Will anyone be help accountable for the loss of so many talented people?

Keep bringing the resignations boys and girls. We are shooting for 100% turnover by Christmas.
Believe me the doctors and administrators have taken strong notice. So have the GPO's.
Dead in the water.

If Pentax had any business sense, they would flood the market with reps and destroy Olympus market share....it would be shooting fish in a barrel.
Most Olympus customers love their reps, however they hate doing business with Olympus corp.
Ask yourself, would you change your cable company if they treated you the way Olympus treats our customers???

Keep the posts coming in my friends...

It's the only way to get the truth out to the street about these dishonest kool aid drinking fuck stains that are in leadership at OCA.

Terminate the whole lot of them. One quick enema!

You have to feel sorry for Sean Moore. He is so lost and has zero respect from his peers not to mention the energy sales force and management . This entire division has imploded and his loosing the little share it had. I for one havre lost my self respect and am only getting a paycheck. I just can't find a job where I live. every day i get up I am more miserable and mad , this is affecting my home life . I am at the point where I just might leave ! This place is so unhealthy , mentally and physically . Everyone looks unhealthy , sounds so fake, no one trusts anyone. The biggest snake Freedman is gone . He was part of the problem , he back stabbed the reps , his counterparts and got exactly what he deserved !Why does management continue to bring us ( reps ) into all the drama . You set us up to throw good people under the bus . Now we have HR involved trying to figure out why the morale is so bad.
I honestly bought in and now I can't stand another day being around people that lack integrity. Ryan Freedman Quite possibly the worst manager in corporate America finally got fired. Xenex will find out who he is. Now Sean, Tanner, Starr must go

You have to feel sorry for Sean Moore. He is so lost and has zero respect from his peers not to mention the energy sales force and management . This entire division has imploded and his loosing the little share it had. I for one havre lost my self respect and am only getting a paycheck. I just can't find a job where I live. every day i get up I am more miserable and mad , this is affecting my home life . I am at the point where I just might leave ! This place is so unhealthy , mentally and physically . Everyone looks unhealthy , sounds so fake, no one trusts anyone. The biggest snake Freedman is gone . He was part of the problem , he back stabbed the reps , his counterparts and got exactly what he deserved !Why does management continue to bring us ( reps ) into all the drama . You set us up to throw good people under the bus . Now we have HR involved trying to figure out why the morale is so bad.
I honestly bought in and now I can't stand another day being around people that lack integrity. Ryan Freedman Quite possibly the worst manager in corporate America finally got fired. Xenex will find out who he is. Now Sean, Tanner, Starr must go

As long as he continues to tell me the story about how hot water gets before boiling, I'm all in with Sean "I don't want to hear reality" Moore. #212

Like 212 was Sean's idea! A real Leader is not a parrot but someone who is inspiring , and creative ! This guy is an embarrassment for energy . Freedman was the laughing stock of energy because of how bad he always promoted himself . The guy was the worst manager ever , and really thought he was the guy who was going to put energy on the map . The other divisions all talk about us , and our leaders. I am embarrassed to say I for energy !

It's really interesting that nothing ever changes at the top. It's like some kind of mob corruption kind of thing. Every year the top managers do not hit their plan, but keep their jobs... Does anyone know the answer to my question?
All of us would like to know....

One month before 6 month quotas are in.
We are WAY under the overall number...
Get used to it folks, Olympus is a bottom tier non player company on its way to getting divested and sold off bit by bit.

Finally Sean is going to be held accountable! D-Day is around September 25. Be prepared for big changes. All the mangers know it is coming. Just ask them they have seen it before. Desperation from upper management, now complete apathy and no communication. A sure sign. No GPO contracts as promised. GLad you are taking complete responsibility, Sean, for the inability to move the business. Maybe your friend Ryan Freedman can find you a job in his new company.

Ouch ! What about the parrot Tanner ? He should be shown the door also. He says nothing original , NOTHING . You guys try to run this division like we have all the business . We are not a market driven company , we need to be a sales driven company !!! SHOW ME THE CARROT. So now are we going to be rolled into SE or just sell the entire division . SEAN , RYAN, TANNER ,MANISHA and SAMANTHA RUINED A GREAT COMPANY! This is going to be very interesting to watch , who stabs who in the back. Who will all the rats (RVP/AVP ) try to impress now.

Tanner...LOL. That guy is a total buffoon! No way in this world that guy should be AVP of anything. What a bunch of ass clown Conmed rejects running the ship aground. Way to go Sean! Nice work!

Randy and Todd. you are ruining this company. You have demonstrated ZERO capabilities of running a SALES organization. You are nothing but micromanaging paper pushers. The only division making quota is urology and you are doing your best to help that fail.

At least urology is making their number. Look at Energy, it is completely down the sewer because Sean has created an atmosphere of total mistrust. Encouraging the TM's to rat out RVPs. It all how one poses the question isn't it? RVPs throwing the TMs under the bus to look better. Why the need for Chaos? If there is Chaos in the ranks, no on is looking at the Business leader who created this f-ing disaster. Sean every single rumor points to you being out in a few weeks so you can wreak havoc at some other unsuspecting organization. Karma to you for all of the people you destroyed. Marty had passion for this business and knew this business better than you could ever dream of. You crushed him Because you had a friend in need of a job in the west. However, you could not destroy the kind caring man he is. May you suffer the same fate you dealt to Ryan! Ryan was just like you. He would have walked on his mother to get your spot. He got his Karma - He was a big bully who was your hit man. I hope you work together again. You deserve each other

Yo Ahab!
Urology is not even close to making their number. You must be doing some good coke these days my brother....
Wow rumors are just tossed around like the Sunday paper.
Fire Nils & Todd... Absolute losers...

At least urology is making their number. Look at Energy, it is completely down the sewer because Sean has created an atmosphere of total mistrust. Encouraging the TM's to rat out RVPs. It all how one poses the question isn't it? RVPs throwing the TMs under the bus to look better. Why the need for Chaos? If there is Chaos in the ranks, no on is looking at the Business leader who created this f-ing disaster. Sean every single rumor points to you being out in a few weeks so you can wreak havoc at some other unsuspecting organization. Karma to you for all of the people you destroyed. Marty had passion for this business and knew this business better than you could ever dream of. You crushed him Because you had a friend in need of a job in the west. However, you could not destroy the kind caring man he is. May you suffer the same fate you dealt to Ryan! Ryan was just like you. He would have walked on his mother to get your spot. He got his Karma - He was a big bully who was your hit man. I hope you work together again. You deserve each other

You need a new life man. Take up some hobbies. Release the hate, that shit is like cancer it will eat you alive

I have a great life.
One of the critical missions is to bring Olympus to its knees, and its working. Stock at $33 and declining, in a heavily Bear Market. Massive rep turnover on an unprecedented level. Tons of bloated and useless middle and top management that desperately need to be terminated.
You sir can go fuck yourself.

Olympus is a shit hole!