who is Alec Burlakoff?

This is defamation of a good man. I have had enough. This is D Smith. I am a manager in MN. AB hired me when I was two years unemployed. His wife met my wife, our kids were in class together. My family was hurting. I had years experience in health care sales, but was in need of a job. AB agreed to interview me and eventually by the grace of god hired me. He never asked me to do anything unethical. I am ready to speak , all you need to do is ask me. I am a Christian man and will not stand by and wach this happen. He saved my life. I tried to defend his name while at the same time maintaining my anononymity. Clearly, you people are too relentless to allow that to occurr. Speak out loud, but save the anononymity for the cowards. There is no place for it here anymore.

Put the whiskey bottle down before you write!
And your percent on label sales is?
Percent of prescribers who are not paid speakers?

This is defamation of a good man. I have had enough. This is D Smith. I am a manager in MN. AB hired me when I was two years unemployed. His wife met my wife, our kids were in class together. My family was hurting. I had years experience in health care sales, but was in need of a job. AB agreed to interview me and eventually by the grace of god hired me. He never asked me to do anything unethical. I am ready to speak , all you need to do is ask me. I am a Christian man and will not stand by and wach this happen. He saved my life. I tried to defend his name while at the same time maintaining my anononymity. Clearly, you people are too relentless to allow that to occurr. Speak out loud, but save the anononymity for the cowards. There is no place for it here anymore.

Never a good idea to identify yourself on CP or get overly emotional over the trolls on here. If you're a Christian man the turn the other cheek and don't stoop to their level. This website has the relevance of writing on a bathroom stall, don't make it something it's not. That was a really poor decision.

The poster never said anything about being tough. This is not a street brawl. Muscle and brawn have nothing to do with this. It is about being a righteous man. It is about being right with god. God is with me. I do not care about the rest. If you are looking for a fight, you will need to look elsewhere. I am not in high school. I do not waste my time in the weight room. I spend my time in church, and with my family. Sorry to dissapoint you Rocky.

So you are Darryl Smith? What a bunch of BS. If you are so strong put in your real name tough guy!

Wow. Sounds like someone struck a nerve. You do not like people calling you on your BS lies. Hilarious. Na na na na poo poo. You are a liar. Pants on fire.

I manage in SC. I was fired by my former company and hired by AB the very same hour. He saved my life. I love the man, and I have no problem telling anyone that he never asked me to do anything outside of pharma guidelines. Strange that I know him 15 years and yet he never coached me to do anything unethical. He is being set up, and it will not stand up. Find another fool young man.

So you are Darryl Smith? What a bunch of BS. If you are so strong put in your real name tough guy!

Wow, you are so jeallous and off base. No way in hec you knew him. He NEVER advocated for off label sales. You just showed the fact that you will flat out lie and sleep like a baby after doing so. His success was knowing the importance of never selling off label. Every doctor knows your scum when you sell off label, and noone prescribes as a result. You are the reason why Insys is dying. You just are not smart enough to get it. You think the doctors do not know the indication of subsys? Lying provides you with zero access. Limited to zero access is why Insys can no longer sell successfully. I hope AB fires you first! You are a flat out liar! Disgusting! I hope karma kicks you in the a--.

More sick are the patients that died due to Insys business practices.

"These arrests come shortly after authorities charged Insys ex-sales manager Jeffrey Pearlman for setting up fake educational events to induce doctors to boost Subsys scripts"

Whoa, could that be my old Camp Counselor from Camp Delaware Jeff Pearlman? crazy...

Yes, It was 42 years to the day I had my first ho)mo experience. In my tent I su)cked off a tall Me)xican groundskeeper, and he then sod)omized me. I was born q;)ue)er and used it to my advantage. Then I was tested positive for A'ID"S and it's all downhill from there sailors.

Did you say Aids? It doesn't have to be downhill chap. We have the perfect oral solution for you.

Yes, It was 42 years to the day I had my first ho)mo experience. In my tent I su)cked off a tall Me)xican groundskeeper, and he then sod)omized me. I was born q;)ue)er and used it to my advantage. Then I was tested positive for A'ID"S and it's all downhill from there sailors.

You do know he wasn't actually in the video? Im sure he is thrilled he did RZ a favor and did his little cameo in Arizona before the nsm. That was Alex's downfall. He was too nice and interacted with the sales people to much. He should have taken some notes from BJ's playbook. BJ is not as dumb as he appears. Although he will still be fired soon because he can't sell worth a damn.

Long live AB, best VP of all time!

I just want to see Alecs rap skills!

I hear he loves titration. What a novel obsession. Using rap music to up peoples prescription, what a sick world you all participate in.

How does Alec have any time for preparing for trial with all the time he spends creating characters to defend himself on CP? Anybody that was at Insys with Alec knows he is a criminal. ANYBODY. All the cafepharma posting in the world will not change that. We all know he is manic and an addict but his delusion with all these crazy posts under different anynonmous people is spectacular to watch. Keep posting Alec the Addict. We will all keep laughing as we imagine you thinking that you are fooling ANYBODY. Your whole team has turned on you.

First of all, great post Alec. I see you are building your defense. I like it. Go with the addict defense for sure. It is a good one.

But why do you not have these defamatory posts against you taken down like everyone else? Is it pride, strategy, or you just don't give a f-ck? That's the one thing that truly intrigues the hec out of me. Seriously, you may as well do what all the other CP cowards do! It is your right. You have no team though. They have all either been indicted or are already convicted felons. Not quite the team I'd want to be on, ya know?