Worst Medical Companies

Empi is no good because you do a ton of patients and get paid nothing! For a medical company they run you to death/expect alot but don't want to pay you. And once Blackstone builds itself up they are going to be sold again. Empi sells itself every 3-4 years!@

Yeah..what about Covidien. Does anybody know about them. They called me last week.

I interviewed with them not too long ago. I never met a bunch of people so happy about being a very distant no.2 in their product niche, with no specific strategy for improvement. they'd be lucky if they remained no 2 in five years.

Not much motivation... was a bad sign.

As a current rep of this company, I can tell you with out any doubt that it's I-Flow! The regional managers are redneck idiots and the Zone VP's (great title for a resume) are assholes. They don't care about developing their salespeople which is why they have so little to show for their efforts. Do not ever work for this company.

If you are trying to break into medical device from pharma would Applied Medical be a decent company if you can't land any positions with the bigger dogs like J and J and Covidien?? Any advice?

Not the PP, but I will answer you and say it's a good stepping stone. You can stay for a year or two and make good contacts and then the bigger companies will look at you.

I agree with poster #155 about Integra. The turnover is ridiculous, and expectations are unrealistic. The only positive thing is you hope they buy a company or product that they can add to your bag and you make great $$ for about three months then they slash the commission rate and you are back to square one. Then they cut your territory...again and again unless you are in the "inner circle" of about 5 reps that they dont want to piss off because they are blowing it out.

Also, its never a good thing when the CEO open states in a NSM that "if you want to consistently earn over 125k you are at the wrong company"...

Stay way...

Teleflex medical. Must be the walmart of the industry. Garbage pay garbage products. Get out arrow reps your comp plan just went to pot with these cheap bastards.

They are the Walmart of the device companies, cutting corners and slashing quality off the product, what they sell is shit. No wonder they are in so much trouble with the FDA.

As a current rep of this company, I can tell you with out any doubt that it's I-Flow! The regional managers are redneck idiots and the Zone VP's (great title for a resume) are assholes. They don't care about developing their salespeople which is why they have so little to show for their efforts. Do not ever work for this company.

what is your territory and what state are you in? I am in final stages of interviewing and think they may offer me the job but want some inside info if possible?


I very f'd up company with a lot of unethical and uneducated management at the helm.

Lots of screaming and yelling at any/everyone. VERY VERY little professionalism.

I find there to be very few professionals in charge from the VP (sales/ops) and below.

Cover up artist!

I heard thru the grapevine that they are now looking at Hybrid reps for Hill Rom, Long Term and Home care. Anyone know about this. Is this another way to cut the sales force?

Previous post regarding RS Medical is so accurate. I am currently on a performance plan. This is very frustrating due to the fact that I receive approx. ten referrals a day of which only two or three may pay out. WTF