Genentech under Roche is diminishing continually. Manufacturing related jobs are practically only in Oregon. There are fewer opportunities in R&D in SSF. Wonder what is going to be shut down next. Layoffs are probable in 2025.
Roche feels Genentech is like a cancer on a body of Roche. Outlived its usefulness and is going by inertia. Many opportunists hang around and look busy. This is natural feed for toxic work environment. Next year Roche will make some move in this regard.
Genentech is Roche.
Decisions are made in Switzerland and are executed in the US. Locals have not much to say. Genentech name is a cover to take the blame.
Sad decline of Genentech
Good performers after being hired are formed using the Roche mold and after a few years they become average or worse.
They will take this new normal with them when they change employment.
Lost connection to manufacturing. The management decided to close the manufacturing plants. It has become a place doing often irrelevant work for the parent company. It has been also a source of personnel for smaller companies with disappointing results. These people taken out of their niches lack perspective of broad aspects of drug development process.
Genentech is the name only.
It is Roche. Genentech is only a pretender, hiding behind old name, in reality it is an obedient servant.
Quality of people declined accordingly.
They lost their edge.
People get disappointed and leave. Often join small companies that are impressed by the Genentech name. These companies are then disappointed by quality of people they got.
Being transformed to death. Job was great, lots of flexibility, not under constant pressure, no, overloaded, no promotions possible as they will cut most of middle-management in PDG soon.