Xiidra / Oph enough is enough!!!

All we got were false promises and mis handling of a product and division that was doing very well.

Yes my friend everyone received false promises.

Maybe the new saying should be.

“How do you know when Senior Management is lying? It’s when you see their mouth is moving”

For the most part the ABL’s are good people and get it. Regionals and above are all scam artists.

Yes my friend everyone received false promises.

Maybe the new saying should be.

“How do you know when Senior Management is lying? It’s when you see their mouth is moving”

For the most part the ABL’s are good people and get it. Regionals and above are all scam artists.
More of a delusional group that cant admit
The obvious.

Does anyone feel the change title to TAS could potentially hold a future where eyecare now calls on internal med /pcp for Xiidra not just MD/OD ?
Or do you feel all of the training regarding “account mindset” and allegro stuff and the large meetings with other divisions means they’re preparing for transitioning employees from eye/resp to other Novartis divisions by year end at latest ?

Does anyone feel the change title to TAS could potentially hold a future where eyecare now calls on internal med /pcp for Xiidra not just MD/OD ?
Or do you feel all of the training regarding “account mindset” and allegro stuff and the large meetings with other divisions means they’re preparing for transitioning employees from eye/resp to other Novartis divisions by year end at latest ?
No one is transitioning to another division. TAS is a name. That’s all. When it was announced specialists ask if this was a promotion or a pay raise would follow. It is a name change. Why would a raise in pay or rank be appropriate. Ughhh.

Does anyone feel the change title to TAS could potentially hold a future where eyecare now calls on internal med /pcp for Xiidra not just MD/OD ?
Or do you feel all of the training regarding “account mindset” and allegro stuff and the large meetings with other divisions means they’re preparing for transitioning employees from eye/resp to other Novartis divisions by year end at latest ?
We already have pcp in our target lists. People just realize theres no sense calling on them.

No one is transitioning to another division. TAS is a name. That’s all. When it was announced specialists ask if this was a promotion or a pay raise would follow. It is a name change. Why would a raise in pay or rank be appropriate. Ughhh.

it could be the plan because all are having the same training

why agree to another pointless state of the union? So they can take 55 minutes to praise themselves, say they don’t speak on rumors, and then take 5 minutes for pigeon hole questions, which, let’s be honest, they have NEVER truly answered. Nope, I know what it is…it’s so we can hear all about Ted’s favorite string cheese incident song and why, or how great his football team is.

Good lord, I’d rather stab my eye with a COVID needle, thank you very much.

why agree to another pointless state of the union? So they can take 55 minutes to praise themselves, say they don’t speak on rumors, and then take 5 minutes for pigeon hole questions, which, let’s be honest, they have NEVER truly answered. Nope, I know what it is…it’s so we can hear all about Ted’s favorite string cheese incident song and why, or how great his football team is.

Good lord, I’d rather stab my eye with a COVID needle, thank you very much.

Omg dying - what is the string cheese incident song

I think its been enjoyable not having a state of union. They are pointless leaders that have drove this eye care division right down the toilet

ABL’s are great but above them. They haven't a clue about eyecare and my doctors are asking “what is going on with NVS constantly” its radio silence from Novartis.

I’d love to know what they do with their days because its sure not calling on our KOLS like they were going to after they let go of the TLL’s.

Then they wonder why sales are tanking. We have a leadership team that has no idea how valuable our KOL’s are in the eyecare space. It’s a different world. A small world and these doctors talk and them not seeing whats going to happen to Xiidra leaves them uncertainty too especially since our coverage overall sucks. Offices are understaffed and hate doing PA’s. Its an extra step and this slows down their work time with follow up with the pharmacy and patients etc.

Throw that on top of an inexperienced eye care leadership team (RD’s and above) that doesn't help has taken this once good division to the crapper.

I think its been enjoyable not having a state of union. They are pointless leaders that have drove this eye care division right down the toilet

ABL’s are great but above them. They haven't a clue about eyecare and my doctors are asking “what is going on with NVS constantly” its radio silence from Novartis.

I’d love to know what they do with their days because its sure not calling on our KOLS like they were going to after they let go of the TLL’s.

Then they wonder why sales are tanking. We have a leadership team that has no idea how valuable our KOL’s are in the eyecare space. It’s a different world. A small world and these doctors talk and them not seeing whats going to happen to Xiidra leaves them uncertainty too especially since our coverage overall sucks. Offices are understaffed and hate doing PA’s. Its an extra step and this slows down their work time with follow up with the pharmacy and patients etc.

Throw that on top of an inexperienced eye care leadership team (RD’s and above) that doesn't help has taken this once good division to the crapper.
Basically what you are saying is you cant run an eyecare division like primary care. That is exactly what has been taking place since the eyecare leaders left.

Former Shire rep here. Novartis lied to everyone during and after the purchase. Only kept a few people and many of them left before the end of 2019. Those that stayed had their salaries guaranteed by the sales contract until the end of 2020. No raises in 2020 because they were told they made “too much money”.

Basically what you are saying is you cant run an eyecare division like primary care. That is exactly what has been taking place since the eyecare leaders left.

Exactly. It’s disappointing and they are missing the boat for this reason. People were inspired, passionate and challenged to do better. Now its how many boxes do I need to check to stay off a list.

Exactly. It’s disappointing and they are missing the boat for this reason. People were inspired, passionate and challenged to do better. Now it’s how many boxes do I need to check to stay off a list.

this. 100%. And don’t forget us all having to do our own big bold objectives that they tell us what to do…

everyone-and I do mean everyone-is either hardcore looking or waiting for the package. It’s a sinking ship with no future. We are all waiting on the firing line-just waiting for someone to bring the bullets.

Former Shire rep here. Novartis lied to everyone during and after the purchase. Only kept a few people and many of them left before the end of 2019. Those that stayed had their salaries guaranteed by the sales contract until the end of 2020. No raises in 2020 because they were told they made “too much money”.

Ok-to novartis’ credit, shire was a launch product with bloated salaries…waaaaaaaaaaaay bloated.

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