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Xiidra / Oph enough is enough!!!

why agree to another pointless state of the union? So they can take 55 minutes to praise themselves, say they don’t speak on rumors, and then take 5 minutes for pigeon hole questions, which, let’s be honest, they have NEVER truly answered. Nope, I know what it is…it’s so we can hear all about Ted’s favorite string cheese incident song and why, or how great his football team is.

Good lord, I’d rather stab my eye with a COVID needle, thank you very much.

“Stab my eye with a COVID needle”

HIPPA, HIPPA HIPPA…where is that HIPPA police!

Maybe they went to the CV thread…one can only hope.

Speaking of the Regional mentioned I just sent a couple days around her and honestly I would rather run into a brick wall then listen to her another minute.

They have NO intention of stepping up as discussed and filling the void left by the TLL’s because then they would actually have accountability.

Do as I say and not as I do. Ha Ha

Speaking of the Regional mentioned I just sent a couple days around her and honestly I would rather run into a brick wall then listen to her another minute.

They have NO intention of stepping up as discussed and filling the void left by the TLL’s because then they would actually have accountability.

Do as I say and not as I do. Ha Ha

She looks like she just rolled out of bed when shes on camera with the entire north region calls so doesn’t surprise me she would wanna be held accountable for calling on a TLL. I mean that would take actual work.

She looks like she just rolled out of bed when shes on camera with the entire north region calls so doesn’t surprise me she would wanna be held accountable for calling on a TLL. I mean that would take actual work.
What a pretender she is! She doe nothing more than suck good oxygen out of the air. I wish she would just leave a make herself self important somewhere else. Worst regional I’ve ever had however she’s the first one to take credit for being #1.

Let’s remember it’s only 1 or 3! There is no substance or depth with her. At least Tab has string cheese stories.

Please Leave!

Does anyone honestly think they can continue a long-term career here without leaving the specialty and crossing over to one of the “growth “divisions? We’re being used like resp turn revenue to get the others going and then will be out on our asses. In the meantime, we have a silent for sale sign, but like a house on MLS, you have to take it off the market or else it looks desperate and aged and have your conversations behind closed doors. Do you think they’d rather pay all of our salaries each day when they know they can hopefully get a sales price at any given moment, and just take it all throw it towards the growth and dump us? Who honestly thinks we’re gonna be here past 2024? Or even end of fiscal?

Does anyone honestly think they can continue a long-term career here without leaving the specialty and crossing over to one of the “growth “divisions? We’re being used like resp turn revenue to get the others going and then will be out on our asses. In the meantime, we have a silent for sale sign, but like a house on MLS, you have to take it off the market or else it looks desperate and aged and have your conversations behind closed doors. Do you think they’d rather pay all of our salaries each day when they know they can hopefully get a sales price at any given moment, and just take it all throw it towards the growth and dump us? Who honestly thinks we’re gonna be here past 2024? Or even end of fiscal?
Before you take it off the market you lower the price. Problem is Novartis does not want to lower the price because they feel like its worth what they are asking. Also they got fleeced by takeda and dont want to lose face and sell it for 30% lower than what they bought it for. Market is going to get increasingly crowded in next two years and will become the primary care sale of eye care. Doctors that dont specialize in Dry Eye will get sick of hearing and seeing DED reps. If you arent looking most likely you are a Novartis lifer that just has too much invested and have a big severance payout. Xiidra is not the future of novartis eye care. The main issue is there is nothing else in the pipeline and they already said no more big investment into the division. Put 2 and 2 together.

Before you take it off the market you lower the price. Problem is Novartis does not want to lower the price because they feel like it’s worth what they are asking. Also they got fleeced by takeda and dont want to lose face and sell it for 30% lower than what they bought it for. Market is going to get increasingly crowded in next two years and will become the primary care sale of eye care. Doctors that dont specialize in Dry Eye will get sick of hearing and seeing DED reps. If you arent looking most likely you are a Novartis lifer that just has too much invested and have a big severance payout. Xiidra is not the future of novartis eye care. The main issue is there is nothing else in the pipeline and they already said no more big investment into the division. Put 2 and 2 together.


I think its far cheaper to pay us than take a huge beating on selling.

Unless everyone is above 250% of goal and the a paying commissions of $70k per rep. Honestly how foolish of a comp plan is that!

With all of that said as soon as the layoff comes they will slash the price or do I think. Unless you’re ready or close to retirement or have stock that will mature I think it’s moving time.

I think its far cheaper to pay us than take a huge beating on selling.

Unless everyone is above 250% of goal and the a paying commissions of $70k per rep. Honestly how foolish of a comp plan is that!

With all of that said as soon as the layoff comes they will slash the price or do I think. Unless you’re ready or close to retirement or have stock that will mature I think it’s moving time.

Exactly foolish comp plan - who the hell can get to 250% to goal? Plan is designed to have us reach for the stars but we will all fall on our asses

Reps that were in the bottom 2% past two trimesters and got. New managed care win. The way novartis likes it.
If you leave I won't cry
I won't waste one single day
But if you leave don't look back
I'll be running the other way
Seven years went under the bridge
Like time was standing still
Heaven knows what happens now
You've got to, you've gotta say you will

I'll touch you once, I'll touch you twice
I won't let go at any price
I need you now like I need you then
You always said we'd meet again

Exactly foolish comp plan - who the hell can get to 250% to goal? Plan is designed to have us reach for the stars but we will all fall on our asses

what is more comical Wis on our regional call to announce the comp plan our great Regional (NOT) ask everyone what % of quota are you going to be?

Then a shit ton of people are saying 150, 175, 200, 225% which is comical since they didn’t even give them a quota number yet.

I don’t know which is worse. The regional manager who is so stupid to ask people what percent of quarters are going to be at when she knows they don’t have their number or the idiots telling the Regional what she wants to hear and trying to impress her.

Disgusted at them both!

what is more comical Wis on our regional call to announce the comp plan our great Regional (NOT) ask everyone what % of quota are you going to be?

Then a shit ton of people are saying 150, 175, 200, 225% which is comical since they didn’t even give them a quota number yet.

I don’t know which is worse. The regional manager who is so stupid to ask people what percent of quarters are going to be at when she knows they don’t have their number or the idiots telling the Regional what she wants to hear and trying to impress her.

Disgusted at them both!
Again, people
In the bottom will be at the top and vice versa.

I think its far cheaper to pay us than take a huge beating on selling.

Unless everyone is above 250% of goal and the a paying commissions of $70k per rep. Honestly how foolish of a comp plan is that!

With all of that said as soon as the layoff comes they will slash the price or do I think. Unless you’re ready or close to retirement or have stock that will mature I think it’s moving time.

So here we are on the eve of the great departure for many reps to Tarsus. I wonder how Novartis will spin it, if at all. I know in our Region they have more than a few openings, however let’s not advertise it.

To me it seems very confusing. You make people miserable but you don’t want the word to get out that people are leaving.

Well the WORD IS OUT!

People are leaving and just wait till mid to late August there will be a mass exodus from Novartis Eye Care. Congratulations to everyone who is leaving. You deserved better than $$$$ You deserved to have inspiring leadership that actually knew what they were doing!

So here we are on the eve of the great departure for many reps to Tarsus. I wonder how Novartis will spin it, if at all. I know in our Region they have more than a few openings, however let’s not advertise it.

To me it seems very confusing. You make people miserable but you don’t want the word to get out that people are leaving.

Well the WORD IS OUT!

People are leaving and just wait till mid to late August there will be a mass exodus from Novartis Eye Care. Congratulations to everyone who is leaving. You deserved better than $$$$ You deserved to have inspiring leadership that actually knew what they were doing!

If tonight is the eve of the great departure why is august the mass exodus? Happy for anyone who is able to get out and go somewhere else. The Xiidra reps have been micromanaged for years worse than most other divisions

If tonight is the eve of the great departure why is august the mass exodus? Happy for anyone who is able to get out and go somewhere else. The Xiidra reps have been micromanaged for years worse than most other divisions

…Was getting on here to comment about Tarsus as well-so Many Positions open-and novartis is a dumpster fire with no future.

yeah. It’s about. To go. Down.