Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters reporters

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Funny, there are not going to be any severance packages. That is why the split, clean house, start anew, all employees will be new employees of abbvie. Honestly why in the world would a company as successful as abbott break in two the cost associated with it have to be recouped somewhere...And guess where that somewhere is, yep; Us.

Not so sure of that. They may pull the trigger sooner. May have already paid for severence as part of last years layoff.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Yes, Amen to that I really hope there is a plan to offer some older reps a 5 plus 5 deal or something just to thin it out a little every other pharma company has done that it is decent way to get those who are almost there and not really sure if they want to take a chance, start over at age 54, etc etc and may just save 2 jobs for less tenured reps, etc but I don't expect that to happen..oh well getting ready for some ramon noodles and tap water...

What is decency? Haven't heard that word used around here before.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Okay I'm talking about the split of the company here not r and d and bonuses. YES I'm sure Miles wants to pocket as much money as possible with the split, however, I'm talking about the ethical thing to do with all their employees going through the split. I've seen many companies ask for volunteers to retire. Why can't they do that now? Why can't they give ALL employees some kind of heads up about what is going on so that we may make plans that are in the best interest of taking care of our families. Why always Tues night at 5pm we get told not to go to work tomorrow? Why can't just once they do something ethical so that we might have a better chance to prepare and survive? It's because they want to squeeze every last minute out of us working. Abbott doesn't care about any of the employees. All the Q & A about the split have been answered in such vague terms it has told us nothing!!!!!!!!! They are purposely keeping us in the dark.

They are afraid everyone will walk at the same time. They want us to go when THEY decide.

Re: Abbott unethical company with employees/attn WSJ and NY Times reporters report

Corruption may have become "way of life." Just recognize that a lot of people (including maybe self?) are exactly the very people they criticize.