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Interviewing at Amgen, is it as bad as all these posts?

Wrong again. These "bands" you keep referencing don't exist. No one in oncology is making less than a 6-figure base. In fact, the lower paid OBU reps are around 125k. So, if even one person in the BCBU is making as little as 75k, that only proves my point that not all biotech roles pay the same.

This is incorrect, talk to your manager. Also, read on the disctiptions of level 4 and level 5 BSRs. All the same across Amgen.

You are the one that is confused. Stop posting you obviously don't even work here to know how the bands work.

*A psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality.

You are in DENIAL about not making as much money as reps in the OBU.

*A psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality.

You are in DENIAL about not making as much money as reps in the OBU.

Talk to your manager, what you are talking about changed about 4 years ago.

Talk to your manager, what you are talking about changed about 4 years ago.

Take your own advice and talk to your manager. Last year OBU salaries were raised in order to be more competitive with other oncology companies. That had nothing to do with other Amgen BUs. It was because research showed Amgen needed to be more competitive with pay because other oncology companies were recruiting our reps and paying them a lot more in base. BCBU reps aren't being constantly recruited to make 35-50k more in base by other companies. Face the facts- your experience isn't what other companies are looking for right now. Therefore, Amgen doesn't have to raise your salary significantly in order to keep you here.

Whether or not you accept or like it, oncology is different and more competitive. You can't change the reality of the industry right now.

BCBU here and I make low 90's base. I am happy with that based on my last job. Stop PRETENDING that we make more money than we do. We are all laughing at your stupidity.

BCBU here and I make low 90's base. I am happy with that based on my last job. Stop PRETENDING that we make more money than we do. We are all laughing at your stupidity.

You came into Amgen at a lower point on the band that is all. OBU reps can come in there too, it is just that they don't mostly bc previous job in Oncology. Go talk to your manager or a counselor, for some reason you want to say you are paid more but you are a level 5 like everyone else. Sorry bands don't change for just you.

Recently, all the folks Amgen has hired have fake experiences and degrees. All recent hires educational qualifications should be checked. I was surprised to see a young high school passout guy at Amgen working as an associate director who boasted how he bought both bachelor's and master's (MBA) degree from a .com website without going to any university.

" Pharma companies who are hiring are already on an alert as....anybody coming out of AMGEN .. they are checking each of their experience and their degrees and have found lot of these people with fake degrees and unaccredited bought up credentials and degrees."

Recently, all the folks Amgen has hired have fake experiences and degrees. All recent hires educational qualifications should be checked. I was surprised to see a young high school passout guy at Amgen working as an associate director who boasted how he bought both bachelor's and master's (MBA) degree from a .com website without going to any university.

" Pharma companies who are hiring are already on an alert as....anybody coming out of AMGEN .. they are checking each of their experience and their degrees and have found lot of these people with fake degrees and unaccredited bought up credentials and degrees."

You are full of sh......t

Take your own advice and talk to your manager. Last year OBU salaries were raised in order to be more competitive with other oncology companies. That had nothing to do with other Amgen BUs. It was because research showed Amgen needed to be more competitive with pay because other oncology companies were recruiting our reps and paying them a lot more in base. BCBU reps aren't being constantly recruited to make 35-50k more in base by other companies. Face the facts- your experience isn't what other companies are looking for right now. Therefore, Amgen doesn't have to raise your salary significantly in order to keep you here.

Whether or not you accept or like it, oncology is different and more competitive. You can't change the reality of the industry right now.

that my people is called horse sh--! raised base?, too be more competitive- hahaha--liar, liar pant is on fire!! :mad:

That is how I know you aren't in oncology. It happened and anyone that actually worked in the OBU in the summer and fall of 2015 know it's true. I better stop talking now, I don't want other divisions to start freaking out, like they always do.

If you don't believe me, ask your oncology reps. I believe there was even a slide on it when JL gave the presentation at the S2 2015 meeting. It was called "benchmarking" salaries.

The reality is that it doesn't matter how much money you make as a rep in the OBU, Amgen's oncology team is NOT highly regarded. So hopefully you'll get all the scratch that you can at Amgen cuz no one else is interested.

You better get all your A and B calls in to no see doctors so basically choose to LIE or get fired for lack of calls. I'll just blame my manager bc he is telling me to put in false calls to get our district numbers up

I hear you. Then you will get fired for it because he did not put his request in writing. But your calls are your calls. I say you file a lawsuit for this. Many are on your boat. Sales rep takes the BS blame for all non compliant request. Call compliance on this manager. If enough of your team calls it in, he will be fired. Fight back!

I too came a year ago. I regret it as well. If you are interested in wasting your time with busy work that has no impact on customers, access or patients and talking about the same ridiculous nonsense over and over, than this is the place for you. This place is so bad, I would take a job for less $$. That being said, hopefully I won't have to as I may have found a nice exit. For those stuck, think of your families and a better future. Good luck!

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