Look man...clinical studies are a pain in the ass for so many reasons that my docs and I agreed we'd just leave that alone. I have a 3 year volume commitment based on my being at the end of a very short tether for my customers...they call I come running.
And yes...I believe that Biotronik will be fine moving forward for a host of reasons that I am too exhausted to waste my time explaining to yet another vapid "Big Blue Forever" drone. Since we opened our doors in 1964, the competition has been forecasting that our demise was just around the corner....and yet we just keep plodding along. For those keeping score: we don't have a palatial HQ in Minnesota, or a particularly "sexy" product pipeline with high gloss leave behinds to promote them, or 7 reps per square mile or any of the other things that you guys prop up as metrics of success.
Conversely, I will admit that we do have clinical trials, and shady reps and cozy rep/physician relationships...we have those in COMMON with our Big 3 brethren where most of our field force learned to be crooked in the first place.
That being said, not ALL of our market share is based on what you guys call indicements or indictable practices. Some of it is with physicians who are just interested in devices that work supported by reps who understand their role and perform it reliably.
And that is why I have a 3 year deal volume commitment deal.
And that is why, for my part, Biotronik and I will be fine for the forseeable future.
Good luck, man, I really mean that. We are in a dying industry, and most of us are just trying to put food on the table.
Not gonna say that every company doesn't have its share of slimy reps and/or shady business dealing from time-to-time. I for one, I am just trying to do my job and by doing my job I am there when my customers call. If I send a clinical to do something I do everything I can to show up so that it doesn't look/feel as though I am passing the buck. I try to keep a friendly relationship with competitive reps because at some point we might all need to rely on each other for one thing or another or... even be working with each other someday.
But to say that Bio is gonna fade away into the dust is most likely ridiculous. As the previous poster has said, they have been saying that since 1962 and yet here we are. A lot of ugliness has went around in the the past few years and it looks like there is even more to come. My hope is that those that have kept their dignity with their customers and community through all of this will come out fine on the other side. And who knows, it might all shake out and continue to be a fun, challenging and lucrative job.