Will anyone be help accountable for the loss of so many talented people?

Anyone else get the feeling OCA is flat broke? Average pay across all divisions has been sharply reduced. Work environment is so bad (intentionally?) so reps quit rather than layoffs and forced to pay severance. It seems more planned to me.
This would be the only, somewhat (un)reasonable explanation of how bad it is here. If Nacho, Pierre, Todd, et al. are doing this to prove their worth to Japan, then there will be a special place in hell for you pricks. Way to throw a 1000 field-based reps and their families under the bus to save a buck or two. Karma is a motherfucker and it will hit you hard and out of nowhere.

Anyone else get the feeling OCA is flat broke? Average pay across all divisions has been sharply reduced. Work environment is so bad (intentionally?) so reps quit rather than layoffs and forced to pay severance. It seems more planned to me.
This would be the only, somewhat (un)reasonable explanation of how bad it is here. If Nacho, Pierre, Todd, et al. are doing this to prove their worth to Japan, then there will be a special place in hell for you pricks. Way to throw a 1000 field-based reps and their families under the bus to save a buck or two. Karma is a motherfucker and it will hit you hard and out of nowhere.


Can you say KARMA regarding the death of Luke Calcraft from a bee sting or Nils Ericson's autoimmune heart attack with pacemaker install, or the firing of Charlie Goodwin as a philandering scoundrel? All these pieces of shit will get theirs in the end. Every last one of them. They are all vile and slimy animals that will stop at nothing in the name of greed. Eat shit Olympus! Eat shit Olympus Management!!!
Stay clear of the Olympus shit show. What a fucking joke of a sales organization. Fuck you Todd Useless and Nacho Bel Beaner.

I feel for the folks who have no other choice but to stay where they are........ hang in there and don't allow the current state of affairs to shape what you really need to do. Every person who is currently working for Olympus needs to decide:
1. I am going to make the best of what I have and make my number
2. I am going to take steps to move on to something else.
Complaining won't help. Suggestions to management won't help. Throwing people under the bus won't help. Decide, and then make your decision RIGHT by taking action, one way or another. Best of luck friends....
I am on the sales side, so I'm not speaking of the salaried marketing folks......

I feel for the folks who have no other choice but to stay where they are........ hang in there and don't allow the current state of affairs to shape what you really need to do. Every person who is currently working for Olympus needs to decide:
1. I am going to make the best of what I have and make my number
2. I am going to take steps to move on to something else.
Complaining won't help. Suggestions to management won't help. Throwing people under the bus won't help. Decide, and then make your decision RIGHT by taking action, one way or another. Best of luck friends....
I am on the sales side, so I'm not speaking of the salaried marketing folks......

Ok I get it but I have never worked for a sales organization which doesnt value their sales reps input and suggestions. No doubt higher sales numbers if you open your ears and listen.

As long as Sean Moore is at the helm, Olympus Energy is doomed. Additionally, there is so much damage control that needs to be fixed (current apathy of the sales folks based upon the SM era), loss of key accounts, clinical issues, lack of meaningful new product,............. that whomever takes charge after SM will have a very tough road ahead. My year was so bad last year (2016) that this year, with the adjustments I've made, my commissions have doubled, but that's still not enough to keep me here at Olympus energy. This new comp plan adjustment is too little, too late. It is appreciated, but it is clear that with all of the ConMed folks bypassing everyone else that Olympus and SM have made their own bed. I wish all the very best who decide to stay. I really do........

Fuck Olympus Management & Fuck HR.
Yeah Samantha Whorenung, we are talking about your dick slurping ass.
You could flush the whole management, HR, and Sales Operations right down the toilet, and the company would actually improve.

Stay away from OCA. Its pure evil indoctrinated...

Great Leaders stand up and take the lead . Olympus points fingers at everyone! Nothing ever gets done . This is why you are not valued at this company . You spend more time fighting internally than you do with customers. Pathetic example of leadership at every level and with in every operating company .

Sean Moore , you must be concerned ! Morale is terrible, sales are non existent , you have lied to people , you ruined careers of individuals that were here before you came here ! You demotivated the best sales people . You are lost , and we (sales force ) ) really feel bad for you . You are not respected, you are not a professional, you are not honest ! YOU NEED TO FIX YOUR OWN BRAND SIR !! GOOD LUCK to you because you will need it .

Hey Sean how are AIM sales ? Hey Sean how are CT sales , and of course Sonicbeat . Out standing leadership from you, Avp's and Rvp's. You should all be very proud of all of the accomplishments !

At least Ryan Freedman is not here . Cuz was the worst of the worst ! He would remind us he was the best of the best selling Sonicbeat . That is too funny . Sean we all know you never sold you only serviced , and everyone in the industry now knows you have a BRAND issue .

What's the culture like here? Base? Plan? I may jump onboard if the company car is decent and base/plan is over 200K. I'm in no hurry to leave my present position always looking for more dough.

Entry level medical sales. The energy division is led by Ryp's and Avp's that do not have skills nor desire to develop you. Sean Moore is the GVP and he is not a leader. Stay where you are and find a mentor and grow . If you are looking to make change for more $ Olympus is not the place at least in energy . Target comp as a rep is $90K. They want b2b , copier type sales ENTRY LEVEL !!!

Entry level medical sales. The energy division is led by Ryp's and Avp's that do not have skills nor desire to develop you. Sean Moore is the GVP and he is not a leader. Stay where you are and find a mentor and grow . If you are looking to make change for more $ Olympus is not the place at least in energy . Target comp as a rep is $90K. They want b2b , copier type sales ENTRY LEVEL !!!

Urology is down to about $130k at plan. This was around $200k a few years back. It will continue to plummet every year because Olympus isn't making money the normal way, (by selling products), so they have to make it by stealing it from the reps. You know that upper management isn't going to take a pay cut either. Those useless turds couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.

Has anyone been reading the infinite posts on here about how poorly treated the sales reps are at Olympus?
I hear countless stories of how reps are pushed out, and then a huge deal that the terminated rep brought in, ends up arriving 60 days after their termination date, and BING! the new Xerox replacement rep gets all the cash and the credit for saving the day, when the whole time the original rep was the one responsible for the hard work and the huge order. What is wrong with this company? Why does Nils not have a handle on piss poor RVP's and AVP's that have terrible decision making skills like this? That fucking RVP & AVP (Tawney), should be fired on the spot!!!! Seriously folks, when is the bullshit going to stop at Olympus? That is seriously wrong. You know what I'm talking about Tawney! You should have been terminated a LONG LONG TIME AGO. TURDS.