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Interviewing at Amgen, is it as bad as all these posts?

Onc reps are so damn full of themselves! You're so great that your customers don't even want to be bothered to meet with you. I see u all in medical centers on the occasions one of u decides to show up strutting around like you're really accomplishing things. It's really quite hilarious to see you cuz customers truly don't want to be bothered with you. How are u "selling" when no one even wants to see your asses? I haven't met NOT ONE oncology rep who can sell worth a shit but most of u act as if you're really great. It's really quite astonishing the EGOS many of you have seemingly developed. My wife is an Amgen employee and she showed me this board and I had to reply. Btw, I am an orthopedic implantable device rep. Wanna place a bet as to whose customers "value" them most? I talk $$$ with my customers and how they and their practices can earn more $$$ by using my products. Can you have the same conversations with your customers without getting fired? Oh, sorry! Forgot you can't discuss price and reimbursement in the same visit. What a f'ing joke! You all wouldn't last a week in the implantable device world where the "real big dogs" roam.

We may be supportive care losers but losers who make more money doing nothing than you! We have a nicer car and all we do is sell off a contract.

Onc reps are so damn full of themselves! You're so great that your customers don't even want to be bothered to meet with you. I see u all in medical centers on the occasions one of u decides to show up strutting around like you're really accomplishing things. It's really quite hilarious to see you cuz customers truly don't want to be bothered with you. How are u "selling" when no one even wants to see your asses? I haven't met NOT ONE oncology rep who can sell worth a shit but most of u act as if you're really great. It's really quite astonishing the EGOS many of you have seemingly developed. My wife is an Amgen employee and she showed me this board and I had to reply. Btw, I am an orthopedic implantable device rep. Wanna place a bet as to whose customers "value" them most? I talk $$$ with my customers and how they and their practices can earn more $$$ by using my products. Can you have the same conversations with your customers without getting fired? Oh, sorry! Forgot you can't discuss price and reimbursement in the same visit. What a f'ing joke! You all wouldn't last a week in the implantable device world where the "real big dogs" roam.
Do you use this teeny bopper texting language mixed in with double negatives with your customers? Wow, they must be so impressed with your 7th grade language skills. I am literally laughing at your entire post. Keep patting yourself on the back buddy. You walk through the hospital and everyone knows you're the shiznit. A legend in your own mind!

We may be supportive care losers but losers who make more money doing nothing than you! We have a nicer car and all we do is sell off a contract.

No Pharma rep is making close to what I make in orthopedic device sales so I will give you a pass on your ridiculous reply. I'm sure I make more than 2X if not 3X what you earn in my worst year versus your best year.

Do you use this teeny bopper texting language mixed in with double negatives with your customers? Wow, they must be so impressed with your 7th grade language skills. I am literally laughing at your entire post. Keep patting yourself on the back buddy. You walk through the hospital and everyone knows you're the shiznit. A legend in your own mind!

The reason for my reply was that clowns like you are "legends in your own minds." Don't try to turn your oncology rep arrogance back on me. I see that you are also a language arts teacher on the side. It's not like you don't have the time since customers won't see your ass. My "7th grade language skills" obviously touched a nerve regarding overated oncology reps. The only language I use with customers is the language of making $$$. You wouldn't know anything about that since customers won't see you. Maybe it's because you bring NO VALUE cuz you're still a PHARMA REP whether you're in oncology or selling to family practice docs.

The reason for my reply was that clowns like you are "legends in your own minds." Don't try to turn your oncology rep arrogance back on me. I see that you are also a language arts teacher on the side. It's not like you don't have the time since customers won't see your ass. My "7th grade language skills" obviously touched a nerve regarding overated oncology reps. The only language I use with customers is the language of making $$$. You wouldn't know anything about that since customers won't see you. Maybe it's because you bring NO VALUE cuz you're still a PHARMA REP whether you're in oncology or selling to family practice docs.

Amgen OBU reps now getting ripped by Med Device Reps. HAHAHA

- Love Former OnyxReps

The reason for my reply was that clowns like you are "legends in your own minds." Don't try to turn your oncology rep arrogance back on me. I see that you are also a language arts teacher on the side. It's not like you don't have the time since customers won't see your ass. My "7th grade language skills" obviously touched a nerve regarding overated oncology reps. The only language I use with customers is the language of making $$$. You wouldn't know anything about that since customers won't see you. Maybe it's because you bring NO VALUE cuz you're still a PHARMA REP whether you're in oncology or selling to family practice docs.

Let me guess, your wife is a primary care rep here? Do you also demean her and tell her how worthless she is because no docs want to see her? Do you laugh at her over dinner and say, "Gee honey, what does it feel like to be a pharma rep where you bring absolutely no value to your customers?" Then, do you (in your narcissistic tone) say, it's so rewarding to be me, docs love me. I walk around the hospital in my scrubs, pretending like I have a medical degree, and people roaming the hospital wink and smile like I am an actual physician. It makes me feel so special.

So glad my spouse isn't in this industry. If she had a big head like you, I would be absolutely miserable. Good luck to your wife. You obviously think you are better than her, that's unfortunate and sad.

Agree with other posts - BE CAREFUL with your decision to be recruited to Amgen...

- The company culture is toxic, especially if you are based in Thousand Oaks, CA
- Its the only game in Southern California, there are no other biotech/pharma companies in the area. If you move here you are stuck here unlike other companies based in biotech/pharma hubs like San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New Jersey
- There is no work/life balance if you want to survive in this gauntlet
- Advancement is limited to only the select few and the company is not growing, it is contracting
- You will be promised everything for your career and professional growth and when you join they will deliver on none of those promises
- The current boss you are interviewing with that you like and can work with will change out in a year and then it really gets bad

I couldn't agree more with this assessment.....it's exactly the same at ADL Ireland. AMGEN is only good for people who can brown nose and backstab. The culture at AMGEN is the same everywhere. Thank God i took redundancy and got away from that madhatters club before i went crazy.

Let me guess, your wife is a primary care rep here? Do you also demean her and tell her how worthless she is because no docs want to see her? Do you laugh at her over dinner and say, "Gee honey, what does it feel like to be a pharma rep where you bring absolutely no value to your customers?" Then, do you (in your narcissistic tone) say, it's so rewarding to be me, docs love me. I walk around the hospital in my scrubs, pretending like I have a medical degree, and people roaming the hospital wink and smile like I am an actual physician. It makes me feel so special.

So glad my spouse isn't in this industry. If she had a big head like you, I would be absolutely miserable. Good luck to your wife. You obviously think you are better than her, that's unfortunate and sad.

No, I don't demean my wife but I do demean you worthless oncology reps. Btw, you leaped to too many inaccurate assumptions in your rant. Number one, I don't walk around in scrubs. I prefer a dress shirt, slacks and a jacket when I walk thru the hospital. Number two, not one time did I direct one word of negativity toward PC reps. I just find oncology reps to be entitled and full of themselves for some odd reason.

Let me guess, your wife is a primary care rep here? Do you also demean her and tell her how worthless she is because no docs want to see her? Do you laugh at her over dinner and say, "Gee honey, what does it feel like to be a pharma rep where you bring absolutely no value to your customers?" Then, do you (in your narcissistic tone) say, it's so rewarding to be me, docs love me. I walk around the hospital in my scrubs, pretending like I have a medical degree, and people roaming the hospital wink and smile like I am an actual physician. It makes me feel so special.

So glad my spouse isn't in this industry. If she had a big head like you, I would be absolutely miserable. Good luck to your wife. You obviously think you are better than her, that's unfortunate and sad.

Primary Care doctors can write many Amgen products and many times work the referral. They are critical to our success as a company and to talk about MDs and DOs as "less valuable" is absurd. Disease states do not have a hierarchy and when you are sick or your family sick u just want the best care. Are you saying a primary care doctor doesn't help your family? Your parents? Your children? We all use them almost exclusively to take care of who we love. That's why Amgen treats all specialties the same, as do most all biotech companies. Obviously you are speaking of the world 15 years ago. I think it is time for you to retire or maybe your words will come back at you and someone in your family will get really sick in order for you to value the work of all good doctors.,, or maybe they will die because of what you put out into the universe

Primary Care doctors can write many Amgen products and many times work the referral. They are critical to our success as a company and to talk about MDs and DOs as "less valuable" is absurd. Disease states do not have a hierarchy and when you are sick or your family sick u just want the best care. Are you saying a primary care doctor doesn't help your family? Your parents? Your children? We all use them almost exclusively to take care of who we love. That's why Amgen treats all specialties the same, as do most all biotech companies. Obviously you are speaking of the world 15 years ago. I think it is time for you to retire or maybe your words will come back at you and someone in your family will get really sick in order for you to value the work of all good doctors.,, or maybe they will die because of what you put out into the universe

Well said

Primary Care doctors can write many Amgen products and many times work the referral. They are critical to our success as a company and to talk about MDs and DOs as "less valuable" is absurd. Disease states do not have a hierarchy and when you are sick or your family sick u just want the best care. Are you saying a primary care doctor doesn't help your family? Your parents? Your children? We all use them almost exclusively to take care of who we love. That's why Amgen treats all specialties the same, as do most all biotech companies. Obviously you are speaking of the world 15 years ago. I think it is time for you to retire or maybe your words will come back at you and someone in your family will get really sick in order for you to value the work of all good doctors.,, or maybe they will die because of what you put out into the universe

What is this, the "All Doctors Lives Matter" movement? No one said PC docs don't have a valid, important job.

I am fine if you want to sit and justify primary care jobs all day long. But, you can't ignore the truth- primary care is the lowest paying rep job in this industry. In my experience, this is the pay scale:
Primary Care
If you don't believe me, ask your friends at any other company (Pfizer, Novartis, Genentech, AZ, Merck, BMS, J&J, or Gilead) about what base salaries look like in these different roles. You might be surprised to find out what they say. I never thought reps could make a total package of 200k plus, until I got into oncology.

Again, don't take my word for it, do your own research. Just don't go on a tirade about specifics when you aren't armed with enough information to know what you are talking about.

What is this, the "All Doctors Lives Matter" movement? No one said PC docs don't have a valid, important job.

I am fine if you want to sit and justify primary care jobs all day long. But, you can't ignore the truth- primary care is the lowest paying rep job in this industry. In my experience, this is the pay scale:
Primary Care
If you don't believe me, ask your friends at any other company (Pfizer, Novartis, Genentech, AZ, Merck, BMS, J&J, or Gilead) about what base salaries look like in these different roles. You might be surprised to find out what they say. I never thought reps could make a total package of 200k plus, until I got into oncology.

Again, don't take my word for it, do your own research. Just don't go on a tirade about specifics when you aren't armed with enough information to know what you are talking about.

In biotech all reps are paid the same bc of all of the reason previously stated. Because biotech medicine is new to primary care, Representatives need to be more hands-on, therefore exhibiting a very high skill set. That is why many times at Amgen they are paid more in bonus. You seem attached to the old pharmaceutical model but it has changed. Talk to your manager about if you have any questions.

75? You must have made nothing before coming here." Dummy, the bands are same for everyone. I came in double 6 years ago, but I came from another biotech job

Wrong again. These "bands" you keep referencing don't exist. No one in oncology is making less than a 6-figure base. In fact, the lower paid OBU reps are around 125k. So, if even one person in the BCBU is making as little as 75k, that only proves my point that not all biotech roles pay the same.

mgen has the highest number of non-americans in their Data Mnagement Department who are not even high school pass out and have bought degrees from fake universities and colleges and are dealing with clinical trials data. Whole market knows this !
All drugs are bound to fail like this.

Amgen seriously needs an audit on educational credentials of all it's people in Data Management and Statistical Departments

mgen has the highest number of non-americans in their Data Mnagement Department who are not even high school pass out and have bought degrees from fake universities and colleges and are dealing with clinical trials data. Whole market knows this !
All drugs are bound to fail like this.

Amgen seriously needs an audit on educational credentials of all it's people in Data Management and Statistical Departments

Dude, who are you and why do you keep posting this on every thread? You think CP is the best place to air your grievances? What a douche.

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