who is Alec Burlakoff?

Not particularly. It depends on which side of his multi-faceted personality you are talking about.
Everyone is a mix of different personal traits, beliefs, and habits. Most of us take all these disparate parts and somewhere between childhood and becoming an adult, integrate them into a coherent behavior pattern that is consistent with our core values. Much of what happens after that depends on how sound those values are.

Then there are people like AB. They too are multifaceted, often charismatic and fun to be around. They say and do the most outrageous things but are usually forgiven. They are unpredictable, which can be exciting and often garners them "Life of the party" status. This can, at first glance, seem charming. They can make you feel like you are the most important person in the room. And for awhile, you might be.

The fact is, however, these sort of people have failed miserably at the fundamental task of becoming a responsible adult. In failing to harness their ego-centric childhood impulses and establish a some sort of adult based behavior code, they may look OK, even better than OK for awhile, but they are not.

There is a problem with a life absent boundaries and a personality not based upon core principles and beliefs. It leaves one navigating every consequential decision without any guide. There are no guard rails and most of these people end up smashed to pieces, on the jagged rocks, at the bottom of the cliff they sailed off of when they misjudged a curve. Unfortunately, they seldom drive alone.

Their life stories are often fascinating mixtures of extreme successes and abject failures. AB's story is not yet complete. That's all I know.

Reading the above just makes me want to see A.B. succeed even that much more. I used to love hearing him speak. There is just something about this guy, that makes you want to root for him. I think they call it gravitas. Yes. He definitely personifies this word. Agreed, AB's story is not yet complete, but there will be a happy ending for sure.

Reading the above just makes me want to see A.B. succeed even that much more. I used to love hearing him speak. There is just something about this guy, that makes you want to root for him. I think they call it gravitas. Yes. He definitely personifies this word. Agreed, AB's story is not yet complete, but there will be a happy ending for sure.

Charismatic is the word you are searching for. It's the part of him that you admired and apparently miss. He may well land on his feet and move on from this disaster. I've no idea how his story ends. Still, I imagine you are looking at long odds betting on a happy ending. But people can change.

The next part of the narrative is called "prison"

That usually helps people "find themselves" once they are done ripping off the government, manipulating people and embezzling money.

Not always, but sometimes.

Due to AB (and many others) contributing to the deaths of so many, they should all spend the rest of their lives in prison. YOU KILLED PEOPLE. MURDERERS! You deserve the same treatment as the many patients who unknowingly used Subsys off label.

I do hope Alec, and all who praise, him don't get the lube, in Hell.

We do praise Alec. He always returns our calls and never forgets us . He got me an interview and hired with in the past month. He is a selfless human being. Where the hec were you when we needed employment to put food on the table? Alec continues to be there, and he continues to build successful businesses across the nation. So yes, there are many of us who have families to feed who praise him. YOU will never turn us against AB.