Who has /had the worst manager

I hear they have zero business in some of the southern states she was the rep in LOL!

I met four maybe five reps in a three-year period in the territory that she used to be a rep in. Not a single one of them could stand her. One even took an associate position at another medical device company. Left a territory manager position for an associate position. If that doesn’t ring alarm bells I don’t know what does

why they keep her I have no idea

I met four maybe five reps in a three-year period in the territory that she used to be a rep in. Not a single one of them could stand her. One even took an associate position at another medical device company. Left a territory manager position for an associate position. If that doesn’t ring alarm bells I don’t know what does

why they keep her I have no idea

Are you talking the one in the Southeast or the South?