<5% Market Share

Exactly...now you get it you moron. It comes full circle now.....BIO started something it can't finish. Follow me here dumb dumb...BIO doesn't have the deep pockets to play the lower pricing game that MDT can. MDT will agressively engage in the pricing game at a level BIO can't afford to play. Therefore, as BIO attempts to compete, their reps start making less and less $ while MDT reps remain whole. MDT picks up more MS and hires more staff to cover while MDT reps remain whole. BIO loses MS trying to keep up while BIO reps work harder and make less $....do you follow the trend here? BIO is creating their own demise. Your business model doesn't work long term so enjoy it while it lasts.

Actually, you're really not making much sense here. You're stating (I'm paraphrasing) that MDT can aggressively engage in the pricing game at a level that BIO cannot afford to play. Where is your support?

MDT can't play the pricing game. Lower pricing affects net margins. Selling more at a lower price is the old "make it up in volume" game. Unfortunately, if MDT were to lower prices in an attempt to do this, net margins would decrease, COGS would go up as a percentage of sales, thereby decreasing profitability. Decreased profitability means upsetting Wall Street and lower stock prices.

On the other hand, BIO can afford to lower prices because it's not worried about Wall Street. Additionally, BIO isn't top heavy (yet). BIO can afford to lower prices without cutting many personnel. BIO doesn't have a large base of implanted devices. With a large established base, MDT has to have personnel to support that base. So, if MDT were to instigate a price war, the greatest impact would occur in the field force - headcount reductions in order to maintain healthy net margins.

An example of the future is in Europe where ICD systems sell for $5k-7.5k. In Europe reps make less than they do here (however, BIO reps still make more with equivalent books of business). The sales forces there are much leaner and rely upon physicians & hospitals to do most of their own checks.

The whole concept of MDT reps staying whole is also foreign. I have several friends at MDT who have large books of business, and are making less every year even with increased sales.

This is all crazy the back and forth nonsense chatter between the 2 of you. 2 things here: Bio will stay at the MS of today maybe grow 1-2 points. Why? b/c of implanters who like research $ and if Bio can prove that they can cover a large account and gain favor w the administration to buy onto contract. Its all preception here. The implanters have to say that Bio is equal to other device companies in every way.

This is all crazy the back and forth nonsense chatter between the 2 of you. 2 things here: Bio will stay at the MS of today maybe grow 1-2 points. Why? b/c of implanters who like research $ and if Bio can prove that they can cover a large account and gain favor w the administration to buy onto contract. Its all preception here. The implanters have to say that Bio is equal to other device companies in every way.

No reasonable MDT thinker looks to Biotronik as a threat....to put it bluntly, if 'they' ran us out of every account everywhere...they would gain 5-7%, right?

The MDT voice in this thread is threatened by BIO in his accounts, but Omar is not sweating BIO.

Given Omars top line growth is being fueled by stents(MDT at close to 50% share according to a stent rep I talked to in Miami last week), he may not be sweating BIO today but if they and abbott both launch absorbable stents in 2015? That multi billion dollar cash cow is in trouble. Bio could go from 1- 3 billion in 12-18 months if they capture even 35% of this market. Bio prints money so what would prevent them from buying a strong TAVR or renal denervation line? nothing. europe is filled with these type companies.

Aint no way Omar can make up that revenue loss with Corevalve, flat CRM and very flat spine business. AAA? unless they buy this new 14 french approved device(trivasive), that is going to be a tough market to grow as well given gores position and md's excitement over a 14 french device.

Renal denervation may be big but its not as lucrative long term given 5-6 companies could have US approval by 2016. Could be today's stent in terms of commodization and if the "ultrasound" type technologies prove less harmful, Ardian could prove to be a very questionable acquisition. Not as bad as Kyphon yet the jury is out here in terms of what it paid vs how long it will be the only technology on the market

You guys need to look at the big picture, CRM is an ok biz margin wise but it is a flat and declining market with little to no innovation forthcoming. Days of clinical studies to assess a mnor algorthim addition are over too, MDs' are too smart to get involved in this nickel and dime market game moving forward given the Sunshine will give some bad sunburn

They just had their absorbable stent blown up. "back to the drawing board" was the VP's quote. They will be far behind Abbott. Keep dreaming, in 2015 jake will still be wandering the halls of Lake Oswego brushing his teeth after eating bread from the bakery you share your building with.

So who would benefit from making a very inflamatory and personnel attack statement like this idiot? Its suspicious that the post just before was obviously from a Bio? MDT rep!!!!!!!!!

BIO is a bunch of scum bags!!! BIO is putting in a BIV at Tricity MC for $14-$17K for the entire system!!!! Dr. Whore is the biggest hack! Implanting Card with shit hands, no ethics and has no business touching pt's...period! Way to kill ASP's and pt's all in one swoop! Idiots!!!

Who would benefit from a very personnel and inflamatory attack like this one? Suspicious that the post just before is from a Bio or MDT rep? I wonder if they both implant at this hospital and right around the previous posting which rep was getting a stj atlas vr gen chg? who benefits????

The stent trial you are referring to was based on a paclitaxel coating, the new Bio stent(orsiro) is a sirolimus drug. Feel free to google as its all there......

Very similar to what is on the Abbott BVS as well as the drug on current Xience and Resolute offerings

Stay in denial if you like but this could triple the size of BIO in five years sales wise. Even if it shows non inferiority? the BVS market will take share and quickly when its launched in US(mid 2015)