended The Second Amendment to mean "Muskets" ONLY, they would have said MUSKETS. But, my dear moron, they said, "The right to bear ARMS".

Go lookup the definition of "Arms".... and be enlightened.

In your world, free-speech protection and The First Amendment should only protect some guy shouting at The Town Square.

You Libtards have NO CLUE and NO REGARD for The Constitution, so PLEASE STOP PRETENDING.

It's embarrassing!


If The Founders intended The Second Amendment to mean "Muskets" ONLY, they would have said MUSKETS. But, my dear moron, they said, "The right to bear ARMS".

Go lookup the definition of "Arms".... and be enlightened.

In your world, free-speech protection and The First Amendment should only protect some guy shouting at The Town Square.

You Libtards have NO CLUE and NO REGARD for The Constitution, so PLEASE STOP PRETENDING.

It's embarrassing!

Sometimes you are a funny little idiot!!
That's what's embarrassing.
I guess The Googles the founding fathers used wasn't updated to include "rapid fire, high capacity weaponry...or hollow point, body armor etc.".?

You DO take quite a thrashing in public opinion once you reveal your stupidity.
Thanks for the entertainment.
You probably have a really dumb explanation for climate change...right?
Toooooo easy.

If we don't get gun-control laws in this country, we are full of beans. To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It's time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.

"The Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud,' on the American public," former chief justice Warren E. Burger said in a 1991 interview on PBS's "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour." Burger has said often that the "right to bear arms" belongs to the states, and he has attacked the NRA for fostering the opposite view.

The Second Amendment says, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The widespread legal and judicial view is that the Second Amendment guarantees a state's right to be armed – for example, in today's National Guard.

When the Supreme Court has spoken in this area – and it has done so infrequently – it has begun with the idea that the Second Amendment protects a state's right to keep arms for a militia. In a nationally watched 1983 case, the justices let the town of Morton Grove, Ill., ban handguns. Without comment or dissent, they left intact a lower court decision rejecting the contention that Americans have a constitutional right to be armed.

In that case, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment restricts federal authority in this area, not that of state and local governments. The court stated, "We conclude that the right to keep and bear handguns is not guaranteed by the Second Amendment."

"The Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud,' on the American public," former chief justice Warren E. Burger said in a 1991 interview on PBS's "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour." Burger has said often that the "right to bear arms" belongs to the states, and he has attacked the NRA for fostering the opposite view.

The Second Amendment says, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The widespread legal and judicial view is that the Second Amendment guarantees a state's right to be armed – for example, in today's National Guard.

When the Supreme Court has spoken in this area – and it has done so infrequently – it has begun with the idea that the Second Amendment protects a state's right to keep arms for a militia. In a nationally watched 1983 case, the justices let the town of Morton Grove, Ill., ban handguns. Without comment or dissent, they left intact a lower court decision rejecting the contention that Americans have a constitutional right to be armed.

In that case, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment restricts federal authority in this area, not that of state and local governments. The court stated, "We conclude that the right to keep and bear handguns is not guaranteed by the Second Amendment."

I think the Neanderthal philosopher must have gotten sedated again.
He'll be in his usual condition once he sobers up.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy stepped into a national debate over gun control, civil liberties and terrorism Thursday by revealing he has asked the White House for access to the U.S. government’s “no-fly” list and other terrorism watch lists to screen firearms purchases in Connecticut.

“I intend to a sign a first-in-the-nation executive order, one that will result in banning the sale of guns to those on government watch lists," Malloy said in an early afternoon press conference.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy stepped into a national debate over gun control, civil liberties and terrorism Thursday by revealing he has asked the White House for access to the U.S. government’s “no-fly” list and other terrorism watch lists to screen firearms purchases in Connecticut.

“I intend to a sign a first-in-the-nation executive order, one that will result in banning the sale of guns to those on government watch lists," Malloy said in an early afternoon press conference.

Good for him!
Let's see how the NRA and its well healed legislators spin this one.
Of course we don't want to unnecessarily burden any one who might be on a NO FLY WATCH LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy stepped into a national debate over gun control, civil liberties and terrorism Thursday by revealing he has asked the White House for access to the U.S. government’s “no-fly” list and other terrorism watch lists to screen firearms purchases in Connecticut.

“I intend to a sign a first-in-the-nation executive order, one that will result in banning the sale of guns to those on government watch lists," Malloy said in an early afternoon press conference.

I guess when you have absolutely ZERO chance of becoming The President of the United States of America, you can say the most ABSURD THINGS.

When I'm president I will sign a first-in-the-nation executive order to BAN ALL LIBTARD MORONS FROM SPEWING GARBAGE FROM THEIR PIE-HOLES.

Good for him!
Let's see how the NRA and its well healed legislators spin this one.
Of course we don't want to unnecessarily burden any one who might be on a NO FLY WATCH LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While the criteria for adding individuals to the list remains murky, one thing is for sure: it's still a lot easier to get on the list than get off it. Even in clear cases of mistaken identity or clerical blundering, a name can linger in the system for years.

Here are a few of the most high-profile flying foul-ups (some of which are directly tied to the no-fly list, while others are less clear).


If we don't get gun-control laws in this country, we are full of beans. To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It's time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.

Dumbfuck... with even the most cursory level of research, you will find a shit-ton of existing gun-control laws.


While the criteria for adding individuals to the list remains murky, one thing is for sure: it's still a lot easier to get on the list than get off it. Even in clear cases of mistaken identity or clerical blundering, a name can linger in the system for years.

Here are a few of the most high-profile flying foul-ups (some of which are directly tied to the no-fly list, while others are less clear).

In any bureaucracy, mistakes happen. Just too bad.
Far far better than operating a public gun bazaar for every miscreant, knuckle dragger, criminal, terrorist wannabe, gang banger, and the mentally disturbed.
Yeah, it's a real burden to be told to "hang on for a day or 3 more, we've got to check things out"!!
"Wanna shoot up something this afternoon"???? "Maybe we can get you a loaner".