Who has /had the worst manager

Seriously, think about it - Skippy with the Lion King musical playing and him on his flute singing at the top of his lungs. In full band uniform reminiscing of the good ol years. All while starring at that 5x10 picture of Joe. God this is making me cry.

Not sure if I offended Skippy but I along with others are waiting for his responses. Pumbaa can wait skip, stop the music and get those never callused hands and start typing. You owe it to this board

Love ya Skip

Oh, where, oh, where
Has my little Skippy gone?
Oh, where, oh, where
Can Skippy be?

With his pubes cut short
And bandmates on his shlong,
Oh, where, oh, where
Can he be?

Oh where, oh where
Has my little Skippy gone?
Oh, where, oh, where
Can he be?

Is he hiding for now
or crying outloud
Oh where , oh where
can Skippy be?

I left the company awhile ago and have stayed in contact with many others who have also left. Almost everyone I met had left within 2 years..most in 12 months.

Never in my working career have I ever met so many reps that truly hated a company.

These were good performing reps as well.

I remember the hold times to get hold of customer service being over an hour not to mention the delays in "live time reporting".

"Yes Dr, we can see the heart beat 10 secs after it happens however you most likely won't get notified for days if something happens"

I even had a rep tell me about a patient dying on the device and no one letting anyone know for days.


I left the company awhile ago and have stayed in contact with many others who have also left. Almost everyone I met had left within 2 years..most in 12 months.

Never in my working career have I ever met so many reps that truly hated a company.

These were good performing reps as well.

I remember the hold times to get hold of customer service being over an hour not to mention the delays in "live time reporting".

"Yes Dr, we can see the heart beat 10 secs after it happens however you most likely won't get notified for days if something happens"

I even had a rep tell me about a patient dying on the device and no one letting anyone know for days.


It’s pointless to try and argue or justify system and management failures here. There is no loyalty, company info is constantly shared with competitors and former employees (news flash), HR will run and tell Crapper, Tim will beg the moderators to remove the post or HR will respond to the person that they are angry as if what is posted is not true. There are a lot of current and former employees who are angry and have a right to be (in most cases). The company is shitty, 75% are ignorant and the remainder still try to do their jobs even when they are set up to fail. Many people have or make time to bash or tell the truth while others walked away (fired/quit/forced out) and could give a rat’s ass. Keep the entertainment going!!

Of course Liar Tim will beg the moderator he doesn't want to be exposed.

Why is Biotel such a Crappy place? Why do you treat your employees like Crap? Answer Us Mr Crapper.

The place is Crap because they don't really stand behind what they sell everyone. It's all smoke and mirrors at this place. The HR team is a joke specifically the Senior Directors and the VP of HR can't hold water and protects the wrong people. If they continue to treat staff as disposable the place will sink. Wake up Biotel and start holding yourself responsible for your actions and stop finger pointing. All the Executives need to come off the high horse and act like you care. Ridiculous