who is Alec Burlakoff?

The real question is how can you see the screen while you're being tea bagged.

No the real question is why have all you scumbags gone so quiet and gone into hiding? I want to see some more responses touting how "Alec turns shit to gold" "we are winners and we bully you and take your lunch money" and what about baldy and miss "sorry i only wear dresses, orange is the new black! I used to work for the government!" Oooooh so scared of her. Scumbags gone quiet and this is just the beginning.....

Why is MB still there? He's mentioned in all the DOJ docs. And the owner yelling at reps to have the patients titrate more quickly--why aren't these individuals being punished? When will the investigation be complete and something happen? Why am I still being told to call on family practice and general med doctors...not oncologists or pain doctors? With all the fines and bad press you'd think they would at least change their SOP for appearances--but no, I'm told if they are in my call list to find a way to get them to prescribe. Doctor specialty is not a consideration.

Funny how this post keeps getting deleted.... I'll say it again. MB is a douch bag who likes to fuck his reps. Fucked his LA rep for 2 years then knocked up his Boston rep. Boston rep was smart. She hit gold. Guess she can overlook MB's fat ass and double chin

He and Tony can have a lovefest together. AB is the one we have to blame for Tony, he was the one who loved him on the interview in Arizona. I can tell you all of us in corporate were in utter disbelief when Alec offered that cheezeball the job. Two cheezy New Yorkers running Insys, beautiful.

We already heard they are bringing him back. He is a damn fool if he follows through. I don't care how much they pay him. JK will once again tell him he is running things, and will change his mind on a whim again! Stupid

The sad part is Insys will NEVER be able to recruit and retain top talent. The name "Insys" is so damaged and tarnished that NO ONE in their right mind would want to work here. Insys can only hire the most desperate kind of individuals. Don't believe me... Look around at your fellow employees. Thats your talent pool.

Incopmpetence breeds incompetence, hires incompetence...Most managers have no experience, no morals, and no integrity. No need to name drop, we all know about the corporate dick-climbers. Most envied? Not hardly. Most made fun of...most likely to go to jail. The damage done here is irreparable. It would require a complete overhaul from top to bottom and throw in a name change to boot. Unfortunetly, that will never happen. This place is an embarrassment... a real resume killer. Pray for a layoff and severance package in order to save whats left of your sanity.

Cerainly, they were dumb enough to employ you. Pretty sure the company died the day AB stopped coming to the corporate office to keep JK in check.

I was waching the presidential election last night and kept thinking AB should have ran! I was bored listening to these two bafoons speak after twenty minutes, I could listen to AB for hours. He was a man brilliant beyond his years. He understood what we were facing out here, it meant a lot to speak to someone who got that it reallly is not that easy to sell to doctors. I still can not believe what he accomplished, amazing . He understood that the team always comes before the man. Now it is always the man before the team.

That was really it, he just understood! Can't wait to have him back.

Certainly they aren't dumb enough to bring him back....

Wow, you are so jeallous and off base. No way in hec you knew him. He NEVER advocated for off label sales. You just showed the fact that you will flat out lie and sleep like a baby after doing so. His success was knowing the importance of never selling off label. Every doctor knows your scum when you sell off label, and noone prescribes as a result. You are the reason why Insys is dying. You just are not smart enough to get it. You think the doctors do not know the indication of subsys? Lying provides you with zero access. Limited to zero access is why Insys can no longer sell successfully. I hope AB fires you first! You are a flat out liar! Disgusting! I hope karma kicks you in the a--.

AB is too busying trying to stay out of prison for his time at Insys.

Funny how impressed you rookie corn cobs are with the king of off-label sales AKA Alec.

Alex hired and managed your current DOS. Why don't you put Tony on the stand and under oathe and ask him if AB ever asked or suggested he promote off label. While you are at it, why don't you ask every manager that has ever had the priviledge of sitting in on a manager's meeting with him. Never happened! I was in those meetings. We learned a ton about sales and how to manage. You are obviously a rep, who never once got close to Alec. You never sold a thing. You were ignored, and you are disgusted with yourself as a result. Here is a hint, selling off label is not the answer to your inability. You were born with inability. You are stuck with it. Get out of sales. In your case, it is neither the company or the product.

AB is too busying trying to stay out of prison for his time at Insys.

Funny how impressed you rookie corn cobs are with the king of off-label sales AKA Alec.

I don't know which is more laughable- watching Hillary and Trump duke it out on stage yesterday OR watching Alec Burlakoff write about himself on cafe pharma in the third person. Entertaining either way.

Alex hired and managed your current DOS. Why don't you put Tony on the stand and under oathe and ask him if AB ever asked or suggested he promote off label. While you are at it, why don't you ask every manager that has ever had the priviledge of sitting in on a manager's meeting with him. Never happened! I was in those meetings. We learned a ton about sales and how to manage. You are obviously a rep, who never once got close to Alec. You never sold a thing. You were ignored, and you are disgusted with yourself as a result. Here is a hint, selling off label is not the answer to your inability. You were born with inability. You are stuck with it. Get out of sales. In your case, it is neither the company or the product.