Worst Medical Companies

Seriously, you cannot leave Cytyc off this list. I work there, and it is fucking terrible. I would gladly work at any of the companies above. I would rather work in pharma. I would rather sell cars. I would rather sell fucking beer at a baseball game (and would probably pay better commissions). Cytyc = fucking joke.

I have to agree with LC that I-flow is the absolute worst company to work for. A friend of mine was lured from pharma and told working for i-flow was an "outstanding opportunity". He was promised he would make 125,000 easy first year with dollar one commissions. All bullshit. He worked his ass off for months with a terrible manager and made no money whatsoever and he grew the territory! They dont tell you that you have to hit 70% of your goal before you even get a measley 3% of that number.
They lied about dollar one commission and lied about base business in his territory. Each month from the first month they increase your goals so you NEVER catch up, yet you make the company $$, but the reps don't make anything. He had three previous reps in his same territory in less than one year.

yep youre right, I FLOW sucks bad. They have the worst compensation plan of any device company out there- its ridiculous and why any one would read all this and still work for them is beyond me. Go get your experience anywhere else but not with this shady company. The turnover is ridiculous, management is useless and turns a blind eye to any problems, all in the name of making every dollar possible and shitting on the reps. Any good rep leaves there in a matter of months. My surgeons ask me all the time where the hell all their I FLOW reps keep going. The manager in this area is a major disaster from what Ive heard, a real nut job. People, look and listen and STAY AWAY!!!!!

yep youre right, I FLOW sucks bad. They have the worst compensation plan of any device company out there- its ridiculous and why any one would read all this and still work for them is beyond me. Go get your experience anywhere else but not with this shady company. The turnover is ridiculous, management is useless and turns a blind eye to any problems, all in the name of making every dollar possible and shitting on the reps. Any good rep leaves there in a matter of months. My surgeons ask me all the time where the hell all their I FLOW reps keep going. The manager in this area is a major disaster from what Ive heard, a real nut job. People, look and listen and STAY AWAY!!!!!

Afraid to ask, what area are you referring to? Just got a call from a recruiter.
Sleaze aside, any QOL? Micro-management? Can I make 100k? Thanks.

New Management is ruining the company. They must think we are really stupid to believe their lies. S&N is hiring and I'm out of here as soon as I get the offer. Hill-Rom used to be great but now it totally SUCKS!!!

Hill-Rom has definately gone down the tubes big time! Did they think we wouldn't figure out that they are paying us 40% less??? It's time to hit the road fast. Management does not have a clue.

This is all very true unfortunately. How could they put these people in charge?? It's a really sad day for Hill-Rom. All the lying and cover-ups have been exposed and they is ZERO confidence in UM. When over 90% of employees have their resume out, you know that the company is doomed! Peter S hasn't a clue but his management team is doing to ruin the company. He better wake up soon and find out what really is happening!

No more money to make Clinitrons. What does Hill-Rom expect us to do? This is really great. I have all this business with no inventory to fill orders. Really good decision by management.