How to destroy field medical

The irony of a project called CLEAR which hasn't been clear, promising transparency and then providing none, saying the field is involved but mentioning your consultants numerous times. I disagree that we aren't consistent at FMT, some of the leaders have been consistently disappointing (look at Cathy's post above) and Bea has been made to believe that the problem are the MSLs.
Some MRSD rolls up during the coffee chat asking about Amgen's field excellence team? We solve bureacracy with more bureacracy? What a crock! Seems like we are solving problems with the same tools that created them - more paperwork and jargon

As we heard from CLEAR even our new Queen B is struggling to make progress. To think a FD or anyone in FMLT has the power to lead is like believing in the tooth fairy. I don’t think they are all bad leaders but lack the power to actually lead which is probably why they are all so checked out. Except the MED org, they are working hard to make sure they keep a job…. doing what I still don’t know. Can anyone in this company actually take action or is being a leader here all about the lip service delivery skills. That would explain the Genentech sucks and blows thread punt intended.

Couldn’t agree more with the last comment except this animosity between MSLs thinking they are the only ones working is ridiculous because MEDs have been working all along and the MSLs do need consistency, medical excellence whatever you want to call it.
MSLs are not operating the same, there’s no accountability by their leadership (that’s not on you) but if you think MSLs are operating functionally they aren’t and yes other companies are doing it better..fact!

Couldn’t agree more with the last comment except this animosity between MSLs thinking they are the only ones working is ridiculous because MEDs have been working all along and the MSLs do need consistency, medical excellence whatever you want to call it.
MSLs are not operating the same, there’s no accountability by their leadership (that’s not on you) but if you think MSLs are operating functionally they aren’t and yes other companies are doing it better..fact!
You could eliminate 50% of the Ecosystem MEDs and not feel a thing. MSLs need better direction but at least they can make an impact and drive the business. Meanwhile who knows what the MEDs are doing outside of sitting on internal calls 90% of the day.

Couldn’t agree more with the last comment except this animosity between MSLs thinking they are the only ones working is ridiculous because MEDs have been working all along and the MSLs do need consistency, medical excellence whatever you want to call it.
MSLs are not operating the same, there’s no accountability by their leadership (that’s not on you) but if you think MSLs are operating functionally they aren’t and yes other companies are doing it better..fact!
MEDs are inconsistent. Look at the new MED from commercial from Chicago. Let's start calling out all the incompetent MEDs on this thread. Clearly Bea is reading them, might as well give her reasons to "check in"

Bea has such a headache on her hands she is in real deep! She needs to remove most of the leadership around her or she will never be effective even if she has good intentions. The MEDs are not the “entire” problem the FDs we report to are and their bosses. Give us a leader we can respect. Please

Definitely lost a great deal of the pride I felt working for this company when I first came on. I quit telling my friends at other companies what is going on because it so embarrassing. Nobody at the leadership level has a clue and just run around speaking in riddles to try and make themselves feel important. Morale across the board is in the gutter and nobody is gonna change will just fade away through attrition and turnover. More than half of the entire field medical team has turned over since the original ecosystem roll out in 2019/2020...expect continued chaos for the foreseeable future.

Definitely lost a great deal of the pride I felt working for this company when I first came on. I quit telling my friends at other companies what is going on because it so embarrassing. Nobody at the leadership level has a clue and just run around speaking in riddles to try and make themselves feel important. Morale across the board is in the gutter and nobody is gonna change will just fade away through attrition and turnover. More than half of the entire field medical team has turned over since the original ecosystem roll out in 2019/2020...expect continued chaos for the foreseeable future.
There is no mystery ITS THE ECOSYSTEM MODEL! You have mostly incompetent HED’s who hire all their friends as HD’s who know nothing about the local payers or hospitals, ridiculous metrics, no sales tied to compensation and then there is DEI. It’s so depressing watching the fall of Genentech.

There is no mystery ITS THE ECOSYSTEM MODEL! You have mostly incompetent HED’s who hire all their friends as HD’s who know nothing about the local payers or hospitals, ridiculous metrics, no sales tied to compensation and then there is DEI. It’s so depressing watching the fall of Genentech.
What's the endgame here? Change the Medical culture by attrition? If so many people are unhappy with leadership why havent we seen a large turnover? Or is it just a few people stirring up the pot here?

But people are staying and getting promoted! Look at Cathy's email - sent out multiple times with different names

What an incompetent, disconnected leader - cant even proofread.

so many asking what IS the end game here, try and close your eyes and dream of orange cake wings and fly over the elms to your private safe nest in the willows
I can only wish we would be told the end game straight up. That would give our scientific, Type A personalities something to anchor to. But after 15+ years at GNE, the reality is that we will be continually asked to believe the company poops rainbows, unicorns and puppies.

It’s simple people haven’t left because the pay/package of benefits and golden handcuff LTI is amazing (if stock increases) so we have complacent, arrogant, negative FMT that leadership has allowed to act this way with entitlement. Leadership has also not provided vision or accountability or motivation for people to change. There are some talented people here but they get bored and undisciplined if you leave them without leadership. Also other companies don’t respect Genentech on a resume anymore so it’s not that simple to leave. TAMs don’t sell and we can’t land on metrics and guess what they know that. S

It’s simple people haven’t left because the pay/package of benefits and golden handcuff LTI is amazing (if stock increases) so we have complacent, arrogant, negative FMT that leadership has allowed to act this way with entitlement. Leadership has also not provided vision or accountability or motivation for people to change. There are some talented people here but they get bored and undisciplined if you leave them without leadership. Also other companies don’t respect Genentech on a resume anymore so it’s not that simple to leave. TAMs don’t sell and we can’t land on metrics and guess what they know that. S
Lets get rid of all the PharmD "leaders"! Mix it up. All these pharmacists spend time is role clarity, cant innovate for sh*t.

It’s simple people haven’t left because the pay/package of benefits and golden handcuff LTI is amazing (if stock increases) so we have complacent, arrogant, negative FMT that leadership has allowed to act this way with entitlement. Leadership has also not provided vision or accountability or motivation for people to change. There are some talented people here but they get bored and undisciplined if you leave them without leadership. Also other companies don’t respect Genentech on a resume anymore so it’s not that simple to leave. TAMs don’t sell and we can’t land on metrics and guess what they know that. S
This post is so spot on it’s not funny!!! Fire 50-75% of the MEDs and you will not feel a thing.

Bring back the MCL role to drive role clarity and stop the charades of MEDs being HEDs “counter-part”. Ridiculous.

Time to hold everyone accountable and purge these entitled brats wherever they hide!

This post is so spot on it’s not funny!!! Fire 50-75% of the MEDs and you will not feel a thing.

Bring back the MCL role to drive role clarity and stop the charades of MEDs being HEDs “counter-part”. Ridiculous.

Time to hold everyone accountable and purge these entitled brats wherever they hide!
Purge the HD ranks while you’re at it. Helpless nimrods do more harm than good.