Worst Medical Companies

BG Medical / Surgimesh is the biggest joke of a company in the entire industry. Management and training are beyond pathetic, and the pay ranks right up there with being a greeter at wal mart. John huelskamp is a con artist and do not believe one word out of his mouth.

I'd much rather work for Medline than Uromuther Medical anyday. When I first got my foot in the door of Uromuther it seemed OK. There was a lot of room for lateral and upward moves if you wanted a change. After a while all of the products just stank and the only way the company could get business was to go in and lowball the competition. Now I always tell everyone to stay away from Uromuther. They are definitely the worst company out there

You have never worked for Medline have you? Trust the person that posted above you...I bet they have worked for Medline too!!

Not to trump what your saying, and any horrible situation seems like the worse, but Medline is pretty f'in bad.

ConMed Electrosurgery. Hands down the absolute worst medical company. A few reasons:

1) Micromanagement unlike I have ever seen or experienced.
2) Manage through fear.
3) Leadership team has never lead before now, and they are learning as they go.
4) The products are the most expensive in the industry, and not better than anything else.
5) Very low pay.

As far as capital equipment companies, i have yet to see/hear of one worse than Verathon Medical who is a ultrasound wannabe company who's average tenure is less than 12 months

can this thread get updated with companies from within the last few years? this is about 6-8 years old... and a lot of cultures /comps have changed in the last 4 yrs..

1,2,3 go

ConMed Electrosurgery. Hands down the absolute worst medical company. A few reasons:

1) Micromanagement unlike I have ever seen or experienced.
2) Manage through fear.
3) Leadership team has never lead before now, and they are learning as they go.
4) The products are the most expensive in the industry, and not better than anything else.
5) Very low pay.

All of the above can be said for Applied Medical except their products are cheap, only hospitals like them because they help save them money, their rep turnover is one of the highest in the industry, and their benefits are God awful across the board.

3 worst comapanies

1) Empi- idiots that tried to copy RS Medical 5 years later and now copying pain cream companies 3 years later.

2)RS Medical This comapny sucked even in the old days when you worked your ass off to make the 5 guys at the top millionaires many times over and paid you shit, and their way of saying Thank You was putting you on PIP after every doctor in your territory hated the company for their billing practices.

3) DePuy Spine clueless big J&J company that people at the top were never held accountable for anything even when their fuck-ups costs the comapny millions

QUOTE=Anonymous;1756539]I just got out of EMPI. I THANK MY LUCKY STARS!!!! It is the absolute worst medical device company ever. You know come to think of it, they are the worst pharmaceutical company actually. They act like they are a device company but no one in the device industry would ever consider Tens sales and selling to PT's a device job! If a recruiter or anyone suggests working for EMPI, turn and run absolutely as fast as you can in the other direction. The pay is worse than terrible! The management is ridiculous! You will regret your decision to work for this company everyday if you take the job! Stay far far far away from Empi and everything that it stands for.[/QUOTE]

Centurion Medical- The general consensus from the threads is similar. They are structured like Amway. Very cult like. The ones who started years ago are staying, 20+. They are making money. The rest are moving at a snails pace on commissions. Going nowhere fast. This place is a true waste of time. I feel sorry for those who were lied to in the interview process and took the job. There are some great young sales people here. They could make much more elsewhere.

Covidien is absolutely terrible! Corporate greed mongers as you've never seen before. They are squeezing the life out of their sales force. Commissions are non-existent. Changing the name from Tyco to Covidien was all a facade. It is a garbage company and one to avoid at all cost.

Dead on, this place will fall just like it's daddy did. Already a huge group of alumni and growing daily-micromangement, intimidation, decreasing pay, a real shit hole.