Worst Medical Companies

Previous post regarding RS Medical is so accurate. I am currently on a performance plan. This is very frustrating due to the fact that I receive approx. ten referrals a day of which only two or three may pay out. WTF

This company sucks, can't wait for them to fail.... wait, then I won't have a job. I am always in the top end of my region and still can't make commission. Help!

does anybody know anything about compounded companies? i'm a medical sales rep who has come across a lot of compounded companies in the past few months. what are they?

If you are referencing compounded "medications" i.e. being a Marketing Director for a Compounding Lab or Pharmacy... I don't reccomend it!

Covidien is absolutely terrible! Corporate greed mongers as you've never seen before. They are squeezing the life out of their sales force. Commissions are non-existent. Changing the name from Tyco to Covidien was all a facade. It is a garbage company and one to avoid at all cost.

I don't work for the company but I keep hearing how I-Flow has a new rep in the territory in my area. That smells more like the company than the rep if you ask me. Plus I heard they just laid off.

The previous post is a few years old, but nothing has changed at I-Flow - unbelievable turnover of reps and managers - extremely unprofessional working environment - product is great - however, do not under any circumstances work here if you have other choices - this WILL damage your career - quotas are outlandish and you will have a new manager every 3 months - it is widely acknowledged within the company that the CEO is insane - RUN - do not walk away from this company!!!

HELL ROM...er Hill Rom is beyond words, across the board from beds to IT. The other posters have it dead on. It used to be a great company back in the 90's. The unethical, skeezy, narcissistic sociopathic monsters running that place are enough to scare anyone out the door in almost as fast as they walked in it. The turnover there is unreal, people catch on pretty quickly as to the horrors they have just submerged themselves in, and try to leave a dust trail, as fast as they can before they have their brain, dignity and ethics raped by ignorant, know it all, egomaniacs in management who feel that ethical business standards just don't apply to them....especially when it comes to bonus time. Stay FAR FAR away from this place if you value your sanity, dignity and freedom from incarceration for white collar crime.

New Management is ruining the company. They must think we are really stupid to believe their lies. S&N is hiring and I'm out of here as soon as I get the offer. Hill-Rom used to be great but now it totally SUCKS!!!

is that as in Taco (B___)

Why so crappy were you over paid or is just like most companies making sales people make the same as regular stiffs?

Do they at least have a salary and not some bull shit draw derivitive based on some weasely cfo with his hand on his johnson all day sitting in the corp cubicle?

By the sound of it, there are very few good medical companies, and if they are, they don't stay that way very long. It seems that medical is going the way of pharma, cutting territories and comp, and most people sound pretty unhappy and are looking for other jobs. Is there any really good jobs out there anymore, or should we all just start looking outside of medical sales?

By the sound of it, there are very few good medical companies, and if they are, they don't stay that way very long. It seems that medical is going the way of pharma, cutting territories and comp, and most people sound pretty unhappy and are looking for other jobs. Is there any really good jobs out there anymore, or should we all just start looking outside of medical sales?

If you read everything here then every company sucks. But you will basically hear crickets when you ask what kind of sales gigs there are outside of medical sales.

ConMed Electrosurgery has scary management. Micromanagement, harassment and a lot of ego for a company with me too products and the inability to bring a vessel sealing product to market after four years. Oh yeah...lets piss off major GPOs and IDNs and get our reps shut out. The majority of reps are looking for new positions.

To poster 200:
Yup medical equipment is going the way of pharma except in medical equipment and devices you usually have to install the product and train.So the company is getting 2 for the price of 1.Really sucks!