<5% Market Share

whatever. The bio folks can say or spin it anyway they care too. You are too small to really factor into this very much. I have yet to work with an implanter that said I'm tired of MDT,SJM and or BSX and now I'm trying BIO. Not saying that it has not happened somewhere but not anywhere near me.

Let me rearrange your comment:

It hasn't happened anywhere near me, so its not really a factor.

Let me put it to you this way:

When you think you can make it happen around you, BIO is prepared to compensate you handsomely for it. Until then, keep relying on the corporate logo to provide you access.

whatever. The bio folks can say or spin it anyway they care too. You are too small to really factor into this very much. I have yet to work with an implanter that said I'm tired of MDT,SJM and or BSX and now I'm trying BIO. Not saying that it has not happened somewhere but not anywhere near me.

Au contraire, we are about to get on a contract that will access to a high profile academic institution as we speak becuz they are tired of the big 3 and see the financial benefits of wireless home monitoring.

Will happen in days...

believe it when we see it. bio has a small image, ep's and staff know that only newbee's and average clinicals and reps leave to go to bio.

post here when you get on 20% of accounts in the u.s. that will be a start of something.

believe it when we see it. bio has a small image, ep's and staff know that only newbee's and average clinicals and reps leave to go to bio.

post here when you get on 20% of accounts in the u.s. that will be a start of something.

come on man, 20%? why so lofty? that's a huge move. let's face it, the incumbent "big 3" are not going anywhere. sure, their reps may see lowered incomes but the work will still get done.

it's really not about marketshare. you're wrong when you say that newbies reside to Bio. usually it's the opposite. it's the old heads that go that rout because they have the support of their physicians. a new rep (to the industry) wouldn't last 3 months.

Bio reps could care less about marketshare. They don't get paid or get bonuses based on the company's performance. They don't get stock grants or stock grants because the company is private. Marketshare and company (wall street) performance only matters to those on the open market.

A Bio rep is special because the needle doesn't have to move very far at all for them to feel it. They are still n the mode that they can really appreciate increase in volume. I remember working for a company where i increased revenue by over 1 million in one year. My bonus was an addiitional 22K. Yeh! Whoopee do. Increase an account (with Bio) by a million and it really means something to the W-2.

You'll never understand because you're a 9-5 guy that wants that watch after 25 years and will live happily ever after. I wish I could say more but I won't.

funny to see MDT dissing BIO. Sounds similar to GDT and MDT dissing st jude in 2004ish.

What comes around........................

Question for you, if you were sick of recalls, depositions, warning letters, company spin, road show bs etc and all you cared about was being a MD and doing a great job with your implants while giving your patients the safest and most reliable options................

Which device would you use? I would use the one that has/ would prevent me from non stop patient queries, possible litigtation and, has a history of quality with a tenured rep who can bail me out when needed.

that leaves me at BEST, 2 choices. Get it?

I just figured out what I want for Christmas!!!! I want a pair of those rose colored glasses that almost every MDT rep has.

You know, the ones that make you believe the everyone else is going to go bye-bye because they just won't be able to handle the new healthcare economics. The same glasses that when every other CRM company does find a way to survive you will then believe that EVERYONE else is killing the industry because they are driving ASP's down. The same company that through the 80's, 90 and even still today support numerous clinical trials and training programs BUT how dare anyone else do the same as they do? The same glasses that makes a MDT rep believe that they are entitled to 80% of all new implants as well as all of the generator changes although all they do is complain about the service work that comes with all of this.

I have got to get me a pair of those!

I just figured out what I want for Christmas!!!! I want a pair of those rose colored glasses that almost every MDT rep has.

You know, the ones that make you believe the everyone else is going to go bye-bye because they just won't be able to handle the new healthcare economics. The same glasses that when every other CRM company does find a way to survive you will then believe that EVERYONE else is killing the industry because they are driving ASP's down. The same company that through the 80's, 90 and even still today support numerous clinical trials and training programs BUT how dare anyone else do the same as they do? The same glasses that makes a MDT rep believe that they are entitled to 80% of all new implants as well as all of the generator changes although all they do is complain about the service work that comes with all of this.

I have got to get me a pair of those!

Why do you want something you make fun of? I don't understand your logic.

Stupid is as Stupid does.

I think the individual was joking. Lighten up princess.

Oh... I get it now...sarcasm. The funny part to me is that during 80's, 90's, and to present day that very same company has gained/retained MS above all others and one would think that their market strategies would be duplicated versus criticized. They must be doing something right with whatever glasses they are wearing.

Oh... I get it now...sarcasm. The funny part to me is that during 80's, 90's, and to present day that very same company has gained/retained MS above all others and one would think that their market strategies would be duplicated versus criticized. They must be doing something right with whatever glasses they are wearing.

I do not see where anyone said that MDT's ways were wrong. I believe their point was that there are reps out there with MDT badges the drink a little too much of the MDT Kool-aid and have a "do as I say not as I do attitude."

In the past few decades it was OK for MDT to sponsor studies. Face it, no matter how legit or shady they might have been it helped them in big ways to gain and secure MS. When anyone else even breathes the word 'study' they get accused of buying business.

Move forward to today and take a look at the fat and happy MDT reps that feel entitled and rest on the laurels. They are pulling away from the blanket coverage/service that their customers have come to depend on but yet when other companies steps up and fills in the gaps then it must be illegal, shady or whatever you want to label it.

Listen to how they talk out of both sides of their mouthes.... BIO, Sorin, even STJ will not be able to survive in this market. They have no GPO's, they can't bundle (STJ can) but yet BIO and MDT are the only approved vendors on Premier - whoahhh what?!?! BIO must have done something shady to get on Premier. But then when anyone else actually jumps into the fray with them to provide economically enticing proposals to a buying group they get accused of trashing ASPs and ruining the market? Which is it??? It can't be both ways.

To sum up the previous poster's "rose colored' glasses comment is that there are some MDT reps that walk around with an entitled attitude towards anyone else with a different name badge then them. They see what they are doing as right and the only way to do things BUT if another company does the exact same thing they shady, they are buying business.... in short they get PISSED when others play the same game.

I do not see where anyone said that MDT's ways were wrong. I believe their point was that there are reps out there with MDT badges the drink a little too much of the MDT Kool-aid and have a "do as I say not as I do attitude."

In the past few decades it was OK for MDT to sponsor studies. Face it, no matter how legit or shady they might have been it helped them in big ways to gain and secure MS. When anyone else even breathes the word 'study' they get accused of buying business.

Move forward to today and take a look at the fat and happy MDT reps that feel entitled and rest on the laurels. They are pulling away from the blanket coverage/service that their customers have come to depend on but yet when other companies steps up and fills in the gaps then it must be illegal, shady or whatever you want to label it.

Listen to how they talk out of both sides of their mouthes.... BIO, Sorin, even STJ will not be able to survive in this market. They have no GPO's, they can't bundle (STJ can) but yet BIO and MDT are the only approved vendors on Premier - whoahhh what?!?! BIO must have done something shady to get on Premier. But then when anyone else actually jumps into the fray with them to provide economically enticing proposals to a buying group they get accused of trashing ASPs and ruining the market? Which is it??? It can't be both ways.

To sum up the previous poster's "rose colored' glasses comment is that there are some MDT reps that walk around with an entitled attitude towards anyone else with a different name badge then them. They see what they are doing as right and the only way to do things BUT if another company does the exact same thing they shady, they are buying business.... in short they get PISSED when others play the same game.

I get it.. you don't like what MDT reps do or say. As a MDT rep, I don't conduct business that way. If other reps make claims they can't back up, I call them out. I would never conduct business the way my competitors do nor would I want their business if it has to be earned in a manner that doesn't meet my style. I do not befriend a customer just because they are my customer, I don't offer them studies, I don't take them to programs or entertain. With ASP's going down and the cost of doing business going up, I am as streamlined and fiscally responsible as possible and my customers get it. Yes, I have told my non-MDT friendly customers they can choose 1 day per month to combine all their MDT device checks and that will be the only day we will be able to schedule their office. Tough shit if they don't like it. I could care less if my competitors want to hang out all day at those accounts.

Regardless of what company you work for, the days of earning business through out of town programs, dinners, catering to rediculous device checks, becoming personal pals with your doc's, you will soon be dissappointed. If this is, or has been your strategy, I suggest you change. The next thing that will change is your pay as companies realize these activities no longer drive the bottom line and actually cost too much to continue and it will force a different device rep sales force making much less.

So, when you hear what you think is bashing by MDT reps over the topics I mentioned above, it's because there is a form of conditioning going on right now to start changing customer expectations as well as rep compensation packages. Don't blame MDT reps just keep your eye on the ball.

I get it.. you don't like what MDT reps do or say. As a MDT rep, I don't conduct business that way. If other reps make claims they can't back up, I call them out. I would never conduct business the way my competitors do nor would I want their business if it has to be earned in a manner that doesn't meet my style. I do not befriend a customer just because they are my customer, I don't offer them studies, I don't take them to programs or entertain. With ASP's going down and the cost of doing business going up, I am as streamlined and fiscally responsible as possible and my customers get it. Yes, I have told my non-MDT friendly customers they can choose 1 day per month to combine all their MDT device checks and that will be the only day we will be able to schedule their office. Tough shit if they don't like it. I could care less if my competitors want to hang out all day at those accounts.

Regardless of what company you work for, the days of earning business through out of town programs, dinners, catering to rediculous device checks, becoming personal pals with your doc's, you will soon be dissappointed. If this is, or has been your strategy, I suggest you change. The next thing that will change is your pay as companies realize these activities no longer drive the bottom line and actually cost too much to continue and it will force a different device rep sales force making much less.

So, when you hear what you think is bashing by MDT reps over the topics I mentioned above, it's because there is a form of conditioning going on right now to start changing customer expectations as well as rep compensation packages. Don't blame MDT reps just keep your eye on the ball.

I wasn't blaming anyone.... I was pointing out that there are reps from all companies but mostly MDT that handle their accounts a certain way and they see it as being right and/or the only way but yet when a competitor does the exact same thing and beats them at their own game they whine about it and point fingers and sling mud and THAT is classless.

I get it.. you don't like what MDT reps do or say. As a MDT rep, I don't conduct business that way. If other reps make claims they can't back up, I call them out. I would never conduct business the way my competitors do nor would I want their business if it has to be earned in a manner that doesn't meet my style. I do not befriend a customer just because they are my customer, I don't offer them studies, I don't take them to programs or entertain. With ASP's going down and the cost of doing business going up, I am as streamlined and fiscally responsible as possible and my customers get it. Yes, I have told my non-MDT friendly customers they can choose 1 day per month to combine all their MDT device checks and that will be the only day we will be able to schedule their office. Tough shit if they don't like it. I could care less if my competitors want to hang out all day at those accounts.

Regardless of what company you work for, the days of earning business through out of town programs, dinners, catering to rediculous device checks, becoming personal pals with your doc's, you will soon be dissappointed. If this is, or has been your strategy, I suggest you change. The next thing that will change is your pay as companies realize these activities no longer drive the bottom line and actually cost too much to continue and it will force a different device rep sales force making much less.

So, when you hear what you think is bashing by MDT reps over the topics I mentioned above, it's because there is a form of conditioning going on right now to start changing customer expectations as well as rep compensation packages. Don't blame MDT reps just keep your eye on the ball.

They never said that they don't like how they do things or blamed them for anything. They said they do not like how MDT and other reps whine, point fingers and sling mud when they get beat at their own games. Their stories change based upon which scenario suits them better on that day.... BIO is too small. They only get business by trashing ASPs but yet they won't be able to survive a lean economical environment with lower ASP's. Which is it folks???? Yes, times are changing but let's face it BIO, BSX and even STJ aren't going anywhere. There is room for everyone in one way or another.

I worked for Bio for many years and the thing that made it work was TB and way he brought the right and some of the wrong guys over too. He understood the business and tried to make it work. The problem was the old guys inside that had been to long. Bio leads have always been good and the devices work just like anyone elses.

This business is now no different than band aids but with alot more service. This can't sustain it's self the way it is. The new breed of EP's expect everything for nothing but until we make them aware of the economics of what it cost in a way which they understand we'll see lay offs and asp's go down. They don't work for nothing and nor do we. They need to organize their clinics, hire personel like the old days and we need to quite giving things away because we're scared of loosing the business.

MDT is the market leader because they get to the guys while in training, until everyone does that they will always be in the drivers seat The others need to invest in their business not in meanless studies to buy business.

This is a dying business, find another line of work

I worked for Bio for many years and the thing that made it work was TB and way he brought the right and some of the wrong guys over too. He understood the business and tried to make it work. The problem was the old guys inside that had been to long. Bio leads have always been good and the devices work just like anyone elses.

This business is now no different than band aids but with alot more service. This can't sustain it's self the way it is. The new breed of EP's expect everything for nothing but until we make them aware of the economics of what it cost in a way which they understand we'll see lay offs and asp's go down. They don't work for nothing and nor do we. They need to organize their clinics, hire personel like the old days and we need to quite giving things away because we're scared of loosing the business.

MDT is the market leader because they get to the guys while in training, until everyone does that they will always be in the drivers seat The others need to invest in their business not in meanless studies to buy business.

This is a dying business, find another line of work

Only about 50% made sense but I will agree that the business is declining and there is little influence reps will have on future business. EP's are struggling with their decreased status and try to flex what little power they have left. It's nice to treat EP's like partners rather than Wishing Wells$$$.

as more and more IC's learn Defibs, Eps will be left with their EP clinicals wiping drool off their chins during 3 hour mapping cases while ablating assumptions.

"I think............
"What do you think............/

yea, lets burn that one