Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters reporters

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

I'm calling BS on this post until it is proven. Nothing in the press about European layoffs for Abbott and it's almost 9 pm over there. Surely it would have been reported already in the press.

UK rep here. Don't forget we're such a small country we're a fifth the size of Texas. Our Government departments only have to be notified if redundancies are over a certain percent of total workforce, and they weren't. SPD is just about finished, IPD hasn't started yet. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be in terms of process, although a few people did have to interview/ compete against their friends who they'd known for years (and that taught me a lot about human nature). Territories are HUGE though, not sure how manageable they'll be. We even hired replacements for the people who took voluntary severance and their contracts are the same as old Abbott ones. Those who wanted to retire early or leave we're able to, and I didn't hear of anyone getting screwed or treated badly. A lot were ready to go, and couldn't wait. Jobs for the hep C product are starting to appear and I might go for one. Many of the products you sell in the US aren't licensed here, so there are fewer of us to fire. But then what we bring as a percent of global sales is probably as small so maybe we're more expendable. Several people have gone to CSOs and say it's not that bad. I'm just glad I have a job for now, but I'm thinking what and where to go next, this can't last. Good luck to you all over the pond.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Learn from past lessons (i.e. Hospira) everyone is screwed. I was a DM in Anti-Infectives when Hospira employees were told the SPINOFF was so they could keep ALL of their profits for R&D instead of being shared with Abbott. They were told this would benefit them in the long run.
Less than a year later they were told their Abbott "tie-ins were over". No more pension accruement, no benefits, etc. Hospira was an independent company and they had to "retire" from Abbott and re-interview with Hospira for their jobs. They were all new employees. New employees means LOWER STARTING SALARIES!!
The tenured people retired and began receiving their benefits immediately. The younger people were screwed!!
For those who live in a bubble and don't think they will do this again, you are delusional.
Be prepared to re-interview for your positions and your new starting over salary in the $40's again.
Thanks Abbott!!!!

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

and those hospira screw you ideas came from mr. white, and we all know me. white wasn't fired for screwing over elderly dementia patients, and now his next screw you is about to be revealed

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Now that we have a black president and white women can vote, the oppressed are the American work force. We are the oppressed.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

UK rep here. Don't forget we're such a small country we're a fifth the size of Texas.

Not only are you only a fifth the size of Texas, but all of your girls are ugly. Especially compare to the beautiful women in Texas.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

and those hospira screw you ideas came from mr. white, and we all know me. white wasn't fired for screwing over elderly dementia patients, and now his next screw you is about to be revealed

Hopefully there is an MI in his future.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

A lot of people will be hurt with this thing. I can no longer listen to the people who are drinking the Kool Aid. It sickens me.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Please include the constant intimidation by the AEPAC people to join. I'm tired of the "I highly reccomend you join" emails from RSD and DM. Leave me a voicemail when you enroll. Bite Me!

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Please include the constant intimidation by the AEPAC people to join. I'm tired of the "I highly reccomend you join" emails from RSD and DM. Leave me a voicemail when you enroll. Bite Me!

Don't forget the "Giving Campaign"

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Okay I'm talking about the split of the company here not r and d and bonuses. YES I'm sure Miles wants to pocket as much money as possible with the split, however, I'm talking about the ethical thing to do with all their employees going through the split. I've seen many companies ask for volunteers to retire. Why can't they do that now? Why can't they give ALL employees some kind of heads up about what is going on so that we may make plans that are in the best interest of taking care of our families. Why always Tues night at 5pm we get told not to go to work tomorrow? Why can't just once they do something ethical so that we might have a better chance to prepare and survive? It's because they want to squeeze every last minute out of us working. Abbott doesn't care about any of the employees. All the Q & A about the split have been answered in such vague terms it has told us nothing!!!!!!!!! They are purposely keeping us in the dark.


Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

We're gonna have to sit tight for now. Maybe, just maybe, when June arrives and Abbott/AbbVie has to report their plans for the new company, we'll have some answers. What choice do we have? You can start a job search, but unless you find something in this lousy economy that offers comparable pay/benefits and better security, you're probably stuck until something shakes out of AP.

Here's a thought that might make you feel better. If it's rough on us down here in the trenches wondering what will happen, imagine the cut-throat musical chairs being played out in Chicago as everyone fights for the last spots on the Legacy Abbott lifeboat. Any hot shot who can't finagle a slot in old Abbott is sure to scratch and claw for a seat at the Humira table at AbbVie.

For me, as a Cardiovascular Care rep, selling these tired old products, or at least TRYING to see someone who can write a RX, surviving the split would be almost as depressing as being unemployed. To paraphrase Mr T, "I pity the fool who gets stuck at AbbVie!"


Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Yes, Amen to that I really hope there is a plan to offer some older reps a 5 plus 5 deal or something just to thin it out a little every other pharma company has done that it is decent way to get those who are almost there and not really sure if they want to take a chance, start over at age 54, etc etc and may just save 2 jobs for less tenured reps, etc but I don't expect that to happen..oh well getting ready for some ramon noodles and tap water...

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Yes MW is rewarded for screwing people over. That's about it.

I really want to get layed off. Heard the severance will be extremely rewarding. I went to Wal-Mart last night and bought myself a new Hammock in anticipation of resting in the back yard with a tuna sandwich and a 18 pack of Bud. Amen and may God Bles you all.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Funny, there are not going to be any severance packages. That is why the split, clean house, start anew, all employees will be new employees of abbvie. Honestly why in the world would a company as successful as abbott break in two the cost associated with it have to be recouped somewhere...And guess where that somewhere is, yep; Us.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Funny, there are not going to be any severance packages. That is why the split, clean house, start anew, all employees will be new employees of abbvie. Honestly why in the world would a company as successful as abbott break in two the cost associated with it have to be recouped somewhere...And guess where that somewhere is, yep; Us.

May God Bless us all as we travel the road together to the unemployment line. Best of luck to everyone on your Journey. You go your way and I will go mine, best of luck to what we may find.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

May God Bless us all as we travel the road together to the unemployment line. Best of luck to everyone on your Journey. You go your way and I will go mine, best of luck to what we may find.

thank you for your encouragement and honesty. well said.