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Which Field Positions Bring Value?


So with the ecosystem model a few years old…can’t even remember when we switched. I thought we might discuss what we have learned, and which positions bring value and actually generate revenue.

Ranked in order of importance to revenue and value:

#1 Therapeutic Area Manager:
- hands down the worker bees that generate revenue and pay everyone’s salaries, as well as keeping the lights on. Most under rated and disrespected position within the company.

#2 MSL
- in tandem with the TAM they bring a lot of value to our customers

#3 HED & HD
- bring value provided they do not disturb the TAM’s with unneeded calls and exercises. Stay in your office. Don’t call us, we will call you if we need anything.

Eliminate everyone else.

BEM - window dressing - not needed - waste of money
TLL - not needed - TAM’s do all their work anyway
CRM - ridiculous waste of money
FRM - overrated position. They simply take credit for TAM’s hard work and efforts.

In House Positions: too many to list - a lot of waste

Agreed. TAM’s get the lowest pay and no respect, and yet they are the ones keeping the lights on! I would also agree we have no need for TLL’s. CRM’s, or this many FRM’s. Keep one or two FRM’s per ecosystem based on size. Too many HD’s know nothing, yet pretend they do. They all need to stay out of the way of the TAM’s.

What is going to be fun to watch is the made up awards to hand out.

Top Arse Kisser
Hardest Attempted Arse Kisser
Best Zoom Arse Kisser
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Best Arse Kisser Health of the Ecosystem

TLL's = waste of time, money, and they try to manage (horrible)
HD's = pompous, incompetent, and uninspiring
BEM's = wow, you got a contract signed???!! Look at the big boy!!!
FRM's = wow, you sent someone to Access Solutions???! Such a good girl

FRM’s in Ophtha work extremely hard. Between launching a device and the many obstacles with step therapy, they work into the evenings and are putting out many fires daily while educating ASC’s and Hopd’s how to code a device. You cannot lump them in with the greater FRM community

1. MSL
2. TAM
3. HED
4. Medical FDs
5. TLLs
6. MEDs
7. FRM
8. HD

Too many in the Ecosystem touching customers. Customer wants 1 point of contact not 10. Just like they are re-designing Medical they should re-design the Ecosystems too!

FRM’s in Ophtha work extremely hard. Between launching a device and the many obstacles with step therapy, they work into the evenings and are putting out many fires daily while educating ASC’s and Hopd’s how to code a device. You cannot lump them in with the greater FRM community

This must be a comment from a Lucentis FRM. I worked there and can say bullshit. They work when they want, not when the customer wants and they know they hey can string accounts along. The implant is a dead skunk that has been decomposing on the side of the road in 95 degree heat so don’t have high hopes there. Your GPO people work harder to dilute the cost of the drug by offering incentives to accounts for buying 2 more syringes than last quarter than the FRMs.

TAMs are only valuable when delivering Subway sandwiches to feed an office staff.

Who are you kidding? You haven't worked at all in two years and sales have hardly been affected.

We should outsource the TAM role to UberEats.

I think the first poster was mostly correct. Here are a few changes and suggestions:

#1 Therapeutic Area Manager: - Key to keeping our messaging in front of customers. That said, even though we are considered "lean" we could do with many fewer TAMs. How often can we and do we get in front of customers at this point? Seems like a 50% trim would be about right. All I hear is how Access continues to be a problem.

#2 MSL - Needed to deliver most of the information that physicians want. After all, most of our products have been on the market for a long time. The labeled indications are pretty clear. The good ones are proactive and a benefit to the medical community. The bad ones sit at home waiting for the phone to ring and blaming CROs for slow enrollment.

#3 HED & HD - These are only necessary to do contracting, manage and hire people, and move projects though the system. If we pulled back on TAMs and removed the BEM team, we still need about 25% fewer.

#4 EM - Ecosystem Marketers have received a bad rap in both the transition to this new model and their expertise. The best of these know and lead engagement in marketing and customer engagement. When the HDs do not have the expertise, this is a vital role. Once again, with fewer HDs, this position could be a great partner to the TAMs.

Eliminate everyone else.

BEM - Waste of money if the HD can update customer contracting.
CRM/FRM - Maybe only need 1 per ecosystem to help get patients on drug. So many of these just help to route people to GPF.
MEDs - Really? Maybe 1 per ecosystem. They do not know the products and have had limited success in true executive exchanges. I don't blame them as much as I blame the level of authority and decision making they are given. Seems like a success is a meeting without any follow up or results.
CEM - I cannot believe we still employ these people. Ridiculously expensive for the limited engagements. Maybe contract educators would be better

Get rid of BEMs and XFRMs. Lets HD two More HDs to the work. Honesty HDs are two insulated and don't know the business and the BEMs BS bingo the issue for job security..

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