40% employees Will be layoff from IT, Finance and commercial

Don't be dumbasses on here. IT is going to be outsourced, so take your resume to the outsourcing company & make a ton of money as a contractor for Abbott. AN laid off nearly all their IT staff today...made the managers do it instead of it coming from senior leadership. Abbott went from one of the most well-respected companies out there to a steaming pile of shit in mere weeks.

40%, by the way? Try more like 80% and growing. In total, Abbott will have a skeleton IT staff when the RIFs are all said & done. Don't be stupid and think you won't be next.

You were fired from Austin IT or is it Rocky Mt you ball less troll

Churlish I will be. And of course the following diatribe is merely my humble opinion:
The Company appears to be completely overtaken by politicians with no substance. In the 2 years I wasted at that joint it was a miracle if I ever got a straight answer from anyone about anything. It was so exhausting playing Emperors New Clothes, day after day. I still want to shout my disgust on the rooftops. I suppose I could kick myself for going to a company which was supposedly the top of the line (must have been all the PR they do that swayed me)and find it was a house of smoke and mirrors, full of clowns with crowns and degrees from tenth rates schools,yes, a freak show replete with two-faced middle aged men and women, whose eyes roved and winked as they bobbed their heads; droves of brain dead cretins, and a handful of martyrs who actually got real work done. Why they stayed is beyond me. I imagine they were so browbeaten they didn't think they would ever find another place. It just seemed so pathetic. A horrible place. Get out, I say. Get out! It will kill your spirit, your drive, your brain cells. It is a horrid workaday environment of people who like to spend their time filling in blanks on databases, and yell while wielding bats. There is nothing creative about anything done there. It is all done in the environment of an army batallion. Someone gives orders, whatever it is, a complete waste of time, or not, you do it. GOD, I JUST COULDN'T BREATHE.
YAY. I am out. Free.

You forgot to mention you are unemployed and were set free by Abbott (fired) I hate trolls like you who answer their own threads former disgruntled workers who were the bottom of the barrel that we're let go Yeah you are free all right you BLOW that's why you're history !!

While there may be some fired or laid off workers here I can attest that I am still employed and the amount of posts from Abbott employees from all divisions in different locations tells me that the environment (moral) is the lowest I have seen. In my group all the workers are waiting for the next layoff (bullet) that has their name on it. So everyone has their resumes up to date and are reading Monster and Careerbuilder on a daily basis.

I just got a call from two competitors and am considering jumping ship rather than wait for my name to come up. If anything i will spare some other poor soul from getting laid off in my group. The sad thing is the amount of work is the same and less workers working in overdrive.

So, where was the Mckenzie memo posted? Are there other discussions going on?
Word is that next round is Sept/Oct, is it last?

Oh, you sweet summer child. You think that they can't layoff any more people.

This is Abbott. The company that will happily provide human sacrifice on the altars of commerce every quarter if they could.