I’m so tired of working for this sack of shit organization. Everyone is a god damned douchebag. There isn’t anyway to make any $ here anymore. Fuck you Todd Usen. Fuck Sales Ops Dick too!!!
What's the point of this post? And why post the same thing on two threads? These aren't recently vacated territories.
Strange day today at the office. Many closed doors (more than usual), people running around (more than normal), then i heard that there are people getting identified to be taken out. TM's/RVP's that are non compliant and the Western CS's are on the block! When will all this madness end? Will there be anyone left to sell Energy???
One of the most accurate posts on here. It was not a good day to be in the energy division.
YEP getting rid of ATM's was critical ! Clinical specialists another strategic cut ! Sean are you doing everything to have energy succeed . What about all the contracts you were going to get us on. The fact you have to reduce our numbers further shows what direction we are going .The events of yesterday were needed. Don't tell me that the people cut yesterday were doing everything they could do to make energy succeed. They were lazy, passive, and weak. Nothing in this life worth having comes easy. Good reps are going to clean house with this new plan.
Brent Johnson BAH HA HA . He is pathetic , he is not a sales rep . He got a 150 guarantee under the KAE program. Laughable how little he accomplished , and how Sean screwed existing rep. This place is so TOXIC . Karma will get everyone. Usually your health first! If you lack character and integrity which most of the RVP AVP crew do it is only a matter of time .Isn't it interesting that folks who came here from ConMed are still employed? Deb Lojewski, Brent Johnson, Megan Cormier, ......and so many knowledgeable folks who built energy are fired? How does that work? What is the long term strategy? Now that your bottom line is slightly improved, how will the bleeding be stopped? The writing is on the wall folks. Energy is cooked.........
Fire Nils Ericson! He is a true buffoon!