Who has /had the worst manager

Crapper finally got his wish and am sure this made him along with his cronnies very wealthy. Interested in seeing where all the knob hobbing testicles end up. Lets face it, no way in hell does Philips even consider taking any of the current management team (they all suck). Couldnt happen at a better time

A lot of people made a ton of money. A lot of ae and managers made a ton of money. If you couldn’t make it here then you suck and didn’t make a penny. And the laugh is on you!!

A lot of people made a ton of money. A lot of ae and managers made a ton of money. If you couldn’t make it here then you suck and didn’t make a penny. And the laugh is on you!!
Hey Junior - Many of us made cash when the original CEO (Jim Sweeney) provided his higher reps a significant amount of options. I also know many have already cashed in on these shares. We often laugh about todays Biotelemtry reps when we gather for a beverage the reps Biotelemtry employ today. It once had a superior product that was the gems of all gems. Superior product, superior customer service and superior 1 of a kind reporting system. This company has become a laughing stock in this space today. Keep towing the company line because within 12 months you'll end up on the unemployment line. Keep on believing you made a significant difference within your territory. Make sure you update your brag book chump

Lets just say there's more people trying to leave this company vs. the Mexicans trying to enter our borders

The Management is clueless and they have no respect for the sales people unless they can use them as "stars" to show them off to the other lower caste reps. Somehow the top 10 always remain the same for about a 5 year period. These top 10 always receive preferential treatment in quotas and territory protection. These bots set the tone for the sales division and keep the rest of the salespeople in line so there is no diversion of the party line. This maintains the no dissent character of management. If you lose an account it's your fault. Then when one of the stars lose their shine the males are run out of the company and the females receive lifetime gravy assignments so everyone can remember how legendary they were in the field of dreams.

Thus there is no honest communication regarding the abysmal level of service and the products that do not function. One of the main issues is the archaic backend/software system is literally over 25 years old.

Have faith Wall Street the sycophants from Phillips will with the help of Andy and Company run this thing into a mountain in a fogbank.

The Management is clueless and they have no respect for the sales people unless they can use them as "stars" to show them off to the other lower caste reps. Somehow the top 10 always remain the same for about a 5 year period. These top 10 always receive preferential treatment in quotas and territory protection. These bots set the tone for the sales division and keep the rest of the salespeople in line so there is no diversion of the party line. This maintains the no dissent character of management. If you lose an account it's your fault. Then when one of the stars lose their shine the males are run out of the company and the females receive lifetime gravy assignments so everyone can remember how legendary they were in the field of dreams.

Thus there is no honest communication regarding the abysmal level of service and the products that do not function. One of the main issues is the archaic backend/software system is literally over 25 years old.

Have faith Wall Street the sycophants from Phillips will with the help of Andy and Company run this thing into a mountain in a fogbank.

You sound like a guy with a small willy or a quota that exceeds your skill set