Will anyone be help accountable for the loss of so many talented people?

This is hilarious. Everything inside Center Valley and Tokyo are a day late and a $ short. Stryker has absolutely taken the integration Market from OCA, and now this? WTF?

Olympus Announces Intention to Acquire Image Stream Medical
We are pleased to share the exciting news that as of today, April 28, 2017, Olympus Corporation of the Americas (OCA) has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Image Stream Medical. Subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions to closing, the acquisition is schedule to occur on or about May 30, 2017. Once the acquisition is complete, Image Stream Medical will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Jewish Corporation of America, A.K.A. Olympus

Joke! Joke! Jokers!

My point is this. Olympus brought Thunderbeat to market after Covidien had already locked up the market with the Triad. They clearly lost that battle. Way in the red! Now these r*****s buy an integration company after Stryker clearly has won the video game and the integration game. Face it Olympus is a tired old whore filled with useless dead weight management that think of ideas a day late and a $ short. Wake up!!!

CLARIFY THIS COMMENT ! This clearly shows you are not educated and have no value with any of your opinions !!!! Once the acquisition is complete, Image Stream Medical will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Jewish Corporation of America, A.K.A. Olympust

40 resignations have occurred within management and Sales since the end of our fiscal year! That's mind blowing.
Let's continue to drain the Olympus employment coffers until they are bone dry!!! No reps, no revenue! Boom!

How many resignations are coming in next week? This place sucks. After listening to those buffoons last week in AC, I will definitely be floating paper this week with the recruiters. F Olympus!

Do not apply or interview with Olympus, you will be very sorry!

Lots and lots of reps are leaving from ENT, SE, and Energy. Its like the floodgates have opened and an enema is happening right now. A bunch of folks are waiting on offers in Urology. Its going to be a tough ride for management with a company filled with green horns.

Just embarrassing

Sean Moore, you have a turnover issue. People leave people not companies. You just lost one of your "GUYS" . HHHMMMM I wonder if you could be the reason ! You can not demand respect and trust you have to earn it . YOY sales are pathetic , and now you post fingers about CT . You have to be honest with people even the people you have recruited . They now know you have not been honest with what they have walked into . BAHHA HA . KARMA BABY

Energy is the ARM PIT . A once proud division is simply the reflection of its leader ! Sean Moore the Ex-com call was demotivation and sent a clear signal we are without a captain. Please hold your self accountable like you do the TM and RVP. Runway was open and now you have shown us where not to land !

I applied for open position on the Olympus board . I am doing research in preparation for upcoming interview. I know I will not form an opinion based on what others are saying here , however I see a consistent theme. Need some input here . Think it would be a good idea to ask manager why all the negativity. I really want to get into device sales and this seems like it is entry level , but I want a career and do not want to leave after short time . Open for feedback

I applied for open position on the Olympus board . I am doing research in preparation for upcoming interview. I know I will not form an opinion based on what others are saying here , however I see a consistent theme. Need some input here . Think it would be a good idea to ask manager why all the negativity. I really want to get into device sales and this seems like it is entry level , but I want a career and do not want to leave after short time . Open for feedback

Honest feedback: Olympus is in some of the worst shape they've been in, both financially and with employee morale since I've been here almost 15 years now. I consider this the lowest point but uncertain how soon it gets better, if within my remaining career here. It's certain the massive DOJ fine has hit the company hard and suppressed earnings potential for all field reps (not sure why others / corporate employees not affected similarly) and severely increased oversight from corporate attorneys hiding under the cloak of "compliance". So, if you choose to take a job at Olympus, understand you are signing up for a below-average market pay medical sales job and will be told what to do by attorneys and incompetent leadership who just doesn't get it. (And are spineless to stand up to Japan). You've been briefed with honest feedback. Ask the hiring manager about any the of above and if they deny / deflect, they are flat out lying and just desperate to hire.

I'm truly at a loss for words with what's going on at Olympus, and the decisions made by morons in charge. This place is dysfunctional at best. There must be a long term strategy in play, but it seems to be short term thinking with profit/loss at the forefront for Japan. The problem with short term gain is usually long term loss. I'm afraid it's only going to get worse in the months ahead.

GOOD LET THE OLD GUYS LEAVE! Make room for the younger generation , I want in and only care about me . I will put in my 2 years then leave . Sounds like the upper managemnet have zero desire to develop , nor do they value good sales people. By the time they even know who I am BOOM I am gone . Selling Payroll now so this actually sounds like a step down but in the long run device is better . Olympus is entry level device sales . I really thought this company from the out side was better than what I see here !

GOOD LET THE OLD GUYS LEAVE! Make room for the younger generation , I want in and only care about me . I will put in my 2 years then leave . Sounds like the upper managemnet have zero desire to develop , nor do they value good sales people. By the time they even know who I am BOOM I am gone . Selling Payroll now so this actually sounds like a step down but in the long run device is better . Olympus is entry level device sales . I really thought this company from the out side was better than what I see here !

Spoken like a true ignorant kid that the industry will have to pay to mature. The kind those unsophisticated docs love to work with. #YoullDoGreat