Will anyone be help accountable for the loss of so many talented people?

Perfect fit for Olympus leaders who have no sense of what is going on in the market/field. It is clear at least from what I read about Sean and Nils and the others they do not value sales people. The kid does not value the company so it is perfect fit . Entry level rep with low level device company .

Nothing new ! PATHETIC EXISTENCE ! LOOK AT THE PEOPLE , THEY ARE MENTALLY UNHEALTHY , PHYSICALLY UNHEALTHY ! This is the example you want to set and these are the people you want to follow.

Who so much turnover ? I always thought you get a job at Olympus you are with a company that you could grow with and retire . I guess the perception is not always the reality . Looks like this company has a major BRAND issue .

Olympus is anxiously campaigning propaganda all over social media and HR is trying to plug all the holes.

The best is HR trying to do damage control by asking (paying) employees to post positive experiences on Glass Door. What a fucking joke.
This place is no better than the worst companies in medical. Like them, Olympus is severely top-heavy where they have sold out the reps to save a buck or two. Great job on taking a "good place to work" to a cesspool of scared managers with a bad case of CYA.

Nacho, Pierre, Todd and you other cowards should be ashamed of yourselves. But hey, you didn't take a 40% pay cut did you? Of course not, self-serving pricks.

The best is HR trying to do damage control by asking (paying) employees to post positive experiences on Glass Door. What a fucking joke.
This place is no better than the worst companies in medical. Like them, Olympus is severely top-heavy where they have sold out the reps to save a buck or two. Great job on taking a "good place to work" to a cesspool of scared managers with a bad case of CYA.

Nacho, Pierre, Todd and you other cowards should be ashamed of yourselves. But hey, you didn't take a 40% pay cut did you? Of course not, self-serving pricks.

Of course after posting your "experience" on Glassdoor email your name and evidence of the post to be placed in a raffle for a chance to win a prize.

Energy is the WORST DIVISION WITH THE WORST PEOPLE IN CHARGE. ALL OF THE GREAT REPS LEFT .The only people here are the klingons and the newbies. Sean Moore will you be held accountable !!

The best is HR trying to do damage control by asking (paying) employees to post positive experiences on Glass Door. What a fucking joke.
This place is no better than the worst companies in medical. Like them, Olympus is severely top-heavy where they have sold out the reps to save a buck or two. Great job on taking a "good place to work" to a cesspool of scared managers with a bad case of CYA.

Nacho, Pierre, Todd and you other cowards should be ashamed of yourselves. But hey, you didn't take a 40% pay cut did you? Of course not, self-serving pricks.

Wow!! If true....that's pathetically desperate! If Olympus is actually serious about becoming a REAL player in healthcare, they would offer a true conglomerate solution proposal for hospital systems, not working in division silos. Jesus...when will they finally figure that out? Aggregate spend agreements with service agreements attached is a start, but hey....I'm not in charge.

We had our chance , Sean Moore ruined that chance when he created a culture that lacks trust , direction , and transparency ! This guy was promoted way above his level of competence. He had Ryan his mouthpiece do all the dirty work then threw him away for another of his low level conmed guys. What a unhealthy place. Can not weight to see how far off our numbers are this month from last year !!!!

We had our chance , Sean Moore ruined that chance when he created a culture that lacks trust , direction , and transparency ! This guy was promoted way above his level of competence. He had Ryan his mouthpiece do all the dirty work then threw him away for another of his low level conmed guys. What a unhealthy place. Can not wait to see how far off our numbers are this month from last year !!!!

OUCH !!!! YOY is pathetic . How can you be positive when the comp plan is punitive , managemnet is not transparent and help accountable! We are going in circles like a big turd going down a toilet .

Of course after posting your "experience" on Glassdoor email your name and evidence of the post to be placed in a raffle for a chance to win a prize.

Great post! That is because 100% of everything sales related in this company is corrupt as hell!
Stealing of commissions, lying about stealing commissions, absurd comp plans, ridiculous metrics to hit, RVP's that should be working at Radio Shack instead of managing $20 million in annual business.
This company has and is going down like the Titanic my friends.
The stock price is totally artificial and a complete abstraction of the truth. Just like the billions in losses they tried to hide in the past, they are never going to stop lying and trying to exert their way of doing dirty business.

Stay far far away from this place if you are looking for a sales career.