How to destroy field medical

Well let’s hear it. Bad days ahead you say well we have already had plenty of them. So are we talking about reductions in headcount or micro manager metrics or a watered down MSL role or MEDs managing MSLs? You can’t just drop it and not spill it.
Roche is really tightening the belt these days, cutting costs wherever they can. Each department seems to be trimming headcount to look good on paper. I’ve seen this kind of thing before, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bea decides to slash the number of MSLs. She’s probably too nervous to touch the MEDs or FDs because she’s a stickler for the chain of command. Moreover, they might fire more people from HQ before the non-competes bans set into place in September.

Well that was an informative email from Bea! Seems a lot of thought went in to new acronyms with very little explanation of implications. Let’s just toss the game board into the air and start over because we are overdue for a shakeup. At least there will be a good six months or so of transition. The obvious solution would have been to get rid of the MEDs. But when Dean Alford, architect of the “highly successful” ecosystem model, is a voice in the room, what do we expect!

Well that was an informative email from Bea! Seems a lot of thought went in to new acronyms with very little explanation of implications. Let’s just toss the game board into the air and start over because we are overdue for a shakeup. At least there will be a good six months or so of transition. The obvious solution would have been to get rid of the MEDs. But when Dean Alford, architect of the “highly successful” ecosystem model, is a voice in the room, what do we expect!
Have you taken a good look at our pipeline lately? Enterprise is the prize to enter the path of Basel, no doubt about it. But let me tell you, Bea isn't sticking around for all these changes—they're just not her thing. We should've let go of the DEI group a while back.

Totally agree. Bea is not sticking around to see how well this works out. She will be gone in less than 18 months, moving on up the Basel ladder that neither Jamie or Rav could find a firm foothold on. To her credit she seems to lack the armpit or cronyism issues that they both suffered from. The proposed changes seem reasonable, but she (like Toby) is not our friend.

Totally agree. Bea is not sticking around to see how well this works out. She will be gone in less than 18 months, moving on up the Basel ladder that neither Jamie or Rav could find a firm foothold on. To her credit she seems to lack the armpit or cronyism issues that they both suffered from. The proposed changes seem reasonable, but she (like Toby) is not our friend.
You are all vultures man. You got exactly what you wanted, every manager is gone, yet you aren’t happy. its a choice at a certain point