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Why is Amgen IC so bad?

Despite the little wokester attempting to derail things, why is IC so poor? Why such low quality? Why so few sources? If your scripts go to a SP that the cardiologist likes but isn't captured, you are flat screwed and there is no attempt to acquire it. Why so bad, year after year.

Come on Otezla Nation, get us to make some changes. We once cared.
another idiotic response from the field. Your moronic “woke” responses are truly changing the narrative. Dumb ass.

that's the amgen way. I flew about 18 hours from the East Coast a few years ago for 4 nights in Hawaii. (layover/change planes, etc.).

unbelievable they give us 4 nights.
That’s a joke. It takes a lot of gall to fly someone to Hawaii for a free trip and not make the flight direct. Middle finger you Amgen!!

Again, Amgen does not care about the morale of the rank and file sale rep. "If you don't like it, you can leave" is the motto here. We have all worked at other companies where the IC data is far superior. Amgen simply does not think getting IC right is a big deal nor do they care if you think it is.

That’s a joke. It takes a lot of gall to fly someone to Hawaii for a free trip and not make the flight direct. Middle finger you Amgen!!

While I get your sarcasm, awards trips should be special and the spend for upgrading people for flights over 5/6 hours is common at most biotechs for regular business travel. It’s unheard of for awards trips to not upgrade winners for long flights. Furthermore, it’s a drop in the bucket from a spend perspective…it’s jut Amgen being Amgen and being cheap. We literally have millions of miles that we accumulate from our travel agency that we apply to first class airfare for executive travel.

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