Employees should not let Gonzo stay!

If I recall it was done by a group out in Colorado that was an offshoot of S. Covey's practice and is highly reputable doing DISC assessments. I suggest you do a little internet research yourself, or perhaps look in the mirror. If the shoe fits...

Blah, blah, blah. You can't cite the data, only claim it an offshoot of someone else. Please drop the psychobabble and come back to reality. How many corporate leaders are you personally acquainted with? Making some subjective claim that can't be measured is tantamount to libel.

Go back to your social work and become a community organizer.

If his past job performance is satisfactory to the Company, all this hullabaloo is just a bunch of posturing by people who don't have RG's income. How many of us in Field Sales have a degree that's contributed a thing to our ability to move product?

Get over it people, if a college degree was the definition of success, we'd all be rich. There are high school graduates out there who can throw a 95+ mile-an-hour fastball, jam guitar, or construct a video game that earn more in a year than we will in a lifetime. Maybe it's time to worry about our own circumstances, and stop caterwauling about how unfair life is.

I think you are missing the point. Who gives a rats ass whether or not he had those degrees? The point is that he SAID he had them and didn't. Do you think that some admin just created them all by themself? Nope. HE had to turn them in.
Obviously, THAT is THE BIG deal.... lying.
Whatever ever happened to "accuracy and integrity of books and records"?

I think you are missing the point. Who gives a rats ass whether or not he had those degrees? The point is that he SAID he had them and didn't. Do you think that some admin just created them all by themself? Nope. HE had to turn them in.
Obviously, THAT is THE BIG deal.... lying.
Whatever ever happened to "accuracy and integrity of books and records"?

Jeez, I went away and came back. Is that RG still there? Can't this bumbling bureaucracy get anything done. Ethics may be a foreign word to the many here so I wouldn't even bother translating. It comes down to dollars and shareholders. Believe me the moment AbbVie is sold that Gonzo will be gone. Once the feds look into this a bit more and pile a a nice fat amendment to the CIA that'll put an end to this nonsense.

CP please take down this negative and old news thread!! To my fellow AbbVie peers, let's move forward to BUILD a GREAT company!!

CP make sure to keep this thread up because it has information on an issue important to all the ethical people who work for Abbott/AbbVie. We would not want to encourage the spread of a greater unethical culture at Abbott/AbbVie with coverups.

Blah, blah, blah. You can't cite the data, only claim it an offshoot of someone else. Please drop the psychobabble and come back to reality. How many corporate leaders are you personally acquainted with? Making some subjective claim that can't be measured is tantamount to libel.

Go back to your social work and become a community organizer.

This person is obviously a CEO wannabe as it/he/she shows absolutely no empathy. Your ass will be fired soon. I am also a CEO wannabe and I can hardly wait. Look up DISC assessment and contact the company for more data, you lazy ass fool with an iq of 70.

Blah, blah, blah. You can't cite the data, only claim it an offshoot of someone else. Please drop the psychobabble and come back to reality. How many corporate leaders are you personally acquainted with? Making some subjective claim that can't be measured is tantamount to libel.

Go back to your social work and become a community organizer.

So funny. Feel free to start the libel suit where those libeled (ALL CEOs on Earth) will have to prove that they do not lack empathy. I can be contacted at U R A FRIGGINIDIOT DOT COM.

So funny. Feel free to start the libel suit where those libeled (ALL CEOs on Earth) will have to prove that they do not lack empathy. I can be contacted at U R A FRIGGINIDIOT DOT COM.

And all the whining about RG won't put a dime in your pocket, provide you with health insurance, or contribute to your retirement. Will it make you feel better if the layoff comes and the person delivering the message gives you a hug?

The entitlement mentality in this country doesn't just reside with those on the lower end of the economic scale. It also infects those who believe a company exists solely to provide them with lifetime employment and eternal loyalty. Publicly-traded companies exist to make a profit and a return on investment for their shareholders. They owe their employees a fair wage for their work, and employees owe an honest day's work for their compensation. Workers are free to leave if they get a better offer, and the company can discharge its workers if they no longer contribute to the company's bottom line.

Your comments reflect an utter misunderstanding of basic economics and the free market system.

This person is obviously a CEO wannabe as it/he/she shows absolutely no empathy. Your ass will be fired soon. I am also a CEO wannabe and I can hardly wait. Look up DISC assessment and contact the company for more data, you lazy ass fool with an iq of 70.

More assumptions, with no facts to back up his/her argument. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you weren't on the debate team in college.

And if I am fired soon, I won't waste my energy moaning about the unfairness of it all, or complain that the Company didn't shower me with sympathy.

I think you are missing the point. Who gives a rats ass whether or not he had those degrees? The point is that he SAID he had them and didn't. Do you think that some admin just created them all by themself? Nope. HE had to turn them in.
Obviously, THAT is THE BIG deal.... lying.
Whatever ever happened to "accuracy and integrity of books and records"?

I'm not responsible for enforcing someone else's morals or ethics, I'm only responsible for me. In my time on this earth, I'm busy enough just trying to support my family and live as happily as is possible. If I commit to working hard, being honest in my dealings with others, and genuinely try to help my fellow man, then I've done all I can. Mr White, the Abbott board, and Rick Gonzales himself have to live with their decisions in this matter. Why get all worked up over something we can't control?

More assumptions, with no facts to back up his/her argument. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you weren't on the debate team in college.

And if I am fired soon, I won't waste my energy moaning about the unfairness of it all, or complain that the Company didn't shower me with sympathy.

I am the freaking CEO of your company brainiac; isn't it obvious? So you are saying this kind of unsupported info is not to your liking? Northwestern's Kellogg finds me educated enough to invite me to speak as a guest professor.

I'm not responsible for enforcing someone else's morals or ethics, I'm only responsible for me. In my time on this earth, I'm busy enough just trying to support my family and live as happily as is possible. If I commit to working hard, being honest in my dealings with others, and genuinely try to help my fellow man, then I've done all I can. Mr White, the Abbott board, and Rick Gonzales himself have to live with their decisions in this matter. Why get all worked up over something we can't control?

I'm sorry if you believe you have no control. Apathy at Abbott by middle management and worker bees is the reason this kind of farce persists. One poster above seems to believe that Cafe Pharma should be a serious forum for debate. I wonder where all the debating goes on at Abbott when it comes to facts and figures. Unfortunately, I never see anything of the sort there. It appears that any questioning that goes against the thinking of the status quo is responded to with nasty jabs and negative reviews, similar to that evidenced in this forum. Opposing positions are just not tolerated, it seems.

And all the whining about RG won't put a dime in your pocket, provide you with health insurance, or contribute to your retirement. Will it make you feel better if the layoff comes and the person delivering the message gives you a hug?

The entitlement mentality in this country doesn't just reside with those on the lower end of the economic scale. It also infects those who believe a company exists solely to provide them with lifetime employment and eternal loyalty. Publicly-traded companies exist to make a profit and a return on investment for their shareholders. They owe their employees a fair wage for their work, and employees owe an honest day's work for their compensation. Workers are free to leave if they get a better offer, and the company can discharge its workers if they no longer contribute to the company's bottom line.

Your comments reflect an utter misunderstanding of basic economics and the free market system.

It is clear you will do anything your boss says for a buck and have no value system except for the collection of $$$$$$$$$$.

It is clear you will do anything your boss says for a buck and have no value system except for the collection of $$$$$$$$$$.

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Read the part where I wrote an employee owes an HONEST day's work. Like the post stated, the entitlement mentality covers more than just the lower end of the economic scale.

I'm sorry if you believe you have no control. Apathy at Abbott by middle management and worker bees is the reason this kind of farce persists. One poster above seems to believe that Cafe Pharma should be a serious forum for debate. I wonder where all the debating goes on at Abbott when it comes to facts and figures. Unfortunately, I never see anything of the sort there. It appears that any questioning that goes against the thinking of the status quo is responded to with nasty jabs and negative reviews, similar to that evidenced in this forum. Opposing positions are just not tolerated, it seems.

And what control, pray tell, do you believe you have? Writing an anonymous post decrying RG's educational credentials? You need to grow up and realize life ain't fair. Some people get ahead in life in spite of their failings. You can either waste precious time complaining about it, or get on with your life. If the worst happens and we lose our jobs while others stay on, the sun will still rise in the east and set in the west, the rivers will still run to the sea, and we'll still have people who love us and depend on us.

I prefer to control what I can control, and let go of that which I can't.

I am the freaking CEO of your company brainiac; isn't it obvious? So you are saying this kind of unsupported info is not to your liking? Northwestern's Kellogg finds me educated enough to invite me to speak as a guest professor.

So, on top of passing off bogus "research," you also have delusional thoughts. Please, seek help before it's too late to regain your faculties.